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Hasegawa Mazda Cosmo Sport


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Heres something that's been on my shelf for a while and I finally took some time to build it up. Mostly box stock build but I did add some details like valve stems, seatbelts, etc. Very nice kit, everything fit together amazingly well and really nicely detailed. Contained fret of photoetch emblems which were pretty easy to apply if you disregard the instrux and use Future as your adhesive. Decals were a big problem though, I had bought the kit at NNL some year and when I looked in it the decals had wrinkled all up and were useless. So I sought out a second kit and this ones decals looked fine but broke into a million pieces when they got wet. So I put some protector stuff on them and that worked ok if you were extremely careful. As it was I couldn't get the yellow accent stripe decals on without breaking them all up. So I was going to paint the yellow but in the end decided it was too much trouble for what little it added so left it with the rest of the decals intact for the most part. Too bad too because it was a major flaw to an otherwise nice kit.

ok heres some pics, first the box art to stir your memory:


and here are some posed photos:






like I said, very nice kit in nearly every way. I have an extra only slightly molested kit that I could part with, anyone interested send me a pm please and we can probably work something out.

oh yeah couple things to add: paint is Tamiya Racing White, kind of an eggshell white, with a coat of Tamiya clear over it and the decals. Interior is Tamiya Olive Drab and features a detailed dashboard and side panels in addition to the excellent engraving out of box. My biggest problem with the build is the lack of angle to the pre-windshield...it just dried like that. I figure the first time it is broken off I will slant it more parallel to the windshield. Also forgot to add lowered the entire car about 4 scale inches while managing to retain a fairly realistic look to the undercarriage. speaking of which, heres a pic of the undercarriage under construction along with a shot or two of the interior also in progress:



thanks for looking!


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hey thanks for all the comments and compliments folks! nice to see there is some appreciation for Japanese esoteria! (course I knew there was)

about a 1:1, I too would love to have one. there is a guy in the hills above me who has a winery and vineyard and he also has a modest collection of unrestored cars, including one of these Cosmos without the motor unfortunately, but also a couple of Toyota s800 coupes and a chain driven Honda s600 roadster. he also has a beater VW The Thing for bombling around the vineyard, and was very impressed when I drove mine up there and we went for a ride in it. funny what a 1.8 litre gene berg motor will do for performance.

oh one more thing I have been meaning to mention: notice how all the louvers, sides and cowl, are all open. no work was involved, that's how it was molded. pretty darn impressive, I think, and the molding on the rest of the model was no less impressive though kinda simplified in the interior.

if I still have the extra kit around when the need arises, I might well steal the louver panels for use on another body somehow. they are that kool.




Edited by jbwelda
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