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Everything posted by MrBuick

  1. Lol! I don't think that's quite what was meant...I think the general point is, we're tired of hearing teachers complain about how bad they have it and how underpaid they are. Most of them make decent money after they've been doing it for a few years...not a lot of money, but decent. Most of them get 2.5-4 months a year off, work a pretty steady and flexible schedule, these days much of the lesson plans already exists so they don't have to spend hours developing it themselves...they may change it a bit, but the bulk is there...more and more of them don't have to spend hours grading assignments, because as more and more schools digitalize the classroom, Blackboard, Angel, Canvas, or whatever flavor of LMS they use does it for them. Most of them have good benefits, most of them have tenure (don't have to worry about unexpectedly being let go), and many of them have unions to back them up even when they deserve to get fired. Sure, there are exceptions, sure there are teachers who have tons of debt in student loans and barely make 30k a year (as many of us have at some point in our lives), but most of them in that situation haven't been teaching very long...it's idiotic to expect to step into a job with zero experience and immediately make tons of money. When I started out in my career, I had 40k in student loans and got bumped from $9 to $12/hr at the job I was already working...8 years later with my education and some more years' experience behind me, I make very good money and am well on my way to being debt free, but I had to work for it, as all of us do. As always, these are all generalizations and I know there are exceptions, but I've worked in the education system for my entire adult life (both K-12 and now Higher Ed), and I've see all of this first hand for the last 10 years.
  2. As someone who works in the education industry, it seems much of what they do is sit around and complain about how underpaid they are. MOST people think they're underpaid...we'd all like to make more money! I work in higher education. I'm in charge of the entire network infrastructure across 4 campuses, more than 8k computers\devices, support 700-ish employees and 10k+ students, and manage a department of 10 people, plus myself...I'm paid well to do it, but I'd LOVE to make more. Part of my job responsibilities are managing the LMS (Online Courses via Blackboard) and our INET system, which tracks the digital door locks (our employees carry badges that unlock the doors when they approach it...every time you enter a door, it's logged). Part of my duties are to monitor those systems and issue monthly reports to administration. Guess what I see on those reports all the time? Professors showing up to class 10 minutes late, ending class 40 minutes early, spending less than an hour a day in their Blackboard courses grading assignments and answering students' questions. Our professors are pretty well paid (higher than industry average for the Midwest), and many of them work maybe a 5-6 hour day. They'll all talk about how much "work from home" they do, but my system logs beg to differ. Now, this certainly does not go for everyone...as always, I'm generalizing, but it's prevalent enough to be a major problem. The saddest part; administration asks for these reports because they want to "do something about it," but then they give the professors tenure and they can't...so frustrating!
  3. It works fine for me. Software issues like this are hard/impossible to troubleshoot when they don't affect everyone.
  4. Okay, technically I only ordered them today, but I can't wait to tell someone...I just placed the order for a set of these in 17x7 for my '73 Apollo.
  5. Lol! I know he's trying to make a point but he's flown off the handle for a pretty stupid reason. 99% of people who would even be looking for that part aren't going to spend the time reading far enough to see his disclaimer about the price...the only reason anyone would open it in the first place is out of shock, and as soon as you see the red bold letters and the same thing over and over again, I for one assume the dude's simply a nut case and wouldn't do business with him even if he said he'd accept a reasonable offer...pretty unprofessional considering he has an ebay store.
  6. Can anyone with some experience with this kit give me some insight? I'm thinking of picking one up bit want to get an idea of quality. Looking to find out if there are issues with the kit.
  7. Oh, by bad...take the period out (I edited the original link).
  8. I like how many people love to put "rare" in their auctions (funnily enough, this specific auction doesn't, but my point still stands)..."rare" doesn't immediately make something valuable...just as often as not, "rare" means "undesirable." Anyway, I love to make lowball offers on this kind of stuff simply for my own amusement.
  9. I think economics should be required in high school, and you shouldn't be able to graduate unless you actually pass the course. I feel like many of our Country's voters simply do not understand even basic economics and therefore don't understand that "free" doesn't exist...someone is footing the bill. However, I also think that you shouldn't be allowed to vote if you rely on public assistance (because too many people just vote to keep themselves dependant) and that you should be required to do some form of community service to receive welfare (you know...earn it), so I'm just an evil, "privileged" a-hole who loves watching people suffer.
  10. Hmm, you're right...the interior mirror also looks different. However, I'm pretty sure they're photos of the same car taken at different in stages of customization. Here's some more info on that car http://www.feslerbuilt.com/Fesler_1969_Camaro_Draco.htm
  11. Looking great so far...that sucks you had to re-do the paint, I couldn't even tell there were problems in the pictures, but if you're like me it'd have bothered you knowing there were issues. I almost like the black wheels better, but then again, I almost always do.
  12. Oh, well there here are some more reference pics. http://www.musclecarszone.com/1969-chevy-camaro-draco-by-fesler/fesler-camaro-draco-2/
  13. I think it's just a hair low when compared to the 1:1, especially in the rear, but some of that may be the wheel size. I wish Pegasus offered their wheels in 17", 19" and 20", as I think the 23's are too large for most cars. Here's a reference picture from a different angle (you may already have it) that gives a better shot of the 1:1 stance.
