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Modeling disaster stories?

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I finally managed to get a good paint job on my Revell Lightning. I used Testors wet look clear and sprayed the bed and put it aside to dry. I must have a really short memory because I picked the bed up and managed to get some really lovely fingerprints on it. And they were deep. Deep enough to have to strip the entire bed and start over.

Dude I feel your pain

Now I put that new paint away for at least a week,...

And work on my 5 other wips :lol::lol::lol:


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I finally managed to get a good paint job on my Revell Lightning. I used Testors wet look clear and sprayed the bed and put it aside to dry. I must have a really short memory because I picked the bed up and managed to get some really lovely fingerprints on it. And they were deep. Deep enough to have to strip the entire bed and start over.

I've been spraying clear and got a run or a goob in the paint and my immediate reaction was to reach for the model and wipe it off. Wrong! I should've waited for it to dry, access the damage and sand a little. Instead it was into the lake!

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I had a string of paint issues that taxed my patience to the limit. Last year I stripped and repainted every model at least once.

I went back to armor for quite some time after that. You screw up the paint on a tank, you just call it "weathering".



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I have more kits that are ruined than I actually completed. It's all part of the learning process (okay, this "X" messed this model job up so next time I won't do this and/or do this differently to make it better). All good and fun :D

Edited by modelcars87
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I had a string of paint issues that taxed my patience to the limit. Last year I stripped and repainted every model at least once.

I went back to armor for quite some time after that. You screw up the paint on a tank, you just call it "weathering".



NOW I understand why you spend so much time building tanks! :lol::P

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When I was probably 5, my uncle (he was a model builder, not only cars, but big rig and airplanes) gave to me a F-104 in 1/48. I was playing with it, like a kid will do with a model, and I though it is a airplane so should fly... So from a terrace on the second floor, I let it fly... It went down straight and made a little cloud when it landed on the thin dirt in front of the house. I ran down to find it in pieces, grab what I found and went back inside. I was very upset...

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I was working on a kit and had it about 80 percent finished when one night while doing some assembly I was gluing a body panel but it seemed like the glue was taking forever to tack up and I was getting impatient holding it waiting for the glue to dry. I got the bright idea to try to speed it up using a heat gun...now that was a huge mistake. I kept it under the heat for too long and the glue holding other pieces of the model softened and came apart aside from from melting and distorting the plastic. So after that nothing would fit properly....I was so discusted I put the model off to the side until I was able to fix and get new parts for it. Now I have learned to just put the model down and come back to it later and DON'T USE HEAT GUNS TO SPEED UP CURING TIMES.

Edited by carcrazy19
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Had a beautiful gunmetal paint job on a tamiya supra kit. Once I had cleared it I realized the hood was slightly warped. I tried to correct it by heating it under a lamp to bend it. I let it sit under the lamp too long, forgot about it and the BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH thing was nearly melted in half.

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I got 2 one of them is when I was about 7 I painted a car with a brush and I came out almost flawless. I then took the body and set a drafting table lamp right over it them went to the store with my mom. When I came back the whole roof melted almost down to the table. The second story I had a vw rabbit I did so much body work to it. Got into an argument with my mom about cleaning my room and she took it and thru it against the wall. I took it put it in a box. A few years later when I got my own place I took it out and started it again. This time I did way moer work to get all the broken body peaces back together. I had it all smoth and ready for paint. I come home from work thinking all day about what color im going to paint it. I walk in the door and out of all the models on the dest my 6 month old pit bull grabbed that one and it was in about 50 to 60 very small peaces....

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  • 1 month later...

:blink: heres one you'll just love.......back in the winter of 1976 I was building an mpc mopar missle duster that a good friend had given me for xmas '75,...and, i used to build models on the large window sill looking out my bedroom window. I lived with my mom at that time, and at 20 years old was eager to build , build, build....you get the drift. I had several,..and still do have,... neat t shirts as most of us car and drag freaks always do,..an absolute favorite being my nearly new, rarely worn, mr. gasket one that sported that early art of the mid 60s with mr. gasket being the guy with eyes and such rolling on slicks. both my mom and my precious girlfriend who became my wife in 1982,,both have passed away since,..hard to tell this story,...but, both mentioned to me that maybe a good idea would be to change shirts while building. well, mr. know - it - all here said, don't worry, I'll be careful. well, the testors black spray can applied the nite prior was dry, so, it was decal time, right.....wrong, a couple of small edges needed a quick touch up. opened the testors gloss black bottle , dipped the detail brush in just a little, so I could make my car PERFECT,,,and instead PERFECTLY dumped the whole bottle on my chest, gut, and all over the near complete duster body. I think mom cut around mr. gasket and used the unpainted white areas to polish furniture later on......... :lol:

Edited by AC Norton
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  • 3 weeks later...

heres one you'll just love.......back in the winter of 1976 I was building an mpc mopar missle duster that a good friend had given me for xmas '75,...and, i used to build models on the large window sill looking out my bedroom window. I lived with my mom at that time, and at 20 years old was eager to build , build, build....you get the drift. I had several,..and still do have,... neat t shirts as most of us car and drag freaks always do,..an absolute favorite being my nearly new, rarely worn, mr. gasket one that sported that early art of the mid 60s with mr. gasket being the guy with eyes and such rolling on slicks. both my mom and my precious girlfriend who became my wife in 1982,,both have passed away since,..hard to tell this story,...but, both mentioned to me that maybe a good idea would be to change shirts while building. well, mr. know - it - all here said, don't worry, I'll be careful. well, the testors black spray can applied the nite prior was dry, so, it was decal time, right.....wrong, a couple of small edges needed a quick touch up. opened the testors gloss black bottle , dipped the detail brush in just a little, so I could make my car PERFECT,,,and instead PERFECTLY dumped the whole bottle on my chest, gut, and all over the near complete duster body. I think mom cut around mr. gasket and used the unpainted white areas to polish furniture later on.........

bummer, that was a cool logo for sure.

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