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What Irked You Today?


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I don't believe that Craig, as that's just not cool. I've be to shopping at many stores looking to buy a cap with the brim in the back, but they must be out of stock, as nobody sells them. Darn!

You've probably been looking for them in the wrong place. They're usually in the next aisle over from the left-handed hammers.

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People "camping out" in the passing lane. Despite the fact that there are multiple signs advising for "slower traffic keep right" on the stretch of highway I live on, some people just will not have the decency to move over when you come up behind them.

Now, this would not be so bad if you could actually pass on the right, which again I should not have to, but it is usually with someone in the cruising lane as well so both lanes get blocked. This 12 mile stretch is consistently congested simply because traffic cannot flow.

Yes, there are laws in most states about it, but regardless people just do not seem to understand the basic concept of courtesy.

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Honestly, I've been zipping along running 15+ over in the slow lane and get passed like I'm doing the posted limit. Other times, I can be cruising at 5 under in the fast lane passing people like they're sitting still............and usually it's one of the above Toyotas, or in some sort of pre-bailout Buick sedan.........

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Oh, usually here in Illinois, you're only supposed to spend just enough time in the passing lane to get around slower moving traffic then get back over in the slow lane, and then you shouldn't even be running any faster than reasonable to pass a slower vehicle. Technically, we shouldn't be speeding or running slow enough to block traffic. I don't see many people get pulled over speeding unless it's in an area that is watched closely and I haven't ever see anybody running below the limit get pulled over for restricting the flow of traffic.

Edited by Joe Handley
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So ... how fast do you have to drive to be in the left lane? 10 over? 20 over? 30 over? There's always some jerk who thinks it's not fast enough.

You do not have to be "over" any speed. Regardless of the speed you are driving, our state's law says you yield to the faster traffic behind you. As the sign says, "slower traffic, keep right". So, if you are doing 50, and someone is behind you doing say 55, then you yield the lane. In this case, the speed limit is 65, and folks consistently run 55. On this particular highway, that can create unnecessary congestion. I am not asking them to run 75, just allow the flow of traffic, which is the law in MOST states.

In at least 8 states the law actually says that you must keep right at all times unless passing, like Joe's state of Illinois above. For most states tho, the law simply states "slower" traffic keeps right. SO yeah, if you are doing 95, and someone comes up on you doing 96, then yup, more over, let them by, then you can smile, waive and laugh at them if they get pulled over.

The Uniform Vehicle Code states:

"Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic ..."

Note that this law refers to the "normal" speed of traffic, not the "legal" speed of traffic. The 60 MPH driver in a 55 MPH zone where everybody else is going 65 MPH must move right. Contrast Alaska's rule, 13 AAC 002.50, allowing vehicles driving at the speed limit to use the left lane, and Colorado rev. stat. 42-4-1103, prohibiting blocking the "normal and reasonable" movement of traffic.

Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic ...

I am not encouraging people to speed, just be courteous and obey the law the same as expecting speeders not to speed.

Oh, and Joe, you are correct, your state is a KEEP right state. Here is a list with links to each states code.


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You do not have to be "over" any speed. Regardless of the speed you are driving, our state's law says you yield to the faster traffic behind you. As the sign says, "slower traffic, keep right". So, if you are doing 50, and someone is behind you doing say 55, then you yield the lane. In this case, the speed limit is 65, and folks consistently run 55. On this particular highway, that can create unnecessary congestion. I am not asking them to run 75, just allow the flow of traffic, which is the law in MOST states.

In at least 8 states the law actually says that you must keep right at all times unless passing, like Joe's state of Illinois above. For most states tho, the law simply states "slower" traffic keeps right. SO yeah, if you are doing 95, and someone comes up on you doing 96, then yup, more over, let them by, then you can smile, waive and laugh at them if they get pulled over.

The Uniform Vehicle Code states:

"Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic ..."

Note that this law refers to the "normal" speed of traffic, not the "legal" speed of traffic. The 60 MPH driver in a 55 MPH zone where everybody else is going 65 MPH must move right. Contrast Alaska's rule, 13 AAC 002.50, allowing vehicles driving at the speed limit to use the left lane, and Colorado rev. stat. 42-4-1103, prohibiting blocking the "normal and reasonable" movement of traffic.

Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic ...

I am not encouraging people to speed, just be courteous and obey the law the same as expecting speeders not to speed.

Oh, and Joe, you are correct, your state is a KEEP right state. Here is a list with links to each states code.


Bingo. Mark pretty much said it all right there. If someone wants to drive faster than you, be courteous, move to the right and let them pass. Then point and laugh at them a couple of miles later while a trooper is writing them a ticket.

Up here, once a year the police have a "left lane bandit" blitz to ticket drivers who hog the left lane by driving slowly and impeding the flow of traffic. They should do it about once a month. It would be one heck of a great way for them to generate revenue. And it would teach some of the ignorant drivers that they cannot just drive wherever they feel like.

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My father in law was one of those guys! His take was that the speed limit was 55 and if he was doing that, nobody should be passing him. So he'd sit in the left lane and people would honk and curse at him. NJ is one of those states where everyone goes as fast as they can.

I used to have a neighbor who was a state trooper patrolling the Garden State Parkway. He told me that during rush hour they didn't like to pull over cars because the sight of a pull over slowed down traffic due to rubber necking. He said as long as traffic was flowing, they'd leave it be. The cars they would pull over are those guys who would weave in and out and cause issues because they were unsafe.

