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Everything posted by KENNEDYJR

  1. Thanks. I hadn't through of one of those flapper doors on the outside.
  2. My question is to those that run the ducting outside the house. Is there any issue of over spray on the window casing or siding? I was planning on using an enclosed charcoal trap on mine because of this. Am I wrong in this thinking?
  3. What kind of fan are you planning on using?
  4. Those look excellent! I would be interested in a couple sets when they are available.
  5. Are you talking about parts painted with spray or bottle paints? I have found that if I spray paint most all of the parts (even the small stuff) that the finishes are much tougher than bottle paints.
  6. Looks good. Do you clear coat over decals?


    That's definitely a build with character,a car you wouldn't want to meet at a stoplight! That looks real tough,contrasts nicely with the modern power plant.
  8. That's too cool-I was inspired by that article as well. I plan to build a Camaro or Firebird along those lines soon. What did you use for headers? I am working on the same kit now for a beater drag project, and there isn't much clearance for headers at all.
  9. I agree-looks like you are ready to be in print.
  10. Bang up job on the weathering ,the texture looks spot on. I tried the salt method on a build a s well,it takes a light touch to make it work. Your truck looks great.
  11. That's a cool color combo. I haven't seen a GT500 done up with those colors, it looks good. Any issues getting the wheels mounted?
  12. That's too funny! I need to lose weight as well. If I could figure out how to combine my workbench and treadmill I would be all set.
  13. I have wanted to build one of those for a while. The front end styling is so wacky! Confused about the front chassis though. Is it a funny car with a Nascar front clip?
  14. That's good stuff Rick. Nothing like a Mopar with steelies. That's the beauty of a car with a Hemi-it doesn't need flashy wheels to distract others from the lack of horsepower.
  15. That's a great idea for a project,I am a big fan of the old-meets-new theme. That will look really good in the classic colors. Are you planning to have the gap in the rear window as the original has?
  16. You do some amazingly detailed and clean work. If I remember correctly,Sauber is German for the word cleanly. Fitting I think.
  17. That's exactly what I need for a rat rod project-thanks.
  18. Cool project. Those guys had iron underwear for sure.
  19. That's what I have been wanting to hear. I have had some for a while because I cant come up with a full sheet of ideas right now. Thanks.
  20. That paint is soooo tasty! That's a build to be proud of-bang up job.
  21. That car looks fresh from the sewer. lol Fantastic weathering job as always.
  22. That is awesome Lyle! Very cool build.
  23. Hey good looking build so far. There is something about a Camaro with rally wheels that looks so right. And since this thread went to the cats...
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