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Global Alien Oreo Conspiracy Theory

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You have to love the legions of youtube morons constantly posting the most bizarre, ignorant and inane conspiracy theories, most of them based on what they've heard from other idiots and re-posted, with no regard for actual facts, math, or science.

Examples: The Earth is Flat; There are alien bases on the moon that NASA is covering up; there's a huge "star" coming our way that will obliterate this planet...that NASA is also covering up; NASA covers all this stuff up and pretends the Earth is a ball because they're all a bunch of ex-Nazis bent on world domination, and they have a giant secret landmass where they pretend Antarctica is; the CERN particle accelerator in Switzerland has opened a "black hole" and people are slipping through it into alternate universes; all this stuff is being orchestrated by the Masons...and on and on and on and on and on and on.

I've been studying some curious anomalies myself over the years and have come to a "scientific" conclusion based on as much reality and fact as all the others, with conclusions drawn as logically from the information and photographic "evidence" presented.


FLASH: The superficial similarity between an Oreo cookie and the ancient Mayan calendar PROVES beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Earth IS flat like an Oreo, that aliens landed here thousands of years ago and influenced Mayan culture (which contains the coded secrets to the universe including time travel and invisibility), and that every time you eat an Oreo you're ingesting alien DNA that is changing humanity into a different species bred to be slaves.

This comparison is proof positive. They are both round, flat, and look kinda similar. What more proof could you possibly need?

an-oreo-cookie.jpg    Mayan-Calendar.jpg

See? Irrefutable proof...and anyone who disagrees with me is just choosing to believe what thousands of years of human math and science have been using to cover this up.

And remember, you saw it here first.  ;):DB)

EDIT: Recently, an Oreo was discovered that contained a remarkable likeness of the face seen on Mars. More PROOF.

tisha-cherry-oreo-cookies-07.jpg       CrownedFace.jpg





Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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I know what you mean. But you must realize that the back side of the moon is where is the alien bases are, and well the bottom of the ocean also. The planet Nubaru is due here some time after the election. I do love my wife , but she spends entirely to  much time reading and then telling me about all this stuff. Now the Oreo thing, that's real. No not the Mayan thing. I'm talking about the stuffing. Nabisco has been cheeping the Oreo to the point I no longer buy them I used to get Double Stuff but now its gotten to where they look more like a small barn yard animal and the only ones I go near are the Mega Stuffs when on sale.

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UFO's  are being built in secret Nazi bases in Antarctica. They are piloted by Sasquatches to our newly formed colony on the moon. It was built with the assistance of the aliens already there. They transport new colonists to the site.

Genealogy websites hide the fact we are all descendants of Martian culture.

This is absolutely true as I saw it on Facebook, really.


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I read the same thing on a bathroom wall once, right underneath the "Employees Must Wash Hands" sign.

I once tried a "for a good time, call -------" number I found in the same place. The creature who answered was DEFINITELY not human.

See...more irrefutable PROOF !!!!!!!

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The largest collection of imbecile lumps of mere organized animal matter discussing the latest mind-numbingly ridiculous moonbat conspiracy theories can be found at Above Top Secret. It's a hoot.

Great site. Limitless moronity.

One nice contradiction...they have a big ol' sign on the right that says "please don't block our ads (AdBlock detected)...it's the only way we have to pay for keeping the site running yada yada yada..." But up at the top, they have a slot pimping for donations via PayPal etc.of anywhere from $10 to $2500. <_<

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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I once tried a "for a good time, call -------" number I found in the same place. The creature who answered was DEFINITELY not human.

See...more irrefutable PROOF !!!!!!!

Oh, that was the sister of one of my ex-girlfriends. She was known as "the ----- from the ditch'. The first word rhymes with "ditch". 


She works as an asphalt grader.


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Yeah, those flat earthers are literally the most stupid and irrational people on the planet. I hadn't heard about this Oreo "conspiracy". LOL at these morons.

You left out that planet Nibiru is coming too. LOL.

Edited by Mike C
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Bill, I'm sure you have read about the Annunaki! We were put here to be slaves, to mine Earth's gold.......... There is an alien head on the Oreo cookie, it's a large oval with an antenna coming out the top.......!


And the Annunaki live on Nibiru too!

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UFO's  are being built in secret Nazi bases in Antarctica. They are piloted by Sasquatches to our newly formed colony on the moon. It was built with the assistance of the aliens already there. They transport new colonists to the site.

Genealogy websites hide the fact we are all descendants of Martian culture.

This is absolutely true as I saw it on Facebook, really.


And Elvis is their king.

I always thought the ultimate National Enquirer headline would be ELVIS, BIGFOOT LEAD UFO INVASION.

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This comparison is proof positive. They are both round, flat, IT: Recently, an Oreo was discovered that contained a remarkable likeness of the face seen on Mars. More PROOF.

tisha-cherry-oreo-cookies-07.jpg       CrownedFace.jpg





Don't ask me why, but I kinda see the Mona Lisa in that frosting



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Well, it would be a photo finish with the Global Warmers. :lol::lol::lol:

Funny thing with THAT one is that the atmosphere IS measurably warmer (about 1.5 deg. F since 1880) and the sea levels ARE rising and glaciers ARE disappearing. That's the facts, not politicized hoopla and endlessly regurgitated opinions. I don't agree OR disagree that human activity is the CAUSE, but the cause doesn't matter as far as the reality of the situation goes. It's real.

But it's not so apparent from this perspective.       Image result for head in sand

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This comparison is proof positive. They are both round, flat, IT: Recently, an Oreo was discovered that contained a remarkable likeness of the face seen on Mars. More PROOF.

Don't ask me why, but I kinda see the Mona Lisa in that frosting



MONA LISA FROSTING!   I know the answer's there, man!  If we try this... an anagram for "AFAR MOON'S LISTING." 

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Well, it would be a photo finish with the Global Warmers. :lol::lol::lol:

They haven't been able to satisfactorily explain why the Earth's temperature during the Roman and Medieval periods was 3.6° warmer than in the present.  Radioisotope dating ice and tree ring growth data prove that. 

No lights, no motor cars

Not a single factory

burning hydrocarbons

Like we do today.


The image in that Oreo resembles George Washington


which proves, without any doubt, that today is Saturday.

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I thought it looked like Steven Wright. Or maybe Pauly Shor.

Gee, you're right, Rich! It is Pauly Shore! Or, it could be two other has-beens, Bronson Pinchot and Brent Spiner

bronsonpinchot.jpg 200px-Brent_Spiner.jpg 

or even the Kennewick Man 080805-PatrickStewart.grid-4x2.jpg

Edited by SfanGoch
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