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Luc Janssens

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About Luc Janssens

  • Birthday 07/10/1968

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  • Scale I Build
    1/25 & 1/24th

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  • Full Name
    Luc Janssens

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Probably more even, when you're living in mainland Europe, plus 21% sales tax and 15 Euro on import duty.
  2. Useful for car and truck modelers https://miniart-models.com/product/24002-jerrycans-20l-german-type/
  3. It would never come with the neat Spy Cat options the original Mpc kit had, and that may be the ultimate nostalgia factor sought by the older weekend buyer. Dunno just guessing 😆
  4. Would love to have a retooled improved '66 Bonnie, but the big question will be, how well would kits of full size American coups like this one, or the 67 Galaxie perform, compared to what seems the American gold standard, meaning the Chevy Impala.
  5. So much for the rumor then, that there already were test shots shown.
  6. A pitty they didn't update it to have clear headlamps and turnsignals, but nevertheless these old Chevelle's make great street machines. So might add it to the pile 😉
  7. Same for Europe and then there's the matter of sales tax and cost to get it past customs. A couple of months ago I had an issue with replacement parts, sent to me at no cost, but to get it into the country would cost me $25, so returned it to sender and they had it sent to a friend in the US where I will pick it up when visiting next year. Belgium I really had it! GRRRR
  8. Steve, it looks like the stock headlights and buckets are also included in the kit, as are the stock tail lights.
  9. The back cavity of the mold is a separate sliding piece, so who know's.... tho it would've been easier to detail, if just the taillight panel had been a separate chrome part. Think I'm gonna BMF the whole panel, then paint it black and carefully scrape the paint off the raised trim bits
  10. Maybe some more farmer's protests in Europe at the time of release will give this one an extra boost
  11. Most likely because past sales numbers show the subject matter strongly appeals to the average impulse buyer.
  12. Looks like Chris of Hpiguys is building one.... A question for Steve Goldman tho; is the stock grille still included or is blocked off? Cheers Luc
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