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AMC Hornet fast back

Modelbuilder Mark

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This looks pretty darn close to one of my cars from high school. A farmer ran a stop sign and plowed into the side.
It had a V8 but I do not recall what size. The one thing I did not like about the car was the transmission. It was a three on the floor, so it always felt like it wound out way too soon, AND sometimes when you backed up, the linkage would stick and you would have to reach under and jiggle it. It was a fun car, and I would like to have another one some day.

Bumpers and grill are Alclad, the rest is foil. Paint is Scalefinishes enamel. Just a curbside, well, glorified promo from Johan really.


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As an AMC fan I like it!

Yours more than likely ran a 304 V8, as that was pretty much the largest V8 AMC would have had for that car during the mid '70's time period. Along with my '69 AMX, I also had a Hornet-----a '76 2 door (non hatchback) with a straight six and automatic. The engine was bulletproof in that car but unfortunately, rust was taking its toll in the rear quarters, and the trunk floor. :(

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Thanks everyone! I appreciate all the feedback. It was a Johan kit, well that was pretty much a modified promo really. I had been looking for one for a long time at a decent price, and thankfully was able to straight up trade for one with someone from the forum here.

Thanks also for the feedback on the motor. Like I said, the shifter was a bit wonky, and honestly for a long time I thought it was after market. I really really enjoyed the car

Harry, you are right sir. I realized I had forgotten that when I was posting those pictures. They will indeed be painted, likely tomorrow. Some of them have just the little strip up the middle which I prefer, others have the entire pad like this photo below. If I could find some old pictures of my car, I would post them up.


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