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What Is It With Wives And Our Hobby!?!?

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My wife is always complaining, as i'm sure everyone else's is, when i buy a new kit, that i should build the ones I have first.

yet, last night she complains that I havent spent enough time with her( because i'm on a streak where I have gotten about 2.75 completed since jan 1st), because i am " always building those ###### models"!!!!!!

women!!! sheesh!! :D:o

or as a friend of mine is known for saying,

" women, you cant kill 'em, and they dont fit in an oven!!"

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My wife is always complaining, as i'm sure everyone else's is, when i buy a new kit, that i should build the ones I have first.

yet, last night she complains that I havent spent enough time with her( because i'm on a streak where I have gotten about 2.75 completed since jan 1st), because i am " always building those ###### models"!!!!!!

women!!! sheesh!! :D:o

or as a friend of mine is known for saying,

" women, you cant kill 'em, and they dont fit in an oven!!"

I hear ya brother.

actually mine was encouraging me to buy a new kit three weeks in a row. Last week she flipped the f out for buy one.

I been on a streak myself. So I have gotten the same, but, yet when I tried to spend time with her it's, "why do you go do something."

you can't win.

mine was always

"Women, you can't live with them, and you can't shoot them."

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Sorry I don't know what you people are talking about, my wife is very supportive of my models. She is always hearing from her mom about how her dad keeps buying real trucks and heavy equipment so I think she realizes she is lucky my stuff is much smaller. :D

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Actually I am surprised I have gotten as much 'done' as I have, with a 15 month old and all. I get most of my work done at work. My wife's dad is the same way, I could build a diorama with as many cars he has in his back yard, and I think she is grateful that mine hobby is smaller as well.

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Mine used to HATE the hobby with a capital H. She even threw one down the basement stairs one time with a box of parts. Which I thought was the worst thing she could do, payback was a B***H and not really appropriate for this forum, no I didn't hit or even yell at her!

Since then, she's softened somewhat after I started bringing home trophies and had cars in the model mags for tha past 9 years in a row.

I have cut down on the amount of kits I buy, I'm good to buy maybe 5-6 a year for the past few years. I do blow a fortune on after market parts, but those are not as visible as kits. She is always trying to get me to sell some off, and not for the money. She just thinks that I have TOO many kits, she's right but that's MY hobby.

As far as spending time building, she watches these inane "reality" shows on the tube, I prefer to whack plastic. I'll do the wash while downstairs building on a slow Sunday.


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Guys, remember, WOMEN ARE NEVER SATISFIED!!!! No matter what, they will always complain about something :P:blink: This hobby is what keeps me sane and the day I stop doing it, believe you me, she will beg me to start doing it again, there is a lot of expensive things I like to do if I were not into model building!!!! :D:o

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My wife is an avid scrapbooker, so neither of us can throw any stones when it comes to how much time and/or money we spend on our hobbies....we do, however, spend time together at home when engaged in our individual pursuits. Trips to craft stores, garage sales and car shows are beneficial to both of us; neither one claims to have been 'dragged' there . She has built two models so far, and she has a stash of 3 or 4 more that are on the 'to do someday' list.

Ever since she accompanied me to the NNL East and her Mini Cooper wound up in SA's Contest Annual, she really agrees it's a cool hobby.

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My wife has no complaints about my building. She does a model every once in a while, but she isnt into the car side of it, she likes those visible ones. Like the horse, the heart and the people. Also she's big time into jigsaw


When we bought our house and I decided to take the non-conforming bedroom in the basement and make a model room out of it. She was right there to help, with hammer and saw in hand. Only thing she wanted was a place on the table to do her thing. So we ended up building a table that is 10 feet long and 31 inches wide and seats 3. As I have a 15 year old, that builds to. Now the both of them are happyier than a pig in dodo, as they don't have to use a cardtable anymore.

I have to agree, about spending time with the wife. Go places together. Sometimes go to some of the places that she wants to go to. Mine likes to go shopping at some of those lady like stores, I feel like a fish out of water in them but I still go along to keep her happy. In return she goes along to some of the men places, even thro she has no interest.

The one thing that all married men have to remember is


I don't know who said it but it sure is the truth

Jeff :P;):blink:

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My wife (#4) is really into my hobby, with the exception of moving my collection, which we just did three months ago, and now it takes up a 36'X60' storage. She is my biggest critic, and has a lot of input on some of my builds. It wasn't always this way, but I got her started collecting bells awhile back, and now she has her own hobby too!! Along with an eBay account, a PayPal account, and a nice oak china cabinet to display her stuff. We support each other in our hobbies now, and it has helped her get a better understanding of what I do, and where I was coming from. Great fix..... ;)

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My wife (#4) is really into my hobby, with the exception of moving my collection, which we just did three months ago, and now it takes up a 36'X60' storage. She is my biggest critic, and has a lot of input on some of my builds. It wasn't always this way, but I got her started collecting bells awhile back, and now she has her own hobby too!! Along with an eBay account, a PayPal account, and a nice oak china cabinet to display her stuff. We support each other in our hobbies now, and it has helped her get a better understanding of what I do, and where I was coming from. Great fix..... :P