  14. I think this is a huge contributing factor as to why many younger modelers tend to stick to Facebook groups where they get little criticism...my generation was raised with instant gratification and in a time when people are being told everything they do is great and nothing is their fault. Time for dinner? Throw something in the microwave! Want to grill something? Fire up the propane! Want to watch a movie? Pull up Netflix and choose from 1000's of titles! Oh, you failed your History final? Well, the teacher must not have done her job! Oh, you got pregnant when you were 16 and now you aren't educated or qualified to work a job that pays well? Let everyone else support you, it's not your fault! Just watch people in public...so many people are in such a hurry, they often don't even pay attention to what's going on around them...it's just the world we grew up in, and it takes actual effort to slow down and actually take things in. And of course, as many people in this very thread have already proven, every generalization that someone states is taken personally and rather than explaining their point of view, it's easier to hurl insults. I do have one friend who seems mildly interested in building, or at least he's always asking me what I'm working on or looking at my finished builds when he comes over. But, when I try to encourage him to buy a model and give it a shot, even when offering to let him use my paints and stuff so he doesn't have to immediately invest a bunch of money into the hobby, his reaction is "I don't have the patience for that, I'd get discouraged too easily." I try telling him that's why you need 40 kits laying around, lol...so when one get's frustrating you can start on another one until you figure out what to do with the problem kit, but then he goes on about "loosing track of what's what" and so on. To me they just sound like excuses because I think he's afraid of how his first build will turn out, but maybe I'm wrong. Is it? Or is it maybe due to the fact that Facebook is pretty much where the majority of younger people spend their time online? It's sort of interesting...to me there seems to be some correlation between user age on forums and Facebook groups with all hobbies. Typically, on a forum the average user age is higher, and typically on that forum there is more criticism and offered advice, whereas Facebook groups are usually made up of much younger people, and typically the criticism is immediately taken with offense and personal attacks are launched. Most of the time you'll see actual discussions (such as this one) on a forum, whereas most of the posts on those Facebook pages are brief, one sentence responses. Most younger people these days simply communicate differently than older generations do and don't like being told something doesn't look good, and they stick to where they're comfortable. Now, yes, there are exceptions...I understand there are "tuner" forums and other things out there that typically have a much younger following, where people are knowledgeable, help each other, etc, but again, I'm generalizing. And as for the "cooters mouthing off," there are plenty of builds that show up around here that aren't your typical classic car, and if they're done well, they get good feedback. Now, people might say "Nice build, I don't care for big wheels but I like the paint" or "I'm not into imports but that's some nice detail work," but I've never seen or heard anyone say anything along the lines of "That's stupid, why would you build anything that's not a classic?" Most people tend appreciate quality work, no matter the subject matter, but they'll also tell you if you did something that they don't care for. I, for instance, am not overly fond of lots of chrome, and I usually hate the way "big" (Dub or Donk or whatever) wheels on muscle cars, and I might say that if I see a build of a nice muscle car that in my opinion has been ruined by huge, chrome wheels. That doesn't make me right and the builder wrong, it just means we like different things, but just as it's the builders right to post pictures of their creation, it's my right to say "I think it'd look better with stock wheels." But, if they want to be offended by that and tell me to shut it instead of dealing with the fact that someone out there doesn't like their taste, I guess that's their right too.
  15. I won't argue that for a daily driver, for most people, modern cars are better. Between the safety, comfort, and the fact that most people who "tinker" on their cars don't really know how to fix it on the side of the road, they wouldn't want to drive an older car. Older cars can be modernized, but they're still not going to be a new car. Now, I was born in '86, so I can understand some of where you're coming from, but if you've never actually driven a classic car, you don't know what you're missing. I have no idea how to describe it, but being behind the wheel of my '73 Apollo is just an entirely different experience. The sound, the smell, the fact that you can actually feel the road, the jealous looks from dudes in minivans, the head nods and thumbs up, the gas station conversations...it all adds up to a driving experience rather than just commuting back-and-fourth, and that's what I love about it. So does that make classic cars "better?" Well, in my opinion, it does. Sure, they're not as safe or comfortable (I'll argue reliability, because I've passed plenty of broken-down new vehicles in it), but they're so much more exciting.
  16. Sorry, don't have an answer but a question (just curiosity)...you're looking for something more accurate because of the lack of headlight detail in the kit? I wonder how the headlights from a Diecast kit would transfer? The diecast ones I've seen are 1/24 though, so they may need some fitting.
  17. Lol! Well, you have to take things in the context in which they are offered. For instance, most of the time when people say classic cars are "better" they're speaking from a styling and ease of ownership standpoint. It really can't be argued that modern cars are safer, more comfortable, etc, but they're also almost all plain, boring looking appliances that simply don't "do it" for many people, they're overly complicated to work on, and insanely expensive. And when's the last time you saw honestly someone living with a black and white TV because they just refuse to get a new one for any reason other than cost?
  18. Unfortunately, the entertainment industry often isn't about "who created it" but instead "who perfected it" or "who made it famous."
  19. Just to clarify, who exactly is "living in the past?" Just because someone prefers old cars to new, or enjoys a thing or two from 50 years ago doesn't exactly mean they're "living in the past," and nobody's said "everything was better then." You're right, many, many things are better these days than they used to be, but there are also tons of things that are far worse.
  20. This is turning into a perfect example of what I was mentioning earlier...people can't have a discussion without getting their panties in a bunch.
  21. Well, but is it "wrong" for people to not want/appreciate criticism? I mean, don't get me wrong, I see where you're coming from and I completely agree that people need to grow some thicker skin sometimes, but not everyone who builds models wants to "perfect" it. I don't and have no interesting in building for competitions for example...my aim for improving my building skills is purely for my own satisfaction, but if someone is satisfied slapping some brushed-on paint and heavy glue and getting it done in a day, if they're enjoying themselves, power to 'em.
  22. No, I meant what I said. I realize that there are plenty of people who enjoy more modern cars, but the following for the classics is hugely more popular, if for no other reason than it's had more time to gain followers.
  23. Great looking model...the F40 is one of the few Supercars that I actually like...you did a fantastic job on this one!
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