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41 Plymouth


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Was a good day, I finished a model! I am open to critique and criticism, but please keep in mind this is the first model I have built in over 30 years. I was a teenager when I last built one and at that time I found other things besides models to keep me busy ;)

This is the best model that I have built to date. I enjoyed building it and learned a lot of new things while doing it. I also found out that there are a lot of things I still need to learn. This particular kit had some warped parts and I did my best to straighten them out, but really didn't know what I was doing. The biggest issue was the interior tub, as both sides were turned down extremely bad. I pretty much had to weld the firewall and dash in. They are not in the ideal position and it has kept the body from sitting correctly on the chassis. The paint isn't perfect, but I am mostly happy with it. Somewhere along the line, I lost the license plates. They are the only parts left off the kit. I went with the stock six-cylinder version. Thanks for looking.


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Welcome back, and you're off to a great start.

If I see in advance that a kit's stance is going to be off (and that's most of them), I leave the wheels till last. I remove the spindles from the axles and epoxy the wheels directly to the brake drums in the position I want them. Yes, it's cheating, but stance is more important to me than an accurate looking chassis.

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Thanks for the kind words. I am sure most of you would have known how to fix the interior tub. It was badly warped and the material seemed thinner than it should have been. This one probably never should have made it passed quality control. I just looked at it as a learning experience and went with it. I have since purchased another one of these kits, so I can try again later.
 Hopefully each future build I do gets a little better than the last.

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Pretty nicely done; I have one I completed this winter in the same color, almost. I replaced all the kit glass with sheet styrene except the windshield, which I cut out and shaped to fit into the opening from the front, trying to get it flush. Stock '40's cars already sat high, so expect it to look "high-pockets" unless you're building a custom.

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