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Speaking about Stash Size........

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I just got back from the Hobby Shop. saw the New Ventura kit. Saw some other stuff that I liked too. I had Thirty Bucks in Xmas (Mad) Money to blow. Guess what I brought home?

That's right. Not a Blessed Thing. All those new kits, (boy, that Ventura kit is Heavy), and nothing triggered me to pull out the wallet, and make a deal. I must have rocks in my head. I wanted a new kit, but nothing I saw just screamed "Buy Me!" Maybe I'll wait until the Melrose Missile comes out. I've been buying a lot fewer kits, and not just because money is tight. The desire to buy kits is fading too. The 'pull' of a kit has to be quite a bit more substantial now than it used to be to get me to spend. Heck, I've got plenty already, so I don't really "Need" more anyway. I just thought that it was an odd thing to have Time and cash to go Model Shopping, and come empty handed.


I am the only one this happens to?

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I've felt that way before to..but a few days or a given time later ..I felt different.I don't think about "stash" to me its my store.I look at it that way.I have in it what I want.its fun to look through.I'm going to build them all.but about 20 percent of the kits are for parts only..never will be built as a model..there just parts and that is separate from parts only bins.everyone see's it differently. .....Chris 

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I just got back from the Hobby Shop. saw the New Ventura kit. Saw some other stuff that I liked too. I had Thirty Bucks in Xmas (Mad) Money to blow. Guess what I brought home?

That's right. Not a Blessed Thing. All those new kits, (boy, that Ventura kit is Heavy), and nothing triggered me to pull out the wallet, and make a deal. I must have rocks in my head. I wanted a new kit, but nothing I saw just screamed "Buy Me!" Maybe I'll wait until the Melrose Missile comes out. I've been buying a lot fewer kits, and not just because money is tight. The desire to buy kits is fading too. The 'pull' of a kit has to be quite a bit more substantial now than it used to be to get me to spend. Heck, I've got plenty already, so I don't really "Need" more anyway. I just thought that it was an odd thing to have Time and cash to go Model Shopping, and come empty handed.


I am the only one this happens to?

no, you are not......I go thru that same feeling when I go out to the shops now. as we get older, that interest is still there, but the drive to build constantly and justify the prices of kits today is sometimes something I know many of us struggle with. I have a few mib kits, say 25 or 30. even working on one at a time, I'll have enough for years to come. yes, I want to buy lots, but it isn't like when I was younger and made sure my wallet was empty leaving any hobby shop or toy show........just my 2 cents,.....the Ace.......

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For me it's pretty much been the opposite.

I limited myself for many years to just buying new kits that interested me, mainly full sized cars from the 50s & 60s.

That translated into possibly 3 or 4 kits per year, if that.

However, over the past few years, kit buying has become much more prolific & expensive for me as I started acquiring old obsolete kits from places like ebay.

I've had a list of "holy grail" kits for a good portion of my life that couldn't be fulfilled due to finances & where to get them.

Now that I'm older, have a bit more disposable income, & opportunities like ebay, I've begun filling out my collection with those grail kits.

I have begun to slow the purchasing down in the past few months as I've pretty much filled that want list up.

But when a new kit like the Ventura shows up, I'm pretty much like every other self respecting builder.......I've gotta have one! ;)



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Anymore for me with a very limited budget it has to be something I have wanted or waited for it to be re-issued for some time when I can.  I have those Holy Grail lists too but usually have to ether get lucky and find an old one somewhere I can afford or trade for one.  I have never had a disposable income so I just have to go the route I can.  Sure I am interested in all new kits but I am happy with most older ones as they are too.

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I was the same way over at Hobby Lobby this week - tons of nice kits but I ended up using the coupon on knife blades. Like Steve I've gotten most of my grail kits; about the only one left would be a '61 Tempest sedan (my modeler's OCD has me dying to take an X-acto to those window frames, whittle them down to the correct thickness and straighten the crooked one in the rear quarter window! :wacko:).

