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Bill J

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Everything posted by Bill J

  1. You're welcome. I have owned a bunch of 1:1 Ford FE engines and know them too intimately. I have gotten model BBC valve covers on wrong on numerous occasions.
  2. Good project. I hate to say it but your valve covers are on upside down.
  3. This past Friday I was driving down my least favorite highway, south on I-17 from Flagstaff to Phoenix and I checked my mirror and saw a Ford GT about to pass me, along with some other vehicles. The Ford GT was a metallic blue, very low and very slick looking. Arizona plates. I have to add that I hate driving my 2012 Jeep down that road with all the traffic and rude drivers. I cannot imagine driving a 1/2 million dollar car on that road. I am guessing that will be the only Ford GT I will see on the highway, ever. It was quite beautiful looking
  4. 2 great looking Ferrari's. I hope Paul and his family are doing well.
  5. Super impressive paint work on the Monte! I have to say, I get bogged down by a two-tone paint job myself and I find your work quite amazing.
  6. The 57 Ford looks great, nice paint, detail and overall nicely done. FYI, a Fairlane is a trim model, this particular 57 is a Custom, the Fairlane is more chromed up and a longer wheelbase. http://oldcarbrochures.com/static/NA/Ford/1957_Ford/1957_Ford_Full_Line_Brochure/dirindex.html
  7. That should be a fun project. Love the Boss 302, more the '70 than the '69 but both were great cars.
  8. Back in the '60's-'70's timeframe. many builders used a speckled paint, called Zolatone on their interiors. On my old builds with the grey or black interiors I try to replicate the look.
  9. Tim, the decals on the Tiny Merc are Slixx, one is number sheet "M" the other is quarter panel sheet "C". Contingencies are from a PL kit sheet. The Benny Parson's Talladega decals are from Ol' Days Decals on ebay. Nice decals, seldom seen car, Benny's first Cup season '70. Thanks to all for the kind words
  10. Congratulations on the new Honda. If I was a car person, I would buy a new Civic. I love the look, especially the Type R or the 4 door. Last car I bought was a 2010 Corolla Type S, Barcelona red. I liked the look and it drove fine but in 2 years I had only put 4500 miles on it. I always drove my SUV instead. Traded the Corolla for a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited in 2012. I like that red Mustang also, congrats on that one, looks to be fun.
  11. A classic. I would love to find some kits in the box of the Comet and Maverick today. JC, you do build some really cool models
  12. That made me laugh Tim, actually no I am not. While I have admired some of their racing successes over the decades, I have not owned a Ford since the "70's. For some reason decided to clear off some projects that were either started or that I wanted to build and happens the above were all Fords. I have a Charger 500 that I have worked on here and there and a couple of '63 Chevys that are close. Actually the next ones are also Ford products, some '66 Galaxies. BTW, I drive a Jeep, it's practical
  13. Wow Paul, you are really doing some great masters! I will be looking for the T'Bird, definitely a favorite from the era.
  14. My guess on the yellow paint is that one looks like Ford Phoenician Yellow and the other looks like Ford Springtime Yellow, 65-66 Ford colors.
  15. Pretty much the Paasche VL has always had Teflon seals. The only seals are the ones in the air valve and the one that is inside to seal the needle. I have a VL that I have owned for at least 30 years and I did replace that inner seal around the needle once, I find that the spitting is usually caused by the tip being partly clogged. Acrylic paints can easily clog the airbrush and if allowed to dry even a little, lacquer thinner may not clear it. If I have that happen, I drop the tip in a jar of Super Clean for a few hours, that will break up the acrylic paints. Sounds like your problem was with a wonky needle, glad you got it cleared up.
  16. Great model of a big piece of automotive history. I remember those big Caddies when they came out and how all of us kids admired them. I have an old friend that does some 1:1 custom work and almost everything he does has 59 Caddy taillights. Classic big car!
  17. I try to cut the clear parts from the sprue with a sharp razor saw, always leaving enough to file and polish edges. If there are any scratches in the windows I polish with Novus polish. I also bag pieces separately to avoid scratching, putting them in zip lock bags. Normally, I store in the kit box to avoid losses.
  18. Very nice police car, really well done
  19. Another beauty Mark, you always impress me
  20. I just received 2 sets of Randy's Weber carbs. Are they ever neat, realistic and amazing. I am really looking forward to the 427 FE engine, just those Cobra FE valve covers look beyond awesome. Nice work, Randy!, Keep it coming
  21. Seems like every so often there is one model or another that just won't cooperate to graduate. In 2010 I took a Model King Mercury Cyclone kit and did a few small mods to the body and painted it black, all black, from a Tamiya spray can. Looked fine. I applied some NASCAR decals and it still looked good but as it went along I notice I had held the decals a tiny bit too high and they would not lay over the front fender's sharp edge. I ended up painting another body another color and finishing a model. The original body was put in a container of Super Clean and soaked in there for years, maybe 4 or more. Stripping Tamiya spray (TS) with Super Clean is not the best solution. A few weeks ago I decided to see what it all looked like. After a little brushing the body was fairly well stripped of the black paint and grey primer. I sanded it a bit, primed grey again and shot it again with a new can of Tamiya black. I let if dry/cure a few days and polished it with Novus. I did not like the look, it had some orange peel. I decided, dumbly to coat it with Pledge Floor Care, or whatever they call it now. Didn't help, looked worse and now I had to strip the Pledge off before more sanding and repainting. I got all that accomplished, shot another fresh can of black on it and while checking my latest effort, it slides off the bent coat hanger and rolls around on the floor. Really! Luckily it had cured just enough that it seems ok, so I will see later how it's going to look. I still have to apply another set of the decals and have more opportunities to mess it up, but I am not ready to toss in the towel yet. I cannot imagine all the things that have gone wrong on this particular car ever happening, but I have to wonder about some curse or voodoo being in play! This was the first attempt before stripping:
  22. Wow Randy, awesome Webers and 427 FE. I am definitely in. I have a request, a tunnel port 2x4 and single 4bbl manifold for the 427. That was an important variant of the FE engine and has never been replicated in scale model parts. I would for sure want some tunnel port parts, please, please, please
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