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Drop test!


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I built this about a year or so ago. I thought I would change out the wheels/tires with something more custom.


This had to happen eventually. Don't even know how! Just slipped right through my hands....


The family jumped from the sound of plastic hitting the floor, my youngest standing in the door way was horrified!

They all ran for cover!The model failed the test, but I believe I passed this one, no anger, no new language, no jumping up and down on the pieces!

I just picked up the major pieces, searched for the rest of them and placed it back in the dust cover.


And that's where is will stay. At least for now....

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That is a shame. It's been a long time since I have done that. But I wasn't as fortunate. :unsure: Glad to see all the parts are completely in tact. It shouldn't take long to glue it all back together. On the bright side, it made it easier to deal with the wheels without snapping an antenna or something...that's where it gets super frustrating.

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Just a longer than average trial fit.


The "Drop Test" happends to all of us at one point or another. Disapointing for sure, but it looks repairable (from the pics). If you can't rebuild this one, then at least you have a great foundation for the next build (or a resource for spare parts).

Good luck and don't give up on this one!

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ARRRGGHHH Happened to me, my 57 utilty,...I ws rearranging shelves and just didnt grip the display case like I should have. Hit the floor and looked pretty much the same way Yours does. I started putting it back together,.....still not done. And that was back in February or March.

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Oha...it looked so beautiful, before it dropped. Please fit it the same look it was.

My horrible "drop test" was about three years ago on a friday 13th, when my upper glass bottom in my vitrine broke down and took four more bottoms with it. "haha...only 16 models broken..."...and all parts on a heap.

Buck up!

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I posted this subject in the General section at first, (Moved by Mod) because I felt it was more of a test for me than for the car.

Interesting! Almost all replies are about the model. As I mentioned my family heard the drop, my youngest daughter standing not more than 3 feet away.

Would you, COULD you keep your composure?

I hang out with a group where the people come first and the models come later, nice to know I can can still walk away.

It will get put back together some day and with the mags. But for now it sits atop the cabinet with the other trophies.

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Put it back together and forget about the custom wheels , It looks much better with the stock caps and white walls !

I have to agree with this. While I hate that it ever got broken to begin with, it doesn't appear that you'll have to do anything more than reglue the various subassemblies to restore it to pre-drop condition.

As regards your plans to change wheels etc, I hope you'll reconsider. This was an excellent rendition of the 1:1 car, and IMNSHO deserves to stay that way. Anyone can slap Cragars on a kit. Nailing a showroom stock look is a whole 'nother matter.

Kudos on your composure. Sounds like you're dealing with it better than I used to.

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