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Global Alien Oreo Conspiracy Theory

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They haven't been able to satisfactorily explain why the Earth's temperature during the Roman and Medieval periods was 3.6° warmer than in the present.  Radioisotope dating ice and tree ring growth data prove that. 

No lights, no motor cars

Not a single factory

burning hydrocarbons

Like we do today.

Cow farts. ;)    http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2014/04/cow-farts-really-significantly-contribute-global-warming/

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And the Annunaki live on Nibiru too!

You should read up on this guy! He spent the better part of his life studying ancient Sumerian texts in an effort to prove that the planet Nibiru really exists.....


Some of the theories out there are really far-fetched, but my mind is one that doesn't really believe anything, so I believe anything is possible...... If that makes any sense!

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Didn't you guys know that Mona Lisa and George Washington are one in same. Because of the alien DNA that mutated her/him from eating Oreo cookies. By the way, Leonardo da Vinci invented Oreo cookies. That's why in his painting of the Last Supper you see everybody there eating Oreos. And if you look closely at the painting, you'll also see one of the disciplines is wearing Washington's wooden false teeth. That were given to him (or her?) by bigfoot! This is proof that the earth is flat and Nazis are running secret UFO bases on the dark side of the moon. Who can argue with those facts?

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Scott, I believe you're a natural.   :D

I love stupid conspiracy theories for some reason. I don't beleive them. But, I find them interesting and fun. And I do worry about people who do take them seriously. You'd be surprised how many kids I work with who were worried about the end of the world coming in 2012. I reassure them that these rumors pop up on a regular basis. And I've lived though several of them.

Here is my take on the Mayan calendar ending in 2012. They ran out of pin up models. They kept on sacrificing all the young girls in their culture until it was too late. It's as simple as that.

Edited by unclescott58
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They kept on sacrificing all the young girls in there culture until it was too late. It's as simple as that.

The Mayans brought their own demise upon themselves.  That's what happens when you sacrifice all the hot chicks instead of


Lena the Hyena. she's the poster girl for celibacy.

Edited by SfanGoch
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They haven't been able to satisfactorily explain why the Earth's temperature during the Roman and Medieval periods was 3.6° warmer than in the present.  Radioisotope dating ice and tree ring growth data prove that. 

No lights, no motor cars

Not a single factory

burning hydrocarbons

Like we do today.

But those Romans were really, really flatulent! And we all know that methane contributes to global warming.

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Here's some more crazy conspiracies from YouTube:

I love this video! But now I'm worried! I am of Finnish decent. And if there is no Finland. Do I even exist? Or maybe only half of me exists, because I'm only half Finnish? Oh, this is so confusing! I need some more Oreo cookies.

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The Mayans brought their own demise upon themselves.  That's what happens when you sacrifice all the hot chicks instead of


Lena the Hyena. she's the poster girl for celibacy.

Yeah, kinda short on the long-term planning thing. 

I'm laughing right now.

And, yet, even a girl that hideous would still probably refuse a date with me.

It's a conspiracy to keep me single. Although, after watching so many of my friend's problems, I really wonder if it's for the worse.

Charlie Larkin

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Scott, it all boils down to this:

You are a figment of your own imagination.

Regular, chocolate or peanut butter Oreos? 

There are peanut butter Oreos? Ohh... That sounds good! That proves there is a conspiracy. An evil one at that.

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Hey, whoa, hey! Mr. Agent G., are you attempting to spread falsehoods and disinformation in order to further the aims of cookie manufacturers with that statement? Cops don't eat cookies! It's a historically mockumented fact, going back to translated cuneiform logbooks unearthed in the remains of a police station in the Early Bronze Age city of Ur.


This object was determined to be a take-out order written by Shulgi, patrol supervisor of the Second Shift at the Larsa sub-precinct. Even the shape pays homage to the holy doughnut. There isn't a hole because doughnut holes weren't invented until the reign of Nubuchadnezzar II of Babylon in the 16th century B.C. Why, if you'd bother to read the third line from the top in the middle column, you'll note an order for a dozen coconut creme doughnuts,


four regular coffees (no sugar) and two lights with two sugars. So. in closing, I just want to reiterate that I don't have a damm clue as to what my point is. You're welcome.


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There are peanut butter Oreos? Ohh... That sounds good! That proves there is a conspiracy. An evil one at that.

Supposedly there are marshmallow Oreos, but my Walmart doesn't seem to carry them. At least now when I've thought to look.

I went looking for Banana Flips some months back. Apparently they're now extinct. They have banana Twinkies, but that's not the same thing (I tried them). Not the same thing at all. Not even close.

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