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58 belvedere custom!


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Finished this one up a few weeks ago. It's been a long road with this one. I started this kit about 12 years ago making the christene version. After paint issues and every other kind of problem I boxed it up and waited till my modeling skills got good enough to get it done. All the parts were stripped of paint. After I realized how many christene versions are done I decided to do a custom insted. At the end of this long road I'm Verry happy with the result and the new take on an old kit.








Thanks for looking! Questions and comments welcome


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Thank you for all the comments everyone!

Pretty cool Jason!

Sits nice, good stuff going on under the hood too B) I like the fact that you removed the incorrectly rendered trim AMT did on the body sides.

Gotta ask about the unique finish on the chrome & trim?

Jeff, between the chrome that was good, the chrome that was scratched badly and the parts I made it was the simplest solution to make them all match. And it has a completely different look.


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