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Greg Wann

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Everything posted by Greg Wann

  1. http://www.pulsarprofx.com/decalpro/ I understand what you are trying to do but I don't think it will work. Here is a link to a kit that you can turn these images into water slide decals and it will make temporary tattoos too. This kit will make white, silver and gold images but you need a laser printer or a toner generated image to apply your artwork to. It is a few steps but mostly they turn out nice.
  2. OOPS! I too apologize for seemingly hijacking this thread. I am certainly not here to try to outdo anybody about this. I have been posting my resin work for some time now on our forum. Jeff Watlington the Time Machine Bandit guy was pretty helpful but a lot of what I show is what I dreamed up on my own. If I had a big Ego, I would say it was top secret and I would not post anything. Greg
  3. http://smcbofphx.pro...lay&thread=1297 Take the above link over to a forum that I show a lot of my casting work on. You will want to go to page two for the tire mold making. Most of page one are pictures of a Mercedes W196 Race car being taken apart. The mold I make is pretty simple and straight forward. I would suggest that you buy some of the Kleen Klay I use to clay up parts. The best deal for that is from Allumilite. Kleen Klay is to Resin casting as The Force is to Star Wars!! "LUKE, USE THE CLAY, LUKE"! I do pretty much Encapsulate the entire tire in silicone. This mold will make some great tires when I have good resin to work with. As you will see when you go over to my light side of casting that when they put an expiration date on a can the stuff knows when to go bad!! YUP! These guys have expiration dates down to a science too. LOL The one thing about my mold is that the tires are not easy to remove. Be prepared for some excercise. Some of you guys making tires are just trying way too hard. So....Check out my work and cruise around our forum. You can see and join for free. We are the guys that bring the Desert Scale Classic Model Car contest to life at the good Ol" Postal Hall every year and it's coming up in April in the Phoenix, AZ area. I'm sure Danno will post a fler soon. Enjoy and have fun. It's not just a forum to waste time at. Hopefully you will learn something about resin casting. Well......It's my take on the subject. Greg Wann AKA Shartin Looms
  4. http://www.modelcarsmag.com/auction/250,auction_id,auction_details This is wierd. How do you explain this? LOL
  5. Something really wierd is going on then. I can log in and it shows my auction number 250, "PLAIN AS THE DAY IS LONG" But when I go in to find it it is not to be found. I will send you a PM
  6. Here are some tires I made using the Polytek Flex 50. A very nice product indeed. Here is the mold, not much to say about it except the cured tires put me in a sweat wrestling them out of their pockets. Thanks for the tip, ryan. Greg
  7. OK, I tried a different camera setting and my auction set up liked the size. I paid the dollar Paypal fee to get it started on Emodel cars. I got a Paypal notice that Gregg got paid and a link to my auction. When I click on the link to my auction I get a notice that it is not valid or available. NOW WHAT???? It is a auction for two sets of Mclaren M8B tires I made from Polytek resin.
  8. OK, I tried to post an auction but it says my pic is too big. I have a cheap Kodak digital camera. It is set to 1.2 MP. I think this is the smallest setting it has. I tried to pull a pic from my photobucket. Can I do this? What exactly is a URL? NEED HELP PLEASE. Thanks, Greg
  9. Thanks, Gregg, I signed up. I will make some items and post to see how they do.
  10. Nice job. Buicks are BAD ASS!!
  11. OH MY GOD!!! That is just awesome!! Someone did want to buy it. Do you sell your wonderfull works of art? OH, and that is a really nice bubble top.
  12. This build is just incredible as usual. Question: You are applying Allclad over a clearcoat? Have you tried the chroming powder yet?
  13. I buy my silicone from Aeromarine in California. I use the one with the purple activator. It smells like grape soda. I buy the 44 pound kits. $354.00 to my door makes the per pound price well under ten bucks. They list a page of big companies that buy their products too. You won't go wrong. http://www.aeromarineproducts.com/ If the Harley Davidson Motorcycle Company, Rolls Royce and Grainger are buying from them it must be good stuff!
  14. That is very cool. I do like Buicks.
  15. Very nice work as usual, John. You are welcome with the bubble top help.
  16. AWESOME!!
  17. I found a supplier here in Tempe Arizona. I called them and placed an order. Thanks for the help.
  18. Thank you, Ryan. I really appreciate the information. http://www.polytek.com/ WOW! The stuff is expensive! Looks like it needs a dye too. What do you use for a dye? What is your mix for the added dye?
  19. Do those headrests come as separate parts in the kit or did you cut them loose and make them? That is a really nice detail to add to your build. I did that with my Buick GS convertible project, a 5 year old unfinished build.
  20. What company is that? Can you post a link? I'm looking for some other brand of rubber resin to try. http://www.aeromarineproducts.com/ I bought some concrete mold making and stamping rubber from the link above but waited till it's experation date before I ever got around to using it. I buy my silicone in a 44 pound kit from them.
  21. Are they made from soft rubber resin or are they regular hard resin painted black? If they are of a rubber resin, what did you use?
  22. I am wanting to make some tires. I have some resin that I think is expired, I am having mixed results. The cans say good until January 2012. How does the stuff know when to go bad? I'm just wondering what others are using to make tires? Thanks, Greg
  23. Ther you go. Jeff makes it. And you thought it would be hard to find.
  24. What exactly is a California flash?
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