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About youpey

  • Birthday 05/02/1977

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  • Scale I Build

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. i use modpodge for clear parts and it works great. one thing to note, if the piece is ill fitting, it wont work. the modpodge dries very clear and if you mess up you can wipe it with water and start again. it says it takes 24 hours to fully cure, but honestly, 1 hour is enough for me. for tough fitting pieces, where something is warped or just very ill fitting, i use gorilla clear. it holds much better, but there is less room for error with that.
  2. i just tried the site and its not loading for me. my computer is 1 month old, so i doubt its me either
  3. thankfully my wife tested negative last night so i think we are in the clear. its unfortunate that we had to miss the thanksgiving surprise for my mother but glad my wife is negative
  4. thats lucky. i have nearly all, like 7 or 8, and most have at least a warped hood. i got mine in early release, maybe they fixed the issues since then
  5. i havent tried it, but i have seen someone cut out a small area and use crumbled aluminum foil
  6. i guess if i can find the white mpc kit at hobby lobby during 40% off time i will get it, otherwise im just going to move on because it wasnt a very well detailed kit, and i already spent enough
  7. im not sure what i did wrong, i got the amt 72 chevy pickup coke kit, which is molded in red. i wanted to paint it white, so i primed it gray using tamiya primer. then i did a coat of tamiya silver, and then a tamiya white primer. everything looked fine. howver when i did my white paint, everything turned pink. i really wanted this white and short of just buying the mpc version that is molded in white, im not sure what to do
  8. my wife's coworker came into work sick all week, and decided to get a covid test and tested positive. now her entire company has to get tested and they did the 15 minute tests today to see if anyone else tested positive. my wife and i were going to surprise my mother at thanksgiving, so we had to cancel that, and we had to cancel our hotel, and we are out the almost 200 dollars for that. i also had to get groceries delivered for my wife and my thanksgiving because we didnt think we needed to cook. i could absolutely scream. we see my mother maybe 2 times a year and because this lady was a selfish and stupid idiot, everything is ruined.
  9. i searched for vespa on google. then clicked on the vespa site. then clicked on the store. after that, i get nothing but vespa ads. before that, i got a bunch of the stuff you guys mentioned.
  10. This one is finished. It really tried my patience but because of my love for the subject I made sure i finished the best i could. It looks like the kit was missing the upper hose, but im not going to fret. Im really happy how it is. I didnt put the photo etch on the taillights or the gt logo grill because I like it better without. I normally don't do anything like that, as i try to build as close to stock as possible, but on this i built it how i would like it. Thank everyone for the nice comments along the way, i really appreciate it Edit: i forgot to put on the door handles. Haha
  11. Just about finished. im gluing in the exhaust tips. Then i just need to put on the tail lights, and 2 things in the engine compartment. more pics tomorrow. i need to wait for it to dry.
  12. I messed up the glass by getting glue on it. I tried to fix it and cracked the glass in the windshield. Thankfully I had thin clear plastic from my wife's Christmas ornaments box. I cut it to shape and glued it in. Its not 100% perfect but looks good considering. There is a small gap under the top, i think i would have needed a heat gun to shape it better. Im not going to fret over this because my only other option would be to buy another kit for the glass.
  13. The tamiya ts7 racing white was painted and i did the trim. Considering where it was, im quite happy with it. I will continue on with the rest and post as i have more
  14. I tested on a spoon with the gray primer. Even with 2 coats, the gray is too dark for the white. I really want the white, so im going to do a very thin coat of white primer. I needed to use the gray because there was still some orange tinting and left over paint in some areas i could not get off when i stripped it. The details are a bit thin, so hopefully a thin coat of white priner wont be too bad
  15. A million years ago I got a job at toys r us at 16 or 17. I knew nothing of the toys, especially the dolls and that type of stuff. Within a couple of weeks i learned quite a bit and was able to get it. If someone was looking for something and i didn't understand what it was, i would try to help them what i thought and try to find out more if it wasn't right. Its about this person i called being very lazy, not incompetent or asking for some crazy out there thing. Laziness, pure and simple
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