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250 Testa Rossa

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Everything posted by 250 Testa Rossa

  1. What size wire would be appropriate for making throttle return springs to accommodate the P/E throttle linkage from Model Car Garage?
  2. I would certainly have no problem painting a two-tone paint job on this beauty. Just not sure what color I would want to paint it.
  3. I'm so glad they're bringing back the SWC Willys with the Olds engine. Been waiting for that one for a while now. Maybe I could kitbash this one with the Hemi SWC Willys to build the original restored car. I'm really excited for this one, especially since it's a Del Rio. Can't wait to see this one hit the shelves!
  4. Don't get me wrong, but the '57 Ford Ranch Wagon looks really really nice.
  5. Which version of the SWC Willys are they releasing?
  6. Nice. I know he's doing a Scarab, and is the other a Chaparral? A correct full detail 904 GTS (Monogram slot car as a base) would be awesome. The 914/6GT is truly an awesome kit.
  7. Nice! Is Hist. Racing Miniatures doing any 1950s/60s Porsche kits in the near future? I have the old ScaleKraft 356 Abarth in my stash.
  8. Really looking forward to seeing this done! What's next? A 911R?
  9. Have you tried contacting Jameston at Scalefinishes.com? I highly recommend him for paint.
  10. I can't wait for this to be released! There's some parts I hope they include, like the steel wheels from the old annuals from '65-'68, better tires, and that they retool the cooling fan. A Powerglide option would also be great.
  11. I agree with you on those Stinger decals. And I've got at least nine of the previous issues of the AMT kits including the '65 Corsa annual with a damaged roof, and a '66 annual that's been converted to a Yenko Stinger. Not sure what I should do about the damaged roof, but I've got at least three Yenko Stingers I'm working on right now.
  12. I've got a '65 Monza 110 Powerglide convertible, and one of my friends used to own a genuine 1966 Yenko Stinger.
  13. I saw the death car twice. Once on the way to Vegas, and at the San Diego Air And Space Museum in 2008. For most part, the death car is usually kept behind a glass barrier, as I saw it in Primm. When it was in San Diego, the car was roped off, and I was able to get some pretty detailed pictures of it. To my understanding, the car still retains its Cordoba Gray paint job, and the interior is severely worn. I think some of the bullets are still lodged in the door panels.
  14. I've got the Hendrix resin body and the AMT '34 Ford Tudor just to build the death car. Any tips would be perfectly appreciated. Thanks!
  15. I would love to see it when it's done. What color is it going to be? And I've got one with a damaged roof. Not sure if I should make it a convertible or not.
  16. It would be nice to have the '68 back in production again.
  17. Hopefully it will be worth the wait, and will have much better decals.
  18. this link should help. http://www.pbase.com/9146gt/9146gt_factory_race_cars_sn9140431020_sonauto40
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