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Guys... I need some desperate help

For Mother's Day, (even if it's late) I would like to get my mom the best present I bet she wants right now

The present is hard to find so I need your guys help (or if you have one even better!)

the present is a Passenger side Upper corner windshield trim for a 1952 Buick Special/Olds 88

if you guys can help me that would be GREAT!!!!

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Ummmm...3-dimensional mirror-image parts RARELY swap side for side. 

Turning this thing around would possibly put the attachment tabs in the wrong places, even if the exterior shape did work.

Of course, if the shape did work and correctness isn't an issue, the tabs can always be bent or cut off, and the whole thing glued on with RTV.

Not the right way to do anything, but if it was done neatly...

BUT...the legs of the part in the photo do not appear to be the same length to me. Could be camera angle though.

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Try the big specialty yards in Arizona and California. Not always the cheapest, but they're a good resource. Many times, they also can supply other possible sources if they don't have anything suitable. 

Where the 88 and Special are both A-bodies, I'd say there's an excellent chance that the mouldings off a Chevy or Pontiac would also be suitable. 

Charlie Larkin

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OK, for starters, you say "1952 Buick Special/Olds 88".  Both of those were GM B-bodies, so more than likely the same windshield trim was used on both.  However, as Bill Engwer has stated, those parts are not likely to be reversible side-to-side, due to the difference in angle between the A-post and the upper edge of the sheet metal of the roof.  That feature is pretty visible in the photo to which Harry P. linked you.


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Unless it is totally smashed and mangled, stainless trim can be repaired and polished.  There are shops that specialize in stainless repair and some chrome shops can do it.  Small dents can be a do it yourself project with a small hammer, a very fine sharp file, and a buffing wheel on a bench grinder.  There should be videos on the internet.

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Update: okay so guys hers the update, couldn't get a nice piece of trim for a decent price (people must think they are solid gold!) So instead I got it pinstriped for her and shes loves it anyways, plus it was only $60 with some of the money going towards shriners hospitals! you can hardly even see it with the fulton visor anyways, so oh well, plus its only a driver.

Thanks for everybody's help


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