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Everything posted by KingSix

  1. That's cool stuff.. love to see a '68 like my dad drove someday ...
  2. I don't see the big deal. Barry Pepper made a good Dale Earnhardt , and he is much shorter than Earnhardt was. Funny, for a hobby that requires so much imagination, there sure seems to be a lack of it in this post ....
  3. Yeah, that's called "False Imprisonment" and it's highly illegal, more so than just being a jerk and parking in a handicapped spot. He has no right to restrain someone from moving their car , 2 wrongs don't make a right ...
  4. My vendor , Mitch Cato, is one of the coolest guys around, he's hooked me up more than once .. I'll ask him about it next time I see him .. worth a shot anyway..
  5. Matco ? Really ? Can you put up a link ? The Matco truck stops by my house 2x a month or so, (it's where my shop is ) .. never seen an airbrush on the truck before ...
  6. I'm currently running and old old off brand brush.. whatever name was on it has worn off. I got it from a painter buddy of mine. It works OK, but I'd really like something better ..
  7. It's not that big a deal, it was more or less tongue in cheek ....
  8. In my search for a new AB, I found this add on eBay http://www.ebay.com/itm/6-PAASCHE-TG-2L-TALON-AIRBRUSHES-Dual-Action-Airbrush-/190931315415?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c7464aad7 Broken down that comes to $61 and change per AB, shipping is free from the distributor . in order to get these we would need to have all 6 of them spoken for before ordering. As I said before, I'll let me trade feedback speak for itself if you're worried about getting burned. Three of them are already spoken for, we need 3 more people interested in getting an AB for about half price. PM me if you are interested.
  9. There is no such thing as a "NASCAR" , they're either Grand National, Busch, Winston Cup ( or "Cup" ) Nationwide or Sprint Cup cars..NASCAR is an acronym, not a type of car ...
  10. Chris, I'm that way with my 1:1 tools, Snap-On or Cornwell , everything else is 2nd best. My rationalization is, why by the same tool twice, spend the money the first time and be done with it ...
  11. I'm in the market for a new airbrush, and I have a few questions.I have limited airbrush time but I use an Iwata sprayer with a 1.4 tip for DP-90 and a DeVilbiss with a 1.8 and up tip for primers almost daily (when I am working ) . I have a lot of experience with spraying, but I am NOT a painter. What is the average some of you more experienced airbrushers spend on a good airbrush. With regular cleaning and maintenance do they last pretty much forever like a real paint gun ? Any help is appreciated ...
  12. Today I got the run-a-round from UPS, why am I not surprised ?
  13. ...and the Mopar gods wept .. j/k , pretty awesome build !!
  14. Does anybody know the scale size of these wheels & tires in scale inches ? Meaning are they 14's 15's.. etc etc ? I'd like to get them for a 308 GTB build I'm working on, but they'd be kind of useless to me if they were less than 15" in scale ..
  15. Completed a trade with Mike Kucaba , smooth as silk, very happy . I would trade with Mike again without hesitation ..
  16. Well, Imagine my surprise when the Mailman showed up, with a box in one piece & models intact .. turned out to be a good day after all ....
  17. Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT blaming the shipper.. I'm blaming UPS. I am working with the individual who shipped it as we speak to expedite the claim I filed with UPS. I'm serious, the box looked like it was kicked all the way from IL.
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