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Everything posted by landman

  1. How did you make your valve covers? They look more like 702's than mine which are narrowed 409's.
  2. I have yet to see Spaz Stix in Canada. Does anyone know whether it is available?
  3. My brother in law's second truck was a 4300 in almost the same paint scheme. It had a 525 in it. His first one had been a 4200 with a v8. A 403,is that possible?
  4. And I think your valve covers are tight on.Made from flat stock & shaped. I meant right on.
  5. Coming along nicely,Donovan.What are you using?It almost looks like nailhead engines.
  6. I thought you had other "stuff" to do.
  7. Wow, now I'm flattered.Thank you,Sir.
  8. Y By all means.The more, the merrier.We all can use additional ideas. I am especially curious as hoe you made the exhaust manifolds.
  9. Thank you, Bob, Lee,Carl,Ray,Ben,Joe,Wayne,Dan,Skip and Eric. Eric, your tongue in cheek suggestions were well worth it, I think it looks quite dashing. As for your question, it was very timely as the next one has just arrived in the shop. However the workload precludes starting on it right away. Thanks for asking.
  10. Skip,it actually is a piece of #11 blade packaging.And you are correct,it definitely is lacking in clarity.
  11. Here you go Ben. Added a front view as well.
  12. Had a nice surprise today. Some photos of the actual B-7000 I knew early in my career. The photos were taken in 1964, 6 years before my time. It was orange with a blue logo. Later it became yellow with white doors withy a blue and black logo. Boy this brings back memories.
  13. I'll try and get some, the top is glued on.
  14. Front casting is taking shape. Also made up a fuel pump out of scrap bits.
  15. This is the first one of a lifetime supply. I was supposed to maybe repaint it and glue it back together. Well..... it was a major but fun undertaking, something like Joe Shaw's bother's Challenger, although not in the same class of workmanship. It morphed into a roadster from a cabriolet along the way. Hope you like it. The first photo is what I started with. The WIP is here http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=101283&page=1
  16. I had trouble visualizing the front of the water pump casting from the angled view in the exploded diagram so I asked for an end on picture from Thunder V12 which they provided. I then reduced it to the size needed and cut out a base from sheet styrene. Then using bits I found the other day, I set out making the shape of the casting. The cover in the third photo will serve to make the bottom part.
  17. Almost there. I'm missing the handles for the golf compartment doors. Still need to install the top irons, rumble seat steps and find a place for at least one horn.
  18. Repaired the front bumper bracket which was broken in three pieces and the bumper itself which was broken in two. Assembled the rumble seat BMF'd the hood hinge and applied the pinstripe.
  19. Fantastic fabrication and detailing as well as very subtle but realistic weathering. It deserves all it got. A pleasure to look at.
  20. Installed a new shifter out of a bag of shifters I bought at Michael's. One of the rumble seat armrest cushions had disappeared so I shaped one out of styrene. Painted the "hidem" molding I had added to the roof. Keeping things in the hobby, made a windshield out of a #11 blade package.
  21. This. Looks like I overpaid. About two hours after receiving it I get one of those eBay notices "Are you still looking...." and there they are half the price I paid. Go figure.
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