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About stenfalk

  • Birthday 04/04/1969

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  • Full Name
    Torsten Falke

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  1. Hi guys, I want to design a website on which I show my model building. To make it clear to the readers what cabover and what conventionals are, I need 2 original photos, which I can post. As I live in germany I'm unfortunately unable to take photos myself. Can any of you guys help me? To provide photos for me and the permission to use them? Photos of trucks from the 70s or 80s would be nice, thank you!
  2. This report is more valuable to me than reading a book about the Kenworth K100! Very nice work so far, I'm excited to see how it goes from here!
  3. For me, construction reports like this one are excellent material for learning how to set up interesting us model semi-tractors, as I have their originals unfortunately hardly ever been able to see on our roads in Germany. You guys in the United states are really blessed! This model will be a feast for the eyes!
  4. I am pleased that you are interested in my insignificant work, thanks guys! That motivates, and I always gladly accept helpful tips. With regard to my colorful choice of materials on the model, I may have to say that every first cab I build is intended as a master for molding and casting. I will then, so i hope, carry out correct detail work that is typical of the series or year of construction on the casted cabins. That's why I will soon close all window and door openings again with wafer-thin brass or plastic strips. This makes it easier for me to work out the fine window struts and for the mold maker to mold the cabin.
  5. A dream model of an early BigRig, the kit makes an excellent impression!
  6. Although I am having a hard time working at the moment, I have managed to make some progress on my Kenworth K100. This is essentially the rough structure of the interior, but there was also some progress on the cabin.
  7. I love it! A great piece of truck history, very nicely recreated.
  8. Everything you've done on this model so far promises that it will be a wonderful little truck.
  9. I really like the color combination too. One day I'll definitely paint one of my small-scale rigs like that!
  10. It is always a pleasure to watch a Peterbilt emerge!
  11. I am very much looking forward to this report. I hope there is more to see soon.
  12. After a long, busy life, the cruiseliner has certainly earned its place on the trailer!
  13. Eye candy! Highly attractive and nice built!
  14. Get in, drive off! It looks like a real ...
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