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Most every rescue I've met seems to be grateful and happy to have been, well... rescued. I will go out on a limb and say rescues more so then not, make the most excellent pets.

I've actually met ppl that say dogs, cats, animals etc... don't have feelings and don't dream. They, by co-incidence, have never had a pet BTW.

My favorite is when they have running dreams, OMG how cute. They actually run etc... in there sleep.

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Sorry about your dogs, Dan and Tom.

I agree that people who think animals have no emotions are just unaware idiots themselves. Spend time around animals (with your eyes open and your brain turned on) and it's pretty obvious they think, feel, dream, and are self-aware (and smarter than a lot of humans I know).

Plus, they give you pretty much unconditional affection with no hidden agendas...well, except for wanting to be scratched behind the ears, have a warm place to sleep, and get fed fatty snacks. Seems like a good trade to me.

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Thanks Dan and condolences to you and your family too. Yes dogs are family, and they have the full range of emotions that make them good company. You don't realize how big a part of your life they are until they are gone. We only had Ted so the house is very quiet now with just the wife and I here. There are no spontaneous bursts of joy, no dog instigated snuggling and no ball playing. Ted was very smart and knew our daily schedule, especially when it was dinner time. He would follow that up with his usual 8pm begging for a chewie and later at 10pm, he'd advise me it was time for bed. He had emotions from joy, hurt, anger, love and even embarrassment. He was good company when I worked from home, my lunch companion and someone to break the silence of the big empty house. At night he'd sleep on his pillow next to our bed and my wife and him would often snore in tandem. Now there's just an empty spot where his pillow used to be. Yes we miss our Ted.

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Dan, I certainly feel for you over the loss of your dog. :(

This time of the year is kinda tough for me as it was the day after Thanksgiving in 2009 I had to have my KitKat put down. The tough thing was he wasn't quite 10 years old. He suffered from kidney failure and when it got to the point that he stopped eating and started "hiding", I knew it was time to let him go.

Here's a pic of him sitting in one of his favorite chairs in better days..........


Like your dogs, my other cat Captain and KitKat were best buds, They were not from the same litter--------I got KitKat about a month after I got Captain when Captain was maybe only 3 months old. I've had Captain when he was just seven weeks old------he was so tiny when I got him that he fit in the palm of my hand. Now he's nearly 13 years old, and his age is catching up with him. I don't look forward to the time when I'll have go through the same again. :(

Here they both are "cuddling up" on the couch.


I do have yet another cat............a big fat Manx (I originally thought she was a Japanese Bobtail, but she's definitely a Manx), that I showed you in another post. She's five years old now, and Captain has never quited warmed up to her. I got her when she was five months old, and I think the big age difference (seven years) is the reason they've never been close.

People who aren't cat or dog people don't quite understand why some of us get so sentimental over animals. Until they truly become a part of your life for the the better part of many (sometimes 20) years, you can't get a true sense of how well attached you can become.

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My furry companion, reminding me that if I don't get back to work on this, I won't be able to drive it. The cat's been with me for about 12 years, was a stray that wandered in after being dumped in the neighborhood, moved in after a couple of cans of tuna. She just recovered from a bad infection that required surgery and almost killed her. Some of my non-"pet-people" acquaintances just couldn't understand why I'd spend money on a "free" "stray" cat. She's an indoor-outdoor creature, still gets in fights (which is where she got the infection) and looks forlornly out the window if I keep her inside for her "protection". I understand her need for freedom, and her desire to have a warm, welcoming place to come back to.


Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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Dan, I certainly feel for you over the loss of your dog. :(

This time of the year is kinda tough for me as it was the day after Thanksgiving in 2009 I had to have my KitKat put down. The tough thing was he wasn't quite 10 years old. He suffered from kidney failure and when it got to the point that he stopped eating and started "hiding", I knew it was time to let him go.

Here's a pic of him sitting in one of his favorite chairs in better days..........


Like your dogs, my other cat Captain and KitKat were best buds, They were not from the same litter--------I got KitKat about a month after I got Captain when Captain was maybe only 3 months old. I've had Captain when he was just seven weeks old------he was so tiny when I got him that he fit in the palm of my hand. Now he's nearly 13 years old, and his age is catching up with him. I don't look forward to the time when I'll have go through the same again. :(

Here they both are "cuddling up" on the couch.


