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What are the chances Modelhaus will find a buyer for their business?

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Some people have zero clue how much work, integrity, and kindness come from Don and Carol. You cannot pay for the kind of reputation they've busted tail doing for the last 20-25 years.

Their recent tragic loss of their son just makes it seem so unfair. Don and Carol are awesome people, smart, hardworking in several different professional lives.

Fseva, buy a few kits of theirs, and you may learn the difference between cost and value. I personally doubt you ever will, but don't denegrate the business of the Holthaus family or it's value unless you've done similarly.

This business will be hard to replace, or sustain at the level of commitment of Don and Carol. No matter what, I wish them peace and happiness. The success was all their doing.

This especially. More-or-less what I was trying to say, but I summarized.

The key to any pass-along will be quality.

Quality of product.

Quality of service.

Quality of people engaged in the enterprise.

I know a couple of people that could probably pull it off; I'm not sure if they have the financial resources, but I know they have the integrity Don deals with and, with a little training, can match his talent.

D.R.A.G. buying them out- those guys have their hands very full as it is, but they, along with Greg Wann, are great examples of the type of people I'm talking about.

Well, if I get run out of town after one term as mayor (assuming I get elected,) I may need to re-locate for my own safety :lol:. I can always do the molding and help with the show coverage.....

Quasi-kidding aside, I'd love to do something like this, and with the right training, I think I could.

Charlie Larkin

Just a wild thought.. What if Tom Lowe bought it and started another Round 2 department?

Don't laugh, it could happen. I could seriously see him or Dave Burkett going for it.

Charlie Larkin

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I think the first big issue is that whomever would buy the business is capable of maintaining the quality and customer service.

Second is the financial part. Somehow a figure needs to determine what the selling price is. Once that is determined a good proposal needs to be done for a crowfunding campaign. This seems like an ideal situation for crowdfunding. Just a thought.

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I have looked into crowd funding myself. if you are going to undertake that course of action you will need a pitch for your investors, possibly a discount on the first few kits that are cast up. That's if your investors are modellers. If your investors are not modellers than they will expect some kind of financial incentive. Either a percentage of each sale until their money is returned with interest or something else.

Also you will need to test the idea. Not just on this forum but other ones as well. You will need to look at all forms of social media as a promotional platform so that when the time comes to choose a crowd funding site you have enough interest to launch the pitch.

If you can not get traffic onto the page that is hosting your campaign, it will fail. Don't automatically assume that the people that are members of that page are going to be interested in your pitch. You also need to research which crowd funding platform you are going to use. Make sure you use one that gives you a longer deadline to reach your goal. Also remember the goal itself needs to be realistic. Research the level of interest in your idea on the forums first before coming up with a figure.

If you can do that then you are in with a chance.

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First thing that should happen if there is to be any new owner is a decent website with good pictures of what they offer.

Even if someone say the products are excellent (And they are) many will not take anyones word for it,but actually want

to see what they are getting into. I cant prove it but i bet the increase in sales would skyrocket when people actually can

see the products. I feel my self-control is decent,but when is see pictures and ideas pop-up in my head as i go thru content

i close to always have to purchase somthing,even if it`s small,wheels and maby tires etc.

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If I had the financial resources up front I would put my hat in the ring. I live here in the Phoenix Arizona area. There are a few businesses that do chrome plating but none that I know of do vacuum metalizing. This is the process that plastic parts go through to get chrome plating adhered to them. This is another business that is of interest to me. I think plastic chrome plating in this area of the country would be a good business too. Unfortunately I am ADD so my head is in all kinds of stuff. I have a few plumbing tool inventions I would like to market as well.

Does anyone know how to do the vacuum metalizing? My first attempt to make a vacuum chamber was to get some half in thick clear acrylic and make a box with a lid that just sets on top. I really thought I could use a vacuum cleaner to pull a vacuum needed to de air silicone. That experiment failed quickly. I still have the box. Now I am wondering that after a few years of experience I might actually be able to reinforce the box to get it to hold a vacuum and actually vacuum metalize in it if I could learn the process.

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Tommy Olsen, pictures why would you need pictures? the Holthaus's been running their operation for years without pictures, and very successfully also. An increase in sales? There are only three people doing all the work, and maybe they don't want to work day and night. They have a great resin business with great sales and references. There you go trying to fix something that isn't broke.

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Tommy Olsen, pictures why would you need pictures? the Holthaus's been running their operation for years without pictures, and very successfully also.

