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How many do you have going?

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10-15 is my sweet spot. I like to start a bunch of projects and be distracted by others and only finish about 2 a year. My problem is finishing. When I get it roughed out, so it looks like my vision, I feel slightly satisfied and move on to the next idea. Im not saying that Im happy with this system, but thats the way it is.

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I usually try to keep it at 1 or 2. One main project with another one on deck. I find that if I keep only one project going at a time, & just force myself to keep going on it, (sometimes I have to give myself a little "goose") I finish them. Otherwise I get sidetracked & never finish anything. Steve

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A WWII German recon tank; over 2000 parts, so I need to take frequent breaks from it to preserve what remains of my sanity,

A 1:12 Bentley that keeps getting stalled by lack of specific ref' materials.

And a hyper detailed '39 Chevy pro-street, for which I have now built and discarded three frames and two sets of headers.

These three have actually been "on my bench" for over a year, during which time I have completed four other models (one at a time). So I guess you could say that I typically have four going at any one time.

Edited by Shardik
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Normally I'll have one or two that are my main focus and about 10 or so (no real set number) that I'll tinker with now & then. And the ten change all the time depending on my mood. I may pull one out, work on it for five minutes, put it away and not touch it again for years.

Also, the closer one gets to completion, the less interested I am in anything else. I sort of zone in on that one.

Right now my main focus is a P40-B, but yesterday I played around with the BMF on a GTO, and started cleaning up the mold lines on a Fairlane. Today? Who knows. As long as I keep working, it's cool.

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I have 5 on the go at this time. A 1970 Bud Moore Trans-Am mustang,MPC Mclaren Mk8d Can-am, NASCAR race truck in ReMax livery, Union/Heller 917k in Martini livery and a Union/Heller 917k in Gulf colours. I try to work on any two kits during my build time on my days off.

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I've tried working on several models together but I found that process never really works efficiently for me. So I will usually work on one car through to completion. At the moment I'm polishing out a '58 Imperial. I was previously working on a '59 DeSoto but I ran into paint problems so it's taking a bath in the paint stripper tub at the moment. Many other cars are lined up behind them in the TO DO pile.

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