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Just a thought about the U.S.

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Very welcoming to anyone who's not an American here on the forum.

Sudenly I feel all warm and fuzzy.

Excuse me, you shouldn't take offense. Your government and your countrymen don't call us fat and ugly. So, yours is not a country hostile to the USA, and Greg's message doesn't apply.

In fact, there's very little difference between Canada and the USA at all. Other than you guys have been experimenting with socialist medicine for years. But, there's a stampede of Canadians to the US for medical treatment.

And, for that matter, a little known fact is that more homes in Arizona were purchased by Canadians in the past couple of years than any other nationality ... including Californians and Martians. :lol:


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I forgot about the lego man in space.Dont forget the CANADA ARM on the space shuttles

Excuse me, you shouldn't take offense. Your government and your countrymen don't call us fat and ugly. So, yours is not a country hostile to the USA, and Greg's message doesn't apply.

In fact, there's very little difference between Canada and the USA at all. Other than you guys have been experimenting with socialist medicine for years. But, there's a stampede of Canadians to the US for medical treatment.

And, for that matter, a little known fact is that more homes in Arizona were purchased by Canadians in the past couple of years than any other nationality ... including Californians and Martians. :lol:


Not sure about this stampede you talk of.Our "expermental" heath care has been working well for decades,as well as our banking system.Just saying

Edited by mistermodel
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Excuse me, you shouldn't take offense. Your government and your countrymen don't call us fat and ugly. So, yours is not a country hostile to the USA, and Greg's message doesn't apply.

In fact, there's very little difference between Canada and the USA at all. Other than you guys have been experimenting with socialist medicine for years. But, there's a stampede of Canadians to the US for medical treatment.

And, for that matter, a little known fact is that more homes in Arizona were purchased by Canadians in the past couple of years than any other nationality ... including Californians and Martians. :lol:


.....but a big difference between Canadians and Americans.

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The truth is compared to other nations, we are fat... Real Fat. Stupid we are not. Fat we absolutely, as a nation, are.

Whaddya mean, fat? I'm gonna have the rest of the box of jelly donuts I started on this morning, and sit in front of the computer some more...........maybe a big juicy burger on the grille, with fries and ummmmm....baked beans. Yeah, that sounds good. Then a couple of beers and some chips-n-dip while I watch a movie. Then some ice cream. How could I possibly be fat? I'll work it all off going back and forth to the kitchen.......

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Here is some cool stuff about mars from a guy that worked for NASA,. His name is Richard Hoagland. He talks about the face on Mars and something way over my head called HYPER DIMENSIONAL PHYSICS. He is a guest on COAST TO COAST AM with George Noory. It used to be the Art Bell show or something like that. He says the face on Mars is the same face that is on the Sphinx in Egypt.

Edited by Greg Wann
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Don't be so close-minded. The space program is responsible for all sorts of scientific and medical advances that filter their way into everyday life. The Mars probe will probably result in more scientific advances that wind up helping society in many ways. Yeah, they're not going to find little green men, but there are definite benefits to space exploration besides finding aliens!

For example... I found this online:

Under the Space Act of 1958, NASA has had a mandate to share all the information it has gained with the public. Here are a few of the practical applications that have resulted from technologies and information learned by space scientists:

  • CAT scans
  • MRIs
  • Kidney dialysis machines
  • Heart defibrillator technology
  • Remote robotic surgery
  • Artificial heart pump technology
  • Physical therapy machines
  • Positron emission tomography
  • Microwave receivers used in scans for breast cancer
  • Cardiac angiography
  • Monitoring neutron activity in the brain
  • Cleaning techniques for hospital operating rooms
  • Portable x-ray technology for neonatal offices and 3rd world countries
  • Freeze-dried food
  • Water purification filters
  • ATM technology
  • Pay at the Pump satellite technology
  • Athletic shoe manufacturing technique
  • Insulation barriers for autos
  • Image-processing software for crash-testing automobiles
  • Holographic testing of communications antennas
  • Low-noise receivers
  • Cordless tools
  • A computer language used by businesses such as car repair shops, Kodak, hand-held computers, express mail
  • Aerial reconnaissance and Earth resources mapping
  • Airport baggage scanners
  • Distinction between natural space objects and satellites/warheads/rockets for defense
  • Satellite monitors for nuclear detonations
  • Hazardous gas sensors
  • Precision navigation
  • Clock synchronization
  • Ballistic missile guidance
  • Secure communications
  • Study of ozone depletion
  • Climate change studies
  • Monitoring of Earth-based storms such as hurricanes
  • Solar collectors
  • Fusion reactors
  • Space-age fabrics for divers, swimmers, hazardous material workers, and others
  • Teflon-coated fiberglass for roofing material
  • Lightweight breathing system used by firefighters
  • Atomic oxygen facility for removing unwanted material from 19th century paintings
  • FDA-adopted food safety program that has reduced salmonella cases by a factor of 2
  • Multispectral imaging methods used to read ancient Roman manuscripts buried by Mt. Vesuvius

Most people do not give NASA or space research high priority when they consider what the government needs to fund. However, as seen here, NASA has provided much more than just information about the universe at large, but practical applications that have saved lives, improved the quality of life, and provided high-paying jobs in the private sector. The spinoffs listed here are just a part of what NASA and others have accomplished by sharing information and technology.

Yeah these things have improved standard of living . No argument there. But these things were not conceived, engineered, built and tested in space. They were built here on earth no?

Many great things are have resulted from american army research, but the motivating factor is finding a easier way to kill people. The usefull things are merely a bonus. Can it even be calculated how much has been spent on sending rockets and telescopes into space and beyond? Tens of trillions perhaps. I read somewhere that the states of arizona, california and new mexico alone have the solor energy potential to fuel the entire united states of america. So close minded-ness in my opinion is take the easy way out and simply rape the earth and oceans for oil rather than spend the money to take advantage of the sun. Colonizing another planet would be cool, but not at the expense of not having a healthy planet to return to.

Edited by sak
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how can you marginalize ANY of those developments as simply "improving the quality of life"? by the way, we ARE in "Space"; right along with every OTHER bit of stardust and molecule of gas in the Universe. we just HAPPEN to be on the Earth at the same time.

and "the american army research" you refer to is by no means the ONLY source of constant technical advancements; throughout our history, Technology has been driven by Military need, not by social need. that's just the way it is, not a statement of criticism of ANY political nature. Solar power HAS been CONSTANTLY improved upon since it's inception, better methods of transforming Solar rays into usable energy with smaller cells that cost less to produce are the goal of many researchers.

and , btw; who's to say when MAN first gazed into the night sky and wondered HOW to get THERE from HERE? it wasn't simply in the last century. it's been a mainstay of nearly all civilizations with a recorded history.

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Not only not tie their shoes, but cannot tell time on a clock. The last ten years or so that I have taught 7th and 8th graders, about 90% could not look at the clock in the classroom and tell you the time. They are the digital generation and are used to the time on a cell phone, computer, etc. They also run you absolutely crazy trying to teach grammar and correct usage of punctuation, capitalization,etc. They have texted so much they no longer can write a complete answer in sentence form, much less a page or paper.

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Howard, I am still an elementary school teacher. I have been for over 18 years now. Your reference to the challenge of teaching 'grammar and correct usage of punctuation, capitalization, etc.' pertains to a much broader group than just the one you eluded to. LOL :lol:

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