I do have yet another cat............a big fat Manx (I originally thought she was a Japanese Bobtail, but she's definitely a Manx), that I showed you in another post. She's five years old now, and Captain has never quited warmed up to her. I got her when she was five months old, and I think the big age difference (seven years) is the reason they've never been close.

People who aren't cat or dog people don't quite understand why some of us get so sentimental over animals. Until they truly become a part of your life for the the better part of many (sometimes 20) years, you can't get a true sense of how well attached you can become.

wow reading this put a bummer to my b-day
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glad to see this is still going, nice to see such caring people for their pets. my condolences to all for your losses. it's true, heartache about every 10 years or so, but boy-o-boy, that ten years are something else. I thank God for every one.

thanks for everyone who has shown their pets, shared their stories and losses. glad to see all the posts since I started this thread. keep the stories coming. I to go back and read what I have missed.

my Wilson is a pretty good watch dog and will bark at anything he seems is out of the ordinary.... as long as he is in the house. we live in farm country, so it is pretty quiet. well, with hunting season upon us, there is more shooting than normal, especially in the AM. he has hear gunshot before, but never in the morning. we were out Sunday, around 5 AM (yea he's and early riser) we were about a quarter mile down the road and all of a sudden, BANG, BANG!! seemed fairly close, I didn't think nothing of it, but Wilson, he was halfway home with his tail between his legs, running faster than I ever seen him run. all the way to the porch.... thanks Buddy for leaving me out there by myself!!!

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Bill, they seem to leave us at bad times. The year my dog Sandy died was a tough one. Things had been stressful for me at work and two weeks before Christmas I was told to lay off my entire department. I asked my boss what I would do, and he responded that I was a smart fellow and I'd think of something. That left me believing that I would be let go as soon as I got the department out of there. So here was Christmas week, me being depressed and not wanting to spend much on Christmas, fearing I'd be out of work at the beginning of the year. So poor Sandy couldn't get out of bed two days after Christmas. We took him to the vet to be diagnosed as in the stages of dying, so we had him put down. It was like, what next? My entire world was in turmoil.

The bright spot was that I didn't lose my job.. at least for another six years there!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, we've got 3 cats, Lobke, she was from a shelter, she's now allmost 9-10 yrs old, still going strong!

Kitty, my favourite cat, we've got her as a part of a trade, dad was buying a 99 Suburban, we bought her with the car, she's the one waking my up at night scaring the ........ Out of my, she the one who's allways checking my cars out, she's the one who is the laziest, never ever catched a bird or mouse.

And then there's Lexie, we used to have a friend who's neighbour had a tray of kittens, Lexie was part of it and we've got her as a gift. :)

Then after years we decided to get another dog, Laïka, we've found her in a puppy seller, don't know the name exactly.

But she ran away when she was 10 months.. :( got hit by a car.. :(

I kept telling myself it was a worse dream and I would wake up seekng her happy when coming downstairs.. But no..

After 2 days, the emptyness was killing my dad, he wanted another keeshond puppy, so we have found our Sandy, a lovely white hyperactive allmost 12 months old puppy, Sandy loves to come when I try to sleep long, she licks my face :)

I really like playing with her, she really is my sweetheart, eventough she's closer friends with my mom, I cannot imagine a without her, when I'm in school, i just can't wait to get home to my 'puppy' as I call her.

Due Laïka's accident, I'm definitly closer friends with Sandy.

I'll give you guys photos as soon as possible if I remember, i'ts 27 minutes after 12 in Belgium right now and I have to get up in 6 hours and 32 minutes, good night guys!

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We have six cats and two dogs. They pretty much have the run of the house. They are our furry family. and they are spoiled ROTTEN!! All are shelter rescues, and I couldn't imagine my life without pets, it would be too depressing. Our house wouldn't be a home without them. I wish I could post a pic, but any time I get near the camera, they all turn into Houdini. Especially the cats. :D

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I've found those lil ones to be hard as pets. How so you may ask, well, lemme tell ya...

My wife and I wanted a lil one for some reason, unsure as we are mostly dog ppl, but love a good cat or 3 here and there.

So we go down to the pet store, pick up a cuty and about a 2 days later, noticed him in agony. It was because his inards were getting outards if you will. And no it was not hemorrhoids.

So we return to the store which also had a pet clinic and come to find this is common as these lil guys are mass incest bread and many suffer from this ailment.

We had to put him down and cried over it. As I was crying I thought, geeeze I'm soft.

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