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Top Gear May's Sailing Triumph


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Top Gear UK Amphibious Vehicles Challenge from 8.3 and 10.2
James May chose a Triumph Herald to make a car into a boat, by using it's boxy shape suitable for a runabout complete with Sails and Rudder. It had problems from the outset with low bridges and trees interfering with the mast and foam he'd put in the engine bay for buoyancy caused smoke and overheating. Sailing is harder than it looks as May lost control and ended up stuck in some weeds, but once he got going he very slowly made his way to the finish line, passing his team mates as they capsized just before completing the challenge.

The car is an Airfix 1/32 Triumph Herald styrene kit. it's a small car done in a small scale. After removing the roof, the car was mostly built straight up, with the exception of some extra details like inner doors and HT leads on the tiny engine. The body was sprayed with Duplicolor cream. I built a convertible cover from sheet styrene and drilled the hole for the mainsail. unfortunately the hole hit the firewall vertically. I finished off the model with lots of cleats and other sailing attachments made from some left over rope blocks from a sailing ship i built 20 years or more ago. A scratchbuilt rudder was added to the rear and some rigging was made with cotton. Airfix might not do cars, but they do know modeling, and the herald is an easy to build, well detailed kit, despite it's size.


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Walter, fantastic job on James May's Triumph! I'm a huge Top Gear fan, so seeing some of their other cars replicated brings back a lot of great memories. I noticed the Cadillac from their tour of the American South. Shouldn't be too hard to find a scale 3rd gen Camaro to go with it, although the dead cow might require some fabrication on your part.

Edited by Monty
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