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Everything posted by 1hobby1

  1. I have read tons of posts on clear coat and what is recommended and what is used that works well. I do not own an airbrush set up to start. I would like to stick to spray cans either Dupli-color or Rustoleum. Why? I get more for my money, and I have access to them on a daily basis at a better than shelf price and I do not have any hobby stores near by. However I did order the Testors Gloss Clear coat online to compare differences, but my main question is, Has anyone ever used Rustoleum Acrylic Enamel Gloss Clear coat Over a Gloss Enamel spray? I used Rustoleum plastic primer ( sprays and sands well) and Rustoleum Gloss Enamel. I have the LMG polishing kit coming in the mail any day now. But was wondering if anyone had any feedback on this specific clear coat. I am new to modeling so any advice will help!Thanks! Here is what the can looks like :
  2. I actually just ordered some of the testors clear coat! Found it for a good price and I read it does a good job so I was sold! As for the flat paint that's great advice for future builds thanks! Since I already have gloss paint on this car I should apply decals before clear correct? Then after clear coat is over decals go ahead and polish with the 3600 threw the 12000 along with scratch remover polish and wax
  3. angelo7 & jbwelda Thanks for all the great advice! I will be ordering some Tamiya clear coat to play it safe. as well as the LMG Polishing kit. I'll upload pictures in a few weeks of the final product!
  4. Even though I used rustoleum paint? that wont effect anything correct? sorry for all the questions I'm just really new to modeling and trying to learn what is best!
  5. or am I better off using the Tamiya Clear over the automotive paint?
  6. great advice! I will look into a polishing kit and polish after I clear coat correct? As for the actual clear coat, should I spray the rustoleum acrylic gloss clear coat I bought? I have read a lot on Future clear floor polish and have heard you can brush it on. any feedback on that? thanks!
  7. Also if anyone can help should I apply the body decals before I spray the clear coat? thanks guys!
  8. thanks! It has been about a week since it has been painted, is their any specific process on how to polish it out before spraying clear?
  9. awesome build so far! looking forward to the finished product! What did you use for the plug wires!? they look great!
  10. Hey all, I used to make models years ago ( young child ages) and am starting to get back in to it. I began doing research and had no idea how large the model car community was and the amount of work and detail I missed out on! I recently started a project (1978 Corvette) after many years and began to do some research on how to go along painting it. I went out and bought Rustoleum Plastic Primer, Gloss Protective Enamel, and Acrylic Gloss Clear Coat. I started off by washing the body with dish soap and water and then sanded it with 600 grit sand paper. I gave it 2 coats of primer and sanded and washed after each coat with 1500 grit. The body was smooth. I went and began to apply the paint. I went with a light 1st coat, a semi wet 2nd and a wet 3rd coat. I have not applied any clear coat yet. The car looks good as is with the gloss finish but it does not have that great mirror like finish to it. ( I'm sure you know what I mean) How should I go about applying the clear coat? is it needed on a gloss enamel? Also any advice on when to add the body slip away decals? I am not looking to do any shows with the car but would like to have a good quality finished model for enjoyment and display. Any advice would be great! I will attach a picture of the body as of now!
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