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Everything posted by MrBuick

  1. Did I say you did? I thought it was pretty clear that I was talking about the person I'd just finished mentioning in the sentence before that one, and generalizing about other's who behave the same way, but apparently not, so good job taking it personally. Ah yes, we must be a racist Southerners. Yeah, I realize more people are going to hear about it and there are going to be people who listened to their music, watched their movies, etc, but they (most) didn't know that person (Prince in this case) any more than they didn't know that cop, firefighter, random dude in the Obituaries. For instance, I was a fan of Paul Walker...when I heard he'd died, I was like "man, that sucks," which is the same thought I have when I hear about anyone dying...I liked the movies I'd seen Paul Walker in, and his Hollywood reputation was "he was a good dude," but I certainly had no 'personal' attachment to him because I didn't actually know him. Besides, the main point I was getting at, was just like when MJ died, so many people that were never Prince fans are suddenly "devastated" that he's died. Just look at the album sales post-death...they've skyrocketed...it's as if people were like, "Oh yeah, Prince existed, I better buy his albums so I can jump on the bandwagon." I just don't get it. Anyway, I was never intending to take away from the fact that he's died, and have no intention of making this into a disrespectful sounding slam against Prince and the fact that he's died.
  2. Very cool build. I've always like Packards...my Grandpa has been restoring a '47 Clipper Custom for about 10 years...it's getting close to being done.
  3. I've done it once, but the box art was a picture of the actual 1:1 car.
  4. Well, as far as people not responding, that's just frustrating...but, not much you can do about that. However, maybe in the future you can try this; Instead of mailing the files on disks, if you're able (you'll need decent Internet speed to upload all the files), put them in a shared cloud drive...Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive, etc...they all have a way to share files with others. Tell them you'll leave them there for however long you agree on, give them time to download\save what they want to their computer, then clear them out. That way, while you're still out your time, at least you're not out any money.
  5. Short answer - yes, there are lots of ways to do it...it all depends on how detailed and "rusty" you want to get.
  6. I'm sorry, but this kind of stuff really get's me...it's sad when anybody dies, but people get all in a tizzy when some actor\actress, musician, etc goes, yet nobody bats an eye when a helicopter full of Marines is shot down, a pair of cops are assassinated in their squad car while eating lunch, or a firefighter is lost in a building trying to rescue someone who's trapped. Some hipster at work today is literally crying and crisis ordering a bunch of Prince albums on iTunes...she obviously didn't care enough about him when he was alive to buy his music, but now that he's dead, suddenly she cares? People in this country need to re-examine themselves.
  7. I've always wondered the thought process behind altered wheelbase cars. I understand that the concept behind a gasser was weight transfer to the rear, but the "nose up" stance and strait axle was detrimental to handling and things could get sketchy pretty quickly. Was the altered wheelbase just evolution of the same concept...moving the rear axle forward to put more weight behind it for quick rear-weight transfer?
  8. I think GM made a huge mistake not mass-producing this car...it's so beautiful!
  9. I haven't really been building for that long (a few years), and for a while I was setting personal goals of completing two models a month...NO idea why I decided to do that. I don't compete, don't need to finish them that rapidly, and am still very much in the learning process, so I was just adding fuel to the fire. Anyway, I got stressed over it and started losing motivation. I then didn't work on any models for almost 3 months...just did other things; worked on my 1:1, worked around the house, and started a competition 1911 project. One day I just got the motivation to drag stuff out and start working again...I'm sure it'll happen again at some point, though I've learned my lesson so it won't be for the same reason. All of my hobbies tend to do that...I'll get overly into it then kind of stress myself out and take a long break from it.
  10. Yeah, he was responding to a post saying that '63 was the first hardtop...making the clarification between a "hardtop" and coupe.
  11. I do just the opposite...engine, chassis, interior, and only then do I start on bodywork\paint. I think I do it this way because bodywork\paint is still the area I'm trying to really improve on, and therefore it's the most stressful for me, so I tend to put it off.
