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Wiley was an abused kitten we got from the humaim shelter and he remains petrified of humans .. you'll never find him when someone comes to the house!

He torments my wife as he HAS to examine anything new that appears on her chairside table. At least th emost he does is just bat it off the table. For whatever reason, he respects my modeling bench in th ebasement. He always comes down with me but just has his own route as I work. I've never cought him on the bench or found anything on the floor .. other than things I dropped there .. ehhe.

He's like all

'kids" nowadays .. they all want motorized toys .. !







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did the chipmunk make it? great looking cat. crazy things, they live in their own little world? glad to se this thread is active again.

No chipmunks were hurt in the filming of this post! He kept bringing it under the deck and letting it go ... only to retrieve again. Eventually the chipmunk found a smaller hole that the cats head. :)

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No chipmunks were hurt in the filming of this post! He kept bringing it under the deck and letting it go ... only to retrieve again. Eventually the chipmunk found a smaller hole that the cats head. :)

My cat used to catch moles in the back yard and carry them into the front flower garden. She then dropped them and watched them dig out of sight. When they were gone, she attacked the hole searching for them. My other cat used to capture Garter snakes and carry them around in his mouth. Never harmed a one. Can't say the same for birds, though...


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My cat used to catch moles in the back yard and carry them into the front flower garden. She then dropped them and watched them dig out of sight. When they were gone, she attacked the hole searching for them. My other cat used to capture Garter snakes and carry them around in his mouth. Never harmed a one. Can't say the same for birds, though...


maybe it's the females that are the vicious ones. we had a female outdoor cat and we would get the ever popular "thank you" remains from all kinds of rodents. she used to bring chipmunks into the garage and then hunt them down. sometimes leaving the whole thing laying at the door step.

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maybe it's the females that are the vicious ones. we had a female outdoor cat and we would get the ever popular "thank you" remains from all kinds of rodents. she used to bring chipmunks into the garage and then hunt them down. sometimes leaving the whole thing laying at the door step.

I don't own a cat but there is a neighborhood cat that sometimes hangs around. I've seen him sunning himself on my front steps, and have found the feathers of a doomed bird there also. This week he perfectly placed the bottom half of a mouse on my top step. I guess the top half was tastier, or he was just full!

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Mike Foxer , that is one handsome companion !! There's just some-thing about male Red Tabbies :) .

Al Tubbs , Through myt experiences , I've recognised that Calico and Tortiseshell cats (98% of them are female) are the best hunters !

Dan DieselDawg142 , Pigs do make for great pets ! There was a Norweigen family ( I was friends with their children , my peers ) whom had a pig as a pet . Tripped me out the first time I saw it !

It was very friendly ; it liked spending time on the couch with me (and other visitors whom weren't afraid of it ... ha ha ha) .

Here's a photo of Skully , a friends' kitten . He's half Scottish Fold , half British Shorthair :)


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Mike Foxer , that is one handsome companion !! There's just some-thing about male Red Tabbies :) .

Al Tubbs , Through myt experiences , I've recognised that Calico and Tortiseshell cats (98% of them are female) are the best hunters !

Dan DieselDawg142 , Pigs do make for great pets ! There was a Norweigen family ( I was friends with their children , my peers ) whom had a pig as a pet . Tripped me out the first time I saw it !

It was very friendly ; it liked spending time on the couch with me (and other visitors whom weren't afraid of it ... ha ha ha) .

Here's a photo of Skully , a friends' kitten . He's half Scottish Fold , half British Shorthair :)


Thanks for the info. and that is a beautiful cat. the eyes are half of it's head!! never seen eyes so big!

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I don't own a cat but there is a neighborhood cat that sometimes hangs around. I've seen him sunning himself on my front steps, and have found the feathers of a doomed bird there also. This week he perfectly placed the bottom half of a mouse on my top step. I guess the top half was tastier, or he was just full!

Cats do sometimes do that Tom. He must like you, he/she brought you a gift.

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I don't own a cat but there is a neighborhood cat that sometimes hangs around. I've seen him sunning himself on my front steps, and have found the feathers of a doomed bird there also. This week he perfectly placed the bottom half of a mouse on my top step. I guess the top half was tastier, or he was just full!

that was a common occurrence at my house for a while. we have a new outdoor cat. someone dumped the little girl on the street 3 months or so ago and she now resides in our garage. I would assume she will start bringing us "gifts" as she gets older.

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I'm sad to report the passing of my little guy, Ted. Here he is as he appeared on the Model King release of the 1979 Ford pickup kit. Doug Whyte photo shopped him into the model. Ted was 14 and had been slowly declining for some time. He was an amazing little character and knew something like 100 words. I greatly miss him!


He knew how to get comfortable! He loved to sleep in the leather chairs in our den. If you were there, he'd snuggle his way in close to you and fall asleep.


And my favorite Ted photo. This was the first time he was in the pool, and he loved it. It was my daughter's college graduation party. I had just gotten my new job in PA with a lot of promise, we had our new house and all of our family came to celebrate. We were on top of the world then, one of the best days! I'd love to step into this photo and relive that day!

I sure do miss the little guy!

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My little pal is a black and white male short hair cat. Named Stitches since when we got him as a kitten he had a huge gash in his side after he and his brother ran away for 3 months. He's about 4 or 5 now and knows how to be lazy but still has tons of play in him. And he's the best darn hunter there is. He's caught birds, squirrels, chipmunks, snakes, moles, shrews, mice, and if he knew he could take one down he would probably try for a deer!

He sleeps on my bed most nights especially in the winter. And is also my alarm clock. It's amazing what a cat standing on your head will do. That or scratching something that makes an annoying noise. He knows what will make noise enough to bother you until you're awake.

I'll have to get a picture up here.

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So sorry to hear about your DixieLou. We had a similar experience a few weeks ago when we lost our Ted. We had been out for a Saturday evening and came home to find him in distress on the kitchen floor. He was alive but he didn't recognize us and wasn't able to get to his feet. He was only a little guy, 20 lbs, so I scooped him up and ran him to the emergency 24 hr vet. We got the sad news and he was put to sleep sitting on my lap.

Pets are family. Condolences to your family on your loss.

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Wow, lots of adorable lil chookies here, I love em all. Lots of cats too, so I bring you "Bella Josephine Krusic", aka Foofy Girl, aka Shmoobies, aka Foofy Foofy and is friends to all cats in fact. Chihuahua are one of the few dog breads to get along very well with cats.

Named after a mountainous Mexican province/state, they were often used in large packs to hunt Grizzly. They are fearless and a few would die in the pursuit but they got the bear so tired being as nimble and quick as they are, that the hunters had an easy time of dispatching the beast.

At any rate, mine only hunts her food bowl and is startled by large leaves.

BTW, I feel for those who have lost there little ones. Mine soon approaches her time to go and we don't remember life before her.




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