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Everything posted by chunkypeanutbutter

  1. So I woke up around 2:00, like I usually do. Parents weren't home, but I saw they had been out and back because there was a book I told them to buy at Goodwill. They came back about a half-hour ago and had a little booklet with them that said "Volvo" on it. It was an owner's manual for an '85 Volvo. Inside was a sales slip that said "85 volvo dl wagon sold as is where is $250" with my father's signature and the old owner's signature. Now I won't have to sit on the awful jumper seats in the Ranger on long rides.
  2. The Ellsworth WalMart, in its original location, had a pretty good model section, I'd say about 8 feet. They moved to the new store probably 6 years ago. Off and on, they had some models. Then, they disappeared, then showed up in the clearance section, disappeared again... then a Revell '68 Beetle turned up in the diecast section, and after I bought that, I haven't seen any others.
  3. Yep, I was going to buy about five bags of Woodland Scenics foliage stuff on Friday... then I saw they got the Rustall set in, so I bought that instead. Next time around, I suppose!
  4. I think Tamiya has a set of weathering powders with "dust." If you'd rather make your own, I think white chalk or chalk pastel rubbed on sandpaper and cut in with a little yellow would make a good dust look. Try it on a test body first. A good spray of dullcote will seal powders well.
  5. I couldn't massage the engine in that kit enough to use, anyways. Everything was crooked. BTW, are you going to replace the seats, too? They look pretty darn small in this kit, even for buggy buckets.
  6. Anyone know of good ways to make foliage like what you see growing out of the hood of this vehicle in scale? Some ways to make dead leaves would be cool, too. Both would be really good for a model of a gasser I just finished.
  7. Within the next three days, I should have my '75 Gremlin X for the group build and a '41 Willys Pickup for a quick project.
  8. Either one works, but it seems the "copy image" route takes longer, buffering and such.
  9. What color is that? It'd be a wicked gasser color!
  10. From Wikipedia: "Shooting-brake is a car body style that has evolved through several distinct meanings over its history. Shooting-brake originated as an early 19th century British term[1] for a vehicle used to carry shooting parties[2] with their equipment and game. The term brake[3] was initially a chassis used to break in horses — and was subsequently used to describe a motorized vehicle. The term was later applied to custom-built wagons by high-end coachbuilders and subsequently became synonymous withstation wagon or estate.[4][5][6][7][8] In contemporary usage, the term shooting-brake has broadened to include a range of vehicles from five-door station wagons — to three-door models combining features of a wagon and a coupé."
  11. I think they're called "Painter's Choice" or "Painter's Touch" or something. I use them over Sharpies because I handle my models a lot and they're actual paint and not ink. They also take clearcoat well after drying. I'd call the color more of a polished aluminum rather than chrome.
  12. Amazing you could pick that out of the original picture!
  13. Yep, WalMart craft department. I think they're only $2-$3. Move fast with them, though. Slow down for even a second and the paint will pool.
  14. First, I thought it was a Mazda, then Bill's "homeland" remark made me go Australian. So I said Holden Premier, as well... strange, it still says Premier on the side.
  15. Man, rent a ramp truck, pull up to that Ranchero on a quiet night...
  16. That Chrysler is a 1936-or-similar Airflow. I always loved the grille on em. The thing below it is actually a Bentley, a Continental, somewhere around 2002. I didn't see anything on the road today. However, two days ago when I was on my lunch break coming back from Rite Aid, I saw a blue Audi 80 sedan!
  17. Before the switch, I was able to pull up a picture on Google Images, open it in another tab, copy the link, then put it in brackets with "img=" to get the picture to show up without using any PB data or putting it on here. However, I haven't been able to do it. Any help?
  18. The other thing, and you probably already know this: the wheels on stanced cars aren't actually conical. http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5251/5546088896_a809323dc2_o.jpg
  19. A nice TEAC Equalizer for $10, same shop I bought the $7 Airfix Bugatti at. At WalMart, I got some pointed airgun pellets and a Crosman American Classic pistol. Man, powerful as heck. Goes straight through 1/4 inch plywood at four pumps with flatnose pellets.
  20. Ordered my '75 Gremlin for the build-off. Happened to go into an antique shop today on a whim. There were some models there, AMT Porsche 9-something racecar, '55 Cameo, normal stuff. Those were all $10. However, I walked past a row of puzzles, and at the bottom I saw an Airfix logo! I walked out with an Airfix Bugatti EB-110, unopened inside but a little water-damaged, for $7. Not bad!
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