  12. Looks great! I'd love to see some engine\chassis pictures.
  13. In my opinion, there's not really a need to buy an "expensive" booth if you're a little handy...I just finished building one. I used a Dayton blower fan and installed it on top of the booth, which is made out of plywood, a furnace filter and lined with packaging paper (quick, easy and cheap cleanup when needed), then plumbed it out a window in my basement using dryer vent ducting. While not technically rated "explosion proof," the fan is out of the way of the main blast from the paint, and the motor is separated from the fan, so I figure it's about as "explosion proof" as you can get without actually get a said rated fan. All in, I've got $119 into the fan, about $40 into other materials, and some of my time. I also have heard from many, many people who have used the cheap, sub-$100 portable booths with any kind of paint they want for years without issue...if you're careful and deliberate (start the fan a bit before you start painting, don't let too much fumes build up at a time, etc), they're still pretty dang safe. The "exploding paint booths" you sometimes hear about are almost an anomaly...sure, it happens, there are horror stories, but it's rare, and in many of those cases most likely the user did something stupid/wrong.
  14. Hmm, my only other suggestion would be to double-check your notification settings on the forum and make sure the necessary check boxes are selected.
  15. Wow GREAT job! I almost can't believe that was hand-painted...wonderful work!
  16. Aside from model building, I do a lot of gun-smithing and shooting...I compete in IDPA tournaments and do a lot of general defensive pistol training. I've build a number of 1911 pistols and AR-10/15 rifles, and a completely custom Glock 17...that one actually turned out to be pretty lucrative for me, because I took it to a tournament and was offered almost 1k more than it took for me to build it...I gladly sold it! I've been slowing working on a '73 Buick Apollo that I'm basically teaching myself to rebuild from the ground up...body work, mechanics, windshield installation, I'm learning to do it all, partially because I just want to and partially because I'm too cheap to pay someone else to do something I can learn to do. So far I've stripped one side down to sheet metal, fixed a few dings, primed that side, replaced every bushing on the thing, tons of random other things, and completely rebuilt an sbc350 for it using good 'ol YouTube and forums, and it's now got about 12k miles on it without any issues. I've got some quarter skins I need to install as soon as I set aside some time to work on my welding skills (I've got a junker parts car that I use for practicing...that way I make my mistakes on that one and hopefully not the one I drive). I volunteer at a local animal shelter and a very small local veterinary clinic, usually walking the animals or just giving them a little kindness in their lives, but I've also been able to successfully help re-home a few. Although I'm not into video games myself, I build, upgrade and repair quite a few gaming computers for random people...a few of my friends are heavy into LAN parties and stuff, and they throw a fair amount of business my way...I probably average about 1 a month. I've always had fun building computers (it's a nice break from my normal day-to-day network administration duties), so that covers the "hobby" portion, but it's also nice to make a little extra cash on the side that I can throw at my expensive hobbies!
  17. If you have any 3rd party plug-ins enabled, try disabling them for the site and see if it changes anything, especially if you use adblock plug-ins. Adblock plugins can be fantastic, but sometimes they inadvertently can cause features not to function because they incorrectly determine something to be an ad.
  18. Usually I use Opera and IceDragon, but I just verified that it works fine for me in IE, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Edge, Firefox, and even other less common specialized ones like BlackHawk, WhiteHat and Midori.
  19. This isn't necessarily on point with the original thought, but speaking of accents, it amazes me how well some people can mask their accent. I've met people who can do this very well, but from a "public eye" standpoint, look at Hugh Jackman and Hugh Laurie (huh, both named "Hugh). Jackman is from Australia, but if you didn't know it, you wouldn't be able to tell. Laurie is English...again, if you didn't know it, you wouldn't.
  20. We finally got some rain in my area...it wasn't as bad as it has been in some areas, but was pretty dang dry.
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