How many topics on this forum alone where people are asking about Modelhaus products do you think you will find?

This is my point,if you cant see the product you doubt and skip it,well if you dont go on here and ask questions first.

Also this question comes up 20 times a week on Facebook "Is it any good" "Heard about it but there is no pictures" etc.

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Personally, I don't think that the question at hand should be "What are the chances of the Modelhaus finding a buyer for their business". It should be-What are the chances of a buyer, or buyers, who purchases The Modelhaus being able to maintain the quality and service of the existing ownership. As far as those of you needing pictures. Your loss. There are enough testimonials on this board alone to convince anyone of what you are getting. Count me in as one.

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This is just my opinion and nothing more.

Are you sure Modelhaus will even be for sale when said retirement occurs ? Will they even care IF , when or to whom its sold to ,,be in in its entirety or peacemeal ?

If so ( again my opinion )

But when a business goes up for sale in most cases and to MOST potential buyers they will value it for darn near pennies on the dollar .

again my opinion only and nothing more

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My point is,sometimes i dont know what i want before i see it. And even when i see it,i do not always know what it`s called,it`s name

and number,let`s say a set of wheels and tires. So if i go on Modelhaus and look for it,the description is completely greek for me,because i dont know what it`s called,and there is pictures either. If no one see a problem with this i guess its just me then.

Here is a great album: http://public.fotki.com/jsharisky/modelhaus_resin_items/

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My point is,sometimes i dont know what i want before i see it. And even when i see it,i do not always know what it`s called,it`s name

and number,let`s say a set of wheels and tires. So if i go on Modelhaus and look for it,the description is completely greek for me,because i dont know what it`s called,and there is pictures either. If no one see a problem with this i guess its just me then.

Here is a great album: http://public.fotki.com/jsharisky/modelhaus_resin_items/

Exactly.Being as I've never seen any of their stuff in real life or directly from their website I've never intended to purchase anything from them. Even if they did have that one part/kit I needed I would still want to see what it looks like. Besides as nice as everyone here is I don't really think I'd trust them enough with a "Ya I built one fifteen years ago and I think it was decent" to throw down $80, if I'm going to throw down the money from a full eight hours of work I don't want to regret because I didn't know what I was getting.

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If the testimonial of absolutely everybody on this site who has ever bought anything from them at any time in the last 25 years isn't good enough, then I don't think pictures would be either.

Yes because everyone who build models are on this site. Many of the items they offer i have no clue at all what they look like. This said,the items i have bought are excellent quality,but then again,it was not my point.

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Gotta say, I don't understand where all this vitriol is coming from towards people who'd like to see pictures before purchase.

Y'all may have purchased from plenty of resin companies and had great experiences... but seriously, you're comfortable buying from from someone for the first time, site-unseen, upwards of $80?

Testimonials from folks here (modelers who are often lightyears beyond the entry-level modeler), while appreciated, are not necessarily a replacement for judging if the buyer can handle the project.

I'd buy from Modelhaus (even without pics)... but I've done plenty of resin kits. The tenor of these thread was for any hypothetical new owner to add pics to an online catalog. Sounds like a pretty good plan, IMHO, especially if loyal Modelhaus customers are curious if this hypothetical owner is doing a good job.

And none of this detracts from the quality work that the Modelhaus Team has done for all these years.

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I think it's really simple. The Holthaus family has said that they won't, especially now, create a website. If you don't trust the feedback from folks on one of the biggest modeling websites on the Internet (many experts here I would say) or won't trust google images, then it's probably best you stop hoping for any of that to change. Don't order any.

But one things for sure...you guys are missing out!

Their products will be missed more than any other resin company I know.

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I think it's really simple. The Holthaus family has said that they won't, especially now, create a website. If you don't trust the feedback from folks on one of the biggest modeling websites on the Internet (many experts here I would say) or won't trust google images, then it's probably best you stop hoping for any of that to change. Don't order any.

But one things for sure...you guys are missing out!

Their products will be missed more than any other resin company I know.

It's not that I don't trust people on here,it's just that every individuals perception of quallity is different. For example if I were to poll every individual about the quality of their product from ModelHaus on a scale of 1-5 most people would give 4's or 5's but say I was to do the same polling with the scale of 1-100,the results would lie between the upper seventies to perfect one hundreds. If I ask someone who's been building resin transkits for the last 30 years compared to someone who's been building six months the answers would vary.

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