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Wow, what a ride so far…..

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….my Wife's Mom has been in & out of the hospital and re-hab centers. Onset of Alzheimer's and the ensuing health deterioration. In-home nurse 7 days a week with us over there as much as possible. Barracuda is still in winter storage and I walk past the hobby room…..

It'll get better. And BTW: Call your parents and/or grandparents if you haven't recently. Let them know your there and see how THEY are.

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Having gone through the same situation with my mother 7 years ago I can fully understand your feelings. It's a very sad and frustrating thing to have to deal with, and there really is no way to prepare yourself for it. I wish you and your family well.

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I hear you on that, my Mom has been in and out of the hospital and a few different nursing facilities since Easter, half of which were a ways from home or work too. Lately we've spent a lot of time everywhere but home because of that as well as a lot of money in fuel for my Sister and myself.

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My mom ended up in the hospital a couple of months ago because she wasn't taking her medications reliably so now I go over to her house twice a day and administer her meds so there's no chance for her to mess up again as I have custody of all her medications.

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I am sitting ina ICU waiting room as we speak.

Dad got a bunch of blood clots in left leg....so many he lost the leg.

Sent to a hospital 2 hours from home. No sleep only have this computer

so I can keep family updated.

Yes.....keep family close...check on all of them.

BUT PLEASE keep them healthy and out of all hospitals.

Affordable health care act has killed patient care.

If not for my wife who worked ICU for ten years...Dad would not be going home.

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Sorry for your loss John I can't imagine how you feel I lost my dad about fifteen years ago hurt real bad and miss him but I spent as much time with him as I could till he passed it was only six months from the time he got sick buy I made the best of them. Moms still pretty good she's 76 and now that I'm disabled I see her everyday for breakfast and shopping just take care and prayers sent to you and family.


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I have to second what Tom stated, health drama is hard on everyone...not just the person having the health issue.

Celebrate your mother-inlaw's life well by remembering the good things she did...like molding your wife into the person she is. :)

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Today is the first day we're actually "back to normal" as far as our usual routine is concerned. Amy is doing well, but it's just been nuts. First she lost her Father in March, now her Mom. Oh, BTW: Her Brother was hospitalized last month and HE has health issues too!

Wow…. time out.

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First week we both worked a full week since February! Amy is doing OK, we're both still surprised how quickly she deteriorated….. And yes, she's fortunate she didn't suffer and erode away further. It was just awkward, not heartbreaking yet……. we have a memorial service planned so out-of-state family can come in. Now we adjust.

Meanwhile way back in January I had dis-assembled some of the car in the hope of doing some up-grades. As life prevented me from doing everything in a laid-back manner, now I'm picking & choosing what I want/must get done, and what could wait so I can get it back on the road. Over the past week I finished a quick spit-n-polish on the grilles. It felt good to spray some paint and makes stuff nice.

Tomorrow I throw in 5 Gal. of VPVintage and fire her up from the l-o-n-g sleep. Drop her off the stands, tend to the couple of items I must do, and give her a sponge bath. Looking forward to pulling a few gears…. B)

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First week we both worked a full week since February! Amy is doing OK, we're both still surprised how quickly she deteriorated….. And yes, she's fortunate she didn't suffer and erode away further. It was just awkward, not heartbreaking yet……. we have a memorial service planned so out-of-state family can come in. Now we adjust.

Having watched my father succumb to dementia and now my mom is going through it too, I can assure you it is a mixed blessing to have her pass quickly. My condolences to you and your wife on the passing of her mother and father.

Meanwhile way back in January I had dis-assembled some of the car in the hope of doing some up-grades. As life prevented me from doing everything in a laid-back manner, now I'm picking & choosing what I want/must get done, and what could wait so I can get it back on the road. Over the past week I finished a quick spit-n-polish on the grilles. It felt good to spray some paint and makes stuff nice. Having something to take your mind off of the realities of life can be the best thing.

Tomorrow I throw in 5 Gal. of VPVintage and fire her up from the l-o-n-g sleep. Drop her off the stands, tend to the couple of items I must do, and give her a sponge bath. Looking forward to pulling a few gears…. B)Sounds like the best therapy one could get. Enjoy the time with the car and forget about life for a few minutes, you need it.

John, sure hope you and Amy can salvage some fun time this summer, after the rough start to the year you both need to live a little and enjoy life.

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Thanks….. in 2 weeks we'll have the memorial and move on. Quite literally…..

We're going to be house hunting this fall, maybe sooner. The activity never slows down around here! But on a positive note I'll have the Barracuda back on the streets in a day or two. I forgot 2 pieces at work today, otherwise I'd be in the garage right now. And yes, therapy is good. My wife was baking last weekend, something she loves to do. So we're getting back to doing what we do.

But the thought of sorting and packing up this house……… :blink:

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