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I never seem to have enough kits! I love adding more and more to my collection. Will I ever build them all? It's unlikely. But, I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble, or am involved in any other real vices. Model cars compared to many other vices out there is still relatively cheap. And it's still legal.

I love the old kits that are being reissued by Round 2 and others. They may seem expensive. But, I've got the money now. Where in most cases I didn't have it at the time they were originally out. I look at it as all relative when it comes to prices. And again, compare it to other vices.

Plus I love the new stuff that has been tooled up in the last few years. Especially the kits from Moebius. And, look at all the great new kits by Revell and Tamiya just to name two others.

This is a great time to be in the hobby. Kits I've wanted for years being reissued. And in many cases restored. Cool new kits! Tools and paints we didn't have when I was a kid. My improved skills and pocketbook. And I belong to a great local model car club, the MCCM (Model Car Club of Minnesota). The guys there are great and we have a lot of fun. Both during and after the meetings, and on other occasions.

Ten years ago, I thought for sure our hobby was dying. Now I see I was wrong. I'm having more fun, and with God's blessings I hope it continues for a while longer. And as long as it does, I'll keep on buying, and trying to build more and more model kits. Again, it's legal and I still have some room in my house.

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Since I got into my "build or get all of the 1950's cars" quest 3 years ago, I've bought all of the 1/24 - 1/25 plastic or resin kits, builtups, promos and diecasts that I've been able to afford on my limited income from either show vendors, online sources or EBAY.  I'll pick up newly issued kits of other cars that interest me now and then ('47 Chevy's by Galaxie, '29 Roadster by Revell).  I have enough cars in my TO DO pile to last me several years at the rate I've been building lately.  

I have a stash of about 100 kits of which about 30 are Street Rod kits that are just waiting for some attention once I complete the 50's car quest.  I keep looking to fill "holes" for the years 1950 through 1954 but the pickings are pretty slim for those years.

The search for "filling the holes" is fun and especially rewarding when I can acquire a car that I've been looking for at a reasonable price.  Hopefully I'll live long enough to be able to complete my collection.

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As I get older it is easier for me to walk away and buy nothing.I dont know if I am getting cheap in my old age or if something else 

is happening.When I was at H L I stood and looked and looked but just left and went home with nothing.This the second month I did

this. My wife thought I was sick.

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Yes, there are times I go to a hobby store, look around and leave with nothing. However, I live alone ,  have some disposable income ( pension ), no debts and have time to build the models I always wanted, so I mostly bring at least one model home .  It just makes me feel good to have a nice stash that I can dream about building someday. 

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I'm the same way. Been slowing down on my buying. Went to hobby lobby the other day, browsed the kits and almost bought another revell 29 modal A roadster. Havent built the first one yet. Bought a 1/4 ounce bottle of testors dark red for $1.79 instead. And yes I used the 40% off coupon, what the heck it was on my phone before I walked in the door there. I build armor and planes as well, so kit buying can get expensive. Have about 400 unbuilt kits now so no real need to buy more. Ken

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For me it's pretty much been the opposite.

I limited myself for many years to just buying new kits that interested me, mainly full sized cars from the 50s & 60s.

That translated into possibly 3 or 4 kits per year, if that.

However, over the past few years, kit buying has become much more prolific & expensive for me as I started acquiring old obsolete kits from places like ebay.

I've had a list of "holy grail" kits for a good portion of my life that couldn't be fulfilled due to finances & where to get them.

Now that I'm older, have a bit more disposable income, & opportunities like ebay, I've begun filling out my collection with those grail kits.

I have begun to slow the purchasing down in the past few months as I've pretty much filled that want list up.

But when a new kit like the Ventura shows up, I'm pretty much like every other self respecting builder.......I've gotta have one! ;)



Pretty much sums it up for me the same way. I use to buy just about every kit produced oto replicate cars I saw/seen on the street over they years or old drag cars of the early 60s to early 70s.

Today, I limit my purchases to kits I really really want. Or kits missed out on  and/or had back in the day. A few years ago I sold off hundreds of kits I knew I would never get to or lost interest in altogether.