I drove the parkway for years. Commuters pretty much have it down. It's a finely choreographed ballet where the entire flow will be going at 75, then stop dead without incident, and a few minutes later it's back at 75... that was after my father in law retired of course!

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Lane hogs are a problem in the UK too. The law here is that the outside lane(s) are for overtaking only but a lot of people seem to stick in the middle lane regardless, turning a 3 lane highway into a 2 lane. And there are some who resent it when you flash your lights or blow your horn to get them to move over, giving rude hand signs or even braking hard then accelerating...


Edited by DonW
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What irked me today? My job. My manager in particular. Irked me to the point I took a sick day and came home to play with models. And avoid being terminated…. or incarcerated. I may play with models again tomorrow. Let me see how irked I feel in the A.M.

Man, do I hate my job….. I have THREE irons in three different fires. I hope one gets hot SOON! <_<

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Things like this are why I'll never live in a city.

I never had a break in until I moved to the country. Back garage was broken into that was 400 ft off the county road. Guys were caught finally after about 30 burglaries. They were robbing to get fixes of hillbilly heroin.

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Things like this are why I'll never live in a city.

I never had a break in until I moved to the country. Back garage was broken into that was 400 ft off the county road. Guys were caught finally after about 30 burglaries. They were robbing to get fixes of hillbilly heroin.

I have had the opposite happen in the city..just before Christmas this year...pretty much took or damaged all my stash from the last 40+ years. :( when we lived outside of town here never had a problem wish I could have stayed there....its almost enough to make one give up building.

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I really get ticked at people who are in the wrong lane and then do something really stupid to make up for it. Example: At the local mall there is a three lane wide exit with a cross street and traffic light. The right hand lane is a right turn only lane. The two lanes left proceed through the intersection to the entrance ramp to the freeway which coincidentally is two lanes wide. You always seem to get some idiot who can't read the signs and gets to the traffic light in the right turn lane when they want to enter the freeway. Rather than go ahead and make the right turn and come around again, they decide it is a three car wide drag race to see who can squeeze into the two lane onramp. DUMB!

Edited by Pete J.
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Changing the subject... I can't get a friggin can of paint here in Pennsylvania!

Last week I was working on my 24 Hour Build Dodge A100 pickup and I used a can of Testors One Coat Lacquer in the very cool "Flaming Orange" color. I had bought it in New Jersey at a club meeting back in maybe October. So good so far, the color looked absolutely cool on the pickup. I still had some details left to do... and I discovered that the tailgate I did during the build wasn't right, so I decided to do another one from a parts kit. And that's when this can of paint just went fssssss! So I need another can. No problem and I like to color enough to use on another build too.

So I head up to Michaels with my 40% off coupon. I saw One Coat Lacquers in their locked paint case... what a pain in the tail! Ring the little bell... some one comes all the way to you to ask if you rang the bell. Yes? Okay they'll go get the key. Then they can't find the key. Anyway, they got the case open and I grab the orange color and buy it.

I get home to discover I have "Fiery Orange" and NOT "Flaming Orange"!! Who knew there were two friggin oranges in that line. I reason that I also like "Fiery Orange" so I'll build my Jeep Rubicon in that color. Cool. So I head back up to Michaels with a fresh 40% off coupon and Nooooo they don't have "Flaming Orange". Not even a spot for it. So they just have a very limited group of colors in this line.

Then I figure I need to get Model Cars Magazine anyway so I head about 20 minutes to the Hobby Town USA in West Chester, PA. They did have the magazine, but no Testors One Coat Lacquers at all! What kind of shop is this... well, I already know that answer. So I remember I need to go to New Jersey on Saturday for my club meeting. And some of us head to Avenel Hobbies after the meeting, so I'll get it then. I'm impatient to get this model done, but I'll have to wait.

Today I was on my way home from work, and as I neared the Norristown exit, I remembered Main Line Hobbies in Plymouth Mall. Mere footsteps off the turnpike. Cool. And I'm expecting a snow day tomorrow so maybe I can get the truck done. I go there.. this shop is in the indoor mall... and as I near it.. it's DARK. The gate is pulled across locked. What the heck? Their hours show they're open 6 days a week and closed on Tuesday! What store closes on Tuesday?? And in the mall? I thought stores had to be open all mall hours. Friggin nuts.

So I am back to the plan of getting my paint in New Jersey on Saturday... but we're expecting major snow then! ARGH!

Edited by Tom Geiger
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Tom, I was thinking Testors just did a name change on that color. Have you done a test spray on something to see if the colors match? I saw both of those colors at my LHS on the same line in the paint rack.

No, Fiery Orange and Flaming Orange are two distinctly different colors. Flaming Orange is redder and darker than Fiery Orange.

I've seen them inhabiting one another's spaces in hobby shops, too, but that's only because careless people fail to put them in the proper rows.

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No, Fiery Orange and Flaming Orange are two distinctly different colors. Flaming Orange is redder and darker than Fiery Orange.

I've seen them inhabiting one another's spaces in hobby shops, too, but that's only because careless people fail to put them in the proper rows.

Correct. They are different colors. I have the cans side by side. At Michaels, they only had a few colors, and not the Flaming Orange I need. The Fiery Orange is also a cool color so I'll use it on something. I'm thinking my Jeep Rubicon.

I did get that wrong spot confusion though. My wife was going to Michaels for something else so I innocently asked her to get me another can of Testors Dullcote. The store lady gave her Testors clear, and told her it was the same thing. My wife decided to call me to double check, and I wound up in an argument with this stupid person (the store lady not my wife!) who finally conceded and gave my wife the can I asked for, gave her the Testors stock number and all.

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