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About Renegade

  • Birthday 11/02/1955

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  • Scale I Build

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    Terry Schmalriede

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  • Full Name
    Terry Schmalriede

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Just got out of the hospital after 8 days in and2 days out then 3 more days back in. Glad to be back home in my own bed with my fur babies.
  2. I have started this kit and it is put back in the box. The only flaw I have encountered is when the wheels are installed the tires stick out way too far past the body.. I tried cutting them back with a cheap set of harbor freight tool diagonals which only put a dent in them.
  3. An awesome build. Want one of these if I run across one. Have made up my mine to try out the flip flop paint on one of my builds. yours looks beautiful. I hope mine turns out half as nice.
  4. High on my want list is the Tyrone Malone set, the container trailer, the snow plow. Will get a Pinto because I had one back in the day and it looks like a pretty cool kit. For me personally, one of the best months of releases from AMT, Round Two I've seen in quite awhile
  5. If it's gloss white I would be interested. Shoot me a price on the white you have if it's gloss. Not sure how to ship it since I don't the PO will take it.

  6. I prefer quality over quantity and this build is amazing.
  7. I really miss those old land yachts, loved driving them back in the day. Would still drive one today if I could find one ay a decent price in good condition. Your builds look great.
  8. Good to see you back JT. Miss seeing your build.
  9. Avery good year. All nice builds.
  10. When I complete a build I put anything leftover in the box and save everything. I find it useful when moving plus if anyone asks about a certain kit I can look in that box and see if I have it.
  11. I know Revell stopped sending out replacement parts for awhile but I heard they started again. The decals in my FD 100 Foose truck disintegrated as soon as I tried to apply them Granted they are small, the engine decals. Went to Revell website to see what they say and it was not a pleasant experience. Granted, I'm not real good with computers so could be something I"m doing. Has anyone tried ordering parts lately and have they started sending them out again? As everyone said, this a very nice kit and I look forward to finishing it.
  12. Put me down foe two. One for the girlfriends Coke model collection and the other for the goodies for my Texaco station. Not sure about the other van. Kinda leaning towards an old custom van from the 70s or 80s. Way beyond my pay level but it's fun to dream.
  13. As I am on SS at $800.00 a month I don't have a large modeling budget. I have been burned a couple of times. With the loss of kits and postage and time it hurts. I always let the person who I am trading with when I will ship and have no problem with them waiting till I can ship. I always send a tracking number. Unfortunately, a few scammers on here, but most are stand up guys and will work with you to fix any problems.
  14. Very nice. I could use another chair but low on my priority list.
  15. Saw this on some of the Facebook model groups. Post anything model related you got from either others or yourself. Nothing for me but I am saving up for the HL April clearance sale. Don't know why as I still have unopened kits from two or three years ago. I think I have a problem.
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