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56 Chrysler Windsor


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I just got home from work and thought that I'd type out a quick post. I got a start on my side trim tonight at work. I had sprayed a quick coat of primer on the rear fins before work so I could check the look of them. They turned out pretty nice with only a couple of pinholes to fill and a couple spots of putty to sand down. I'll post some pics tomorrow (today actually) when I wake up.


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As promised I have some photos to share.

I received my 50 Caddy rear bumper. What a nice piece.


I began cutting some of the width out of it and I had to grind out some of the back of it to get it to tuck up to the body.


This is where it sits now. I haven't gotten back to finishing it.

So, after sanding down the second coat of putty and a quick coat of primer I got to work on the side trim.


I added a small strip of styrene to extend the bottom piece of trim with the idea of making the trim to replicate the molded in trim. Then I came to my senses and I think I will be making a mold of the lower trim from a second body to replicate this. I think it will be the easier way to go. So I will be removing that small strip of styrene near the taillight.

Next I took a strip of .020 X .020 and glued it in place for the upper trim piece.



Now to get the driver's side to match.

That is all I got done on my breaks last night. At least I'm making forward progress. Once I get the trim on I think I will be finishing the door panels OR chopping the top. Stay tuned.


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That was merely an accident. I thought that they were just extra resin from the mold. I cut them off before I realized they were supposed to be there. (Kicking myself now) I'll have to make new ones.

I'm really thinking strongly about ordering that 49 Caddy front grille and bumper from Modelhaus that you posted to use on my 51 Chevy Fleetline build.


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I know I came in pretty late on this one (nice work, BTW!) but it might have been easier to have snared a JoHan/X-EL '56 Desoto for the rear quarters and the front valance, as Desoto used the same sheet metal in '56 as did Chrysler, with only minor differences in the grille opening, and of course different taillights and rear bumpers.

Just a thought.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I got some progress made one this one amongst sneezing and wiping my nose.

I got the driver's side chrome on to match the passenger side. It's not as pretty but it'll work. I did some more work on fitting the rear bumper but it is fighting me. I had to build up the lower part of the taillights and that is in the first stage. Gonna take quite a bit of work there. To help save my sanity I worked on something simple. I began constructing the interior door panels. First I removed all of the molding. Then, using the only two photos I have of the interior I made my best guess.

Here is one of the photos from the mag article.


Here is what I have so far.



After I primer and paint these I will add the chrome accents using thin wire.

Now that I look closer at it the top piece

should go all the way to the top of the door. The upper chrome accent is in the center of the light blue section. Should be an easy fix by making another piece ti glue above it and the chrime accent will go over the dividing line. I'll fix thar in the morning.

Once I get the rear bumper and fenders ironed out I'll shoot some photos of that.

Thanks for tuning in.


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This is the fix I was talking about.


The top of the door panel needed filled in. It took about a minute to do with scrap. Once the glue dries thoroughly I can trim and sand it to shape. Then I can put the wire on it after paint. Got to do the passenger door now.


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