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AMT 1965 Riviera Curbside Custom - DONE!


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Thank you guys!! That's what I love about these cars.. One of my favorite sixties GMs ... They don't need much to be a 60s custom or a lowrider... Just a little low, and some wheels.

This is just amazing work. Are those tuck&roll panels from a sheet or individual half round stock glued one at a time?

Individually laid .060 half rounds... That was fun.. Haha
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Thank you all for the kind words! This forum does a lot to keep me motivated, and moving forward on a project. All these compliments from all of you guys that know what you are doing, really means a lot.

Last night I got distracted and played a game of musical wheels/tires for awhile...I thought that the wide whites would bring out the interior more, at the end of it i decided to stick with the pegasus supemes.. but it was an exercise i would have regretted not doing.




So to at least make some progress, I created some gauge faces in Adobe Illustrator and printed them out and installed with a drop of future on top.


Tonights plan is to finish up that interior, and start alclad'in some bumpers.

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Fantastic interior...what technique do you use to attach the piping so neatly?

Just a piece of piano wire to apply Extra thick CA, and a toothpick to press the wire in place... its tricky at first, but once you do a seat or 2 you get the feel for it. I started drilling holes at the end to hide the wire end, then i tried it without and it looked about the same so i stopped on the rear seats.

As of last night... interior done! Shift knob made from some 1/16" acrylic rod, sanded to shape, fogged with body color then dipped in future.






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Thank you all!! Im excited to wrap this thing up.

Very, very nice. What method did you use for the rolled upholstery?

It is just evergreen .060 half round layed next to each other. I scuffed each seat with some coarse sandpaper, then started in the middle and worked my way outward. I took the tamiya extra thin glue and layed a strip of it down at a time. Make sure you keep them tight together so there are no gaps. If you do get gaps the primer fills it, but you also dont want to bury it in primer. The only tricky spot is the curve over the top of the front seats, if you put glue on the strip then tried to make that bend it would break... so i had to put the glue onto the seat and work quickly to bend and press it into place all at once. It really wasnt that difficult once you get started you get a good feel for it, just takes a lot of time.

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