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Just in case you're looking for an RV


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Aww man... but seriously though, that parking space is kind of genius! Most of the camping spots on here don't have too much parking space on site, and with this you just drive under your RV. Guess the neighbours will give you strange looks when you open your 'garage'.

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Aww man... but seriously though, that parking space is kind of genius! Most of the camping spots on here don't have too much parking space on site, and with this you just drive under your RV. Guess the neighbours will give you strange looks when you open your 'garage'.

Camping spots? Is this camping? And would it fit in "normal" camp spots?


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Why do all modern motorhomes have such hideously busy paintjobs done in such boring colors?! The above GMC is been updated in such a way that it has one nearly as bad as most new ones.

Granted, I prefer the looks of "Ground Force 1", preferably without all the needed extras for Presidential use B)


But still, this is just has the wildly tacky paint scheme of a Minitruck, just done with mostly boring appliance car colors!


Edited by Joe Handley
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I wouldn't want to have an RV that large, maybe the one with a van cab on the front of it...

A few years ago my wife and I both were out of work at the same time. I suggested that we sell the house, put everything in storage and take a year off to tour America in a camper. She declined. I'm still sorry we didn't do it.

Edited by Tom Geiger
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That Prevost motorhome is terrible. Who would want to drive that? It's literally a coach bus!

When we go camping, we take a truck and load gear in it, drive for a couple hours north, then when we get there, we have to drive up an eight mile road to get to the campsites! Sure, there are showers, bathrooms, and a rec hall, but they're not modern at all. No TV in the rec hall, but there's ping pong. We camp in a lean-to on cots, and cook meals on a fire. We go and find our own wood and chop it ourselves. I wouldn't ever want to camp in a camper. Reminds me of an episode of American Dad, wherein Stan's boss has a camper and says, "It's like driving a terrible little house!"

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Frankly, camping to me is nothing more than pretending to be homeless or practicing being a refugee! As far as the rolling monstrosity, might as well use the money for that thing and book a 4 star hotel because that sure ain't roughing it!

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