And it only took you four tries to find her!!! ;):(:rolleyes:

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When I gpt married my wife saw my models and asked "do you really build them or just collect them?" Both, I said.Now 36 yrs. later we go to the toy shows and when my vendor friends don't see her they know she's just takin a bag of bought kits out to the car.I take her to all the shows I go to cause she's my control valve, and she's got a hell of a memory.Wouldn't leave home without her! George53

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No problem here......my wife came from a model building family so she knew what she was getting into (well not EVERYTHING!) She puts up with my 5000+ kits well....although she wonders why I need a kit in the kitchen! The other side...I put up with her show cats...MANX show cats.....

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This a fascinating thread! It's very interesting to see how different folks have different takes on this subject and differing levels of success :) / :( in relationships! My wife thinks my hobby is really cool and is more upset than I am when occasionally I get rid of some models or a 1/1. I tell her it's just a bunch of junk and I am fine with it.

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My wife is kind of cool about it all. She does occasionally give me a hard time about all the unbuilt kits and 'Why do you need another XYZ!!' I am pretty good about keeping the spending under control as well. It also doesn't hurt that I tend to build/putter in the great room while she watches TV or reads just a couple of feet away. I also make sure that I spend time talking with her and what not when I first get home. I keep telling her... 'Would you rather that I spend the money at the bar???' :(

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My wife is kind of cool about it all. She does occasionally give me a hard time about all the unbuilt kits and 'Why do you need another XYZ!!' I am pretty good about keeping the spending under control as well. It also doesn't hurt that I tend to build/putter in the great room while she watches TV or reads just a couple of feet away. I also make sure that I spend time talking with her and what not when I first get home. I keep telling her... 'Would you rather that I spend the money at the bar???' :(

All in all I can't complain about my wife. She has literally bailed me out of a couple of tight spots and been there when I needed her. I always socialize before I get lost in the styrene dungeon, they like that. I can pretty much spend whatever I like, but do keep it within limits (except for the NNL East.. 7.5 weeks away!). She also has advised me on some hotrod builds and talked me out of another flat black paint job. And talk about spending money at the bar, you can do a lot worse things with your money than that!


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My wife Nancy (who some of you will meet at NNL West) is the major reason I got back into the hobby. She goes with me to the hobby shop and helps me decide on colors, etc. She is a textile hobbyist with about $20,000 worth of equipment so money isn't an issue. My building is a form of therapy, and keeps me busy instead of just sitting around.

I couldn't ask for a better wife. She is a big improvement over the first one.

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All this just reinforces what I've known for years: I married The Last Good Woman.

She thinks it's cool and is happy I have a hobby that keeps me entertained, creative, and at home! We both agree that hobbies don't have to make rational sense as long as you are passionate about it.

Mine too! :( She's happy that I don't drink, smoke or run around with wild women. She always knows where I am on Friday and Saturday nights!!

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I think younger wives, especially those without any hobbies of their own, just don't understand.

If you can make it to your 50's (or find another wife by then,,,,lol) people usually become more tolerant and understanding and supportive.

My wife has many hobbies and completely supports mine. She works the front door at our NNL, goes to major shows with me, hangs out "with the guys", and even brags about me at her job if I have an article or model in a magazine. By the same token, I go to her quilt shows, jewlery shows, etc. and 4 years ago bought her an $8000 sewing machine,,,,,,which pretty much assures me that she isn't going to bitch about an occassional $12 kit or two.

I don't have the answers. What I do know, is that she is my best friend and I've never been happier in my life


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I'm pretty much at the stage Lyle describes, as my wife nears the big 5-0, her hobbies include scrapbooking and jewelry making, so there is some mixing of materials, tools and methods with my model building. We both enjoy each other's handiwork, and appreciate each other's hobbies and interests more now than ever. Plus, she's happy it's a hobby I can share with our son. Hey Dave, is this your wife's Mini Cooper? (taken at the '06 NNL East) If so, that is a fantastic build! I would fall in love with my wife all over again if she built a Mini (in fact her favorite car) like that one!! :(


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I think younger wives, especially those without any hobbies of their own, just don't understand.

If you can make it to your 50's (or find another wife by then,,,,lol) people usually become more tolerant and understanding and supportive.

My wife has many hobbies and completely supports mine. She works the front door at our NNL, goes to major shows with me, hangs out "with the guys", and even brags about me at her job if I have an article or model in a magazine. By the same token, I go to her quilt shows, jewlery shows, etc. and 4 years ago bought her an $8000 sewing machine,,,,,,which pretty much assures me that she isn't going to bitch about an occassional $12 kit or two.

I don't have the answers. What I do know, is that she is my best friend and I've never been happier in my life


Now there's one lucky guy!! Good job, Lyle!!

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