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Will we see a new '63 Plymouth?

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Before I go through the trouble of finding an old JoHan '63 and buying a Lindberg or Moebius kit to bring the kit up to date, and have my Max Wedge dream, I thought I should ask if it's at all possible that Moebius already has a '63 in the works. They like to get multiple years from the same basic tooling, so I was (wishfully) thinking they may have one of these planned for the future.......... What do you guys think? Should I just be patient for a while?

Thanks for any responses..................  :)

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I wouldn't mind one of these. As long as it can be built as a stock car as well as a dragster or something like that.

Seriously- if that's what it takes now, I'll pay an extra $5 for a second engine/transmission and set of tires and wheels. If I were to do this, I'd offer a choice of a Slant Six, a wide-block 318 and some kind of fire-breather, like a 413 Max Wedge. Like the 1961 Pontiac, I'd offer the bench and the bucket option for a race car (assuming it was offered as such.) 

I'd really like to see a 1963-'64 wagon. They're actually nice-looking cars and I remember seeing at least a few used for drag applications. Simply flash over the short wheel-base wheelwells, show where to cut the driveshaft and go to town.

Charlie Larkin

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Before I go through the trouble of finding an old JoHan '63 and buying a Lindberg or Moebius kit to bring the kit up to date, and have my Max Wedge dream, I thought I should ask if it's at all possible that Moebius already has a '63 in the works. They like to get multiple years from the same basic tooling, so I was (wishfully) thinking they may have one of these planned for the future.......... What do you guys think? Should I just be patient for a while?

Thanks for any responses..................  :)

There's no '63 Plymouth currently in the works as far as I know.  That being said, I know Dave is fully aware of all the potential subjects that can be done off the '65 Plymouth tooling.  There's still more variations of the current kit already planned that have to completed before there's any chance that you'll here about any alternate year Plymouths or Dodges for that matter.  Don't forgot about the already announced other kits like the Mercury Cyclone and 61 Pontiac Catalina that still haven't hit the shelves yet. Heck, Moebius just shipped the 65 Belvedere's ....  

 Even if Dave announced tomorrow that a '63 Plymouth would be next (don't bet on it) your talking at least 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 years down the road.   Personally I'm a big fan of the '62 to '65 Mopar B-bodies so a modern '63 Plymouth and/or Dodge are both subjects that I would really like to see happen.  For now, I'd suggest finding a good 63 Plymouth builder somewhere (like eBay) grab a Moebius 65 Plymouth and have at it combing the two.  Should be a fun project.


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The Jo-Han '63 Fury kit is quite easy to find online and less than $100.00.  Also, it isn't warped like the promo.

Considerably less . unbuilt Johan 63 Plymouth kits are usually  all over Ebay . Be patiant they can be had for the $40-$50 range  if you look around .,,bought my last one a couple years ago . That was unbuilt in the box . But the box was stained and it ended at some weird time,,I hit it for $35 tops and went to bed,.. Woke up the next day and found I won the thing for under $30  

But if someone wants to pay $100 for one, I have 2 or 3 I would cut loose of .

And by all means avoid the original Promos . unless your a glutton for punishment


The 63 Dodge kit on the other hand is a very different story value wise . Even the 62 Dodge and Plymoth kits are starting to get a little pricey


I for one would love to see a new tool kit of pretty much anything 62 thru 65 Mopar kits

Edited by gtx6970
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