I grew up during the 60s . And for as long as I can remember ,,I liked cars. Didnt matter the make or model . If it had an engine and 4 tires I wanted to know more.

Over the years I've  evolved to Mopar fan. Saw my first Superbird at about 1973 , ( give or take a year or 2 ) And from that moment I was hooked. I wanted a fast car that looked cool and was absolutly nothing like anyone else had . Over the years I've had several of each Hemi cars,  sixpack cars , GTX convertibles. , and even one each of a Daytona and a Superbird .

Over time,  I fell in love with the big open cars of the early 60s. Of all makes. So Now, slowly and as time, budget and family allows I buy my dream garage ,,,just in 1/25th scale .
I think my dream grail list is nearly complete,, all except maybe a half dozen or so kits.


Today I restore classic cars for other people. So I get to play with the big boys toys,,,yet spend other peoples money ( isnt life beautiful )

Edited by gtx6970
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I have plenty of kits to build and seldom buy one unless i really want it. I still enjoy looking at kits on ebay, model roundup and Hobby Lobby. Models are a great hobby and not expensive compared to so many other interests of other guys i know. 

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Went to Hobby Lobby yesterday with the intention of buying something, and walked out empty handed. Not the first time that has happened, but like others have stated, NOTHING screamed "Buy Me!" .

I have plenty to build and really don't need another model as I have all of the ones I want, but still look and it's hard to pass up a bargain! I will continue to sell off those kits that were impulse buys and concentrate on the kits I really want to build and finish. I am realizing that I need to reduce what I have and build what is left.

Not much on the "New for 2016" lists that have me excited, so who knows if I will buy much this year. I do know that I will be completing more models, I have gotten that feeling of accomplishment back when I get something done, it had been missing for a while.

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I am afraid that I am like most other modelers on here.  I have enough kits to last me a few hundred years at the rate I build. I am now trying to keep the stash from growing by finishing two kits and selling a couple of kits for every kit I buy.  I don't buy a lot of reissues, as I have a few copies of most kits released since the mid Eighties.     New kits have to be a subject I want, and have to be shaped correctly for me to even look at them.  I usually get out of the Hobby store in pretty decent shape, these days.  I usually end up with a few magazines, some evergreen and plastruct, some paints, a parts pack, or detail item or two and a few sheets of balsa.  (Planes, you know!)  I am more likely to buy a slot car, or a game to play when the kids come home from college, than I am a model kit.  I am starting to get the stash ready for a massive selloff, (Just reducing the kits I know I will never get to)   so I might be more ready for the 2017 releases, whatever they are.  I really don't buy kits like I used to.  

Cathie is looking over my shoulder as I type this, saying, "Less shopping, more building, Dave!"  Maybe I should make that my sig.!  

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I just got back from the Hobby Shop. saw the New Ventura kit. Saw some other stuff that I liked too. I had Thirty Bucks in Xmas (Mad) Money to blow. Guess what I brought home?

That's right. Not a Blessed Thing. All those new kits, (boy, that Ventura kit is Heavy), and nothing triggered me to pull out the wallet, and make a deal. I must have rocks in my head. I wanted a new kit, but nothing I saw just screamed "Buy Me!" Maybe I'll wait until the Melrose Missile comes out. I've been buying a lot fewer kits, and not just because money is tight. The desire to buy kits is fading too. The 'pull' of a kit has to be quite a bit more substantial now than it used to be to get me to spend. Heck, I've got plenty already, so I don't really "Need" more anyway. I just thought that it was an odd thing to have Time and cash to go Model Shopping, and come empty handed.


I am the only one this happens to?

Ok Alan, step away from the modeling knife......take two aspirin, lay down for a nap and call me in the morning and we'll discuss how you feel!!!!!!

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My last three visits to my lhs have resulted in no new models coming home but for different reasons. The shop has changed owners and the new fellow is not carrying as much stock as the previous guy did despite his claims that he wants to support the hobby.

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