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Our Harry needs help


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 I've already told you this story in private Harry but  thought it may pass along a bit of inspiratio to others who may need it My great grandmother was diagnosed with bowel cancer. They decided to operate, the surgeon cut her open, took one look and closed her up. When she came around from the anesthesia he told her "Mrs durning, you need to get your affairs in order". She asked what the he'll he meant by that (direct quite I'm told) and he told her she had 6 months maybe at the very outside. She told him flat out nope

He asked what do you mean no


" no I'm not ready to die yet." 

"I don't think it's really up to you to decide that..the canc-"

"I'm. Not. Ready. To. Die. Yet"

She lived another 20 years. 

There's something to be said for stubbornness Harry. Be stubborn. Kick. Scream. Fight dirty. Beat it. 


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Come on people. Harry still needs our financial help. He can't work, and he's having a rough time. Let's keep the donations going, OK?

Soon as I get my next billing in this week, I'll forward at least $100 to his fund.

Who's with me?


Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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I just got an email from Harry through the Go Fund Me site.  Seems we had a big response early on, and it dropped to nothing the past month. I just donated again, and I'm hoping you guys will too.  If you haven't done so yet, please do. If you have already donated, please consider adding a few more dollars.  If you enjoy reading this free board, and appreciate his efforts, or even if you now put mirrors on your models,  now is the time so let him know!  :)

When you donate, there is a button that allows you to put the request out on FaceBook (which I did) or to Tweet it (which I don't do).  Get the word out there!  

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I will add some more on Friday. I don't think we have forgotten about our friend Harry. Speaking for myself Christmas and my daughters upcoming wedding this year is and has been hitting my savings pretty hard but to be honest I just bought a slot car set I really did not need. I will get back on board with my donations so Harry doesn't think we forgot about him. Thanks Bill for the reminder.

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I have personally made three what I feel are substantial donations and will continue to do so, I do it as anonymous.

I certainly don't want to offend anyone as I want the $$$$$ to keep coming.

I really don't know why donators feel the need to be recognized by name which in inevitably shows a dollar amount.

I am assuming Harry knows the amount we give as each time I have made a contribution I have received a personal Thank You from Harry!

Perhaps their are a few who can't give as much as others and may feel awkward, Perhaps they can afford say $5, If everyone on this forum and subscribed to the magazine gave just $5 dollars IMO the amount would be much higher.

IMO this is not a competition, It's about saving a life....... I personally don't care to see the amount that one is giving! If you have the means please give as much as you can!!!!!!! If we ALL are giving perhaps the total would be much higher.

No amount is to small! It all adds up!

Harry has been a huge asset to this site as a voice of reason! I have much respect for the man (full disclosure Harry and I have had our issues) If I had the power he wouldn't be in the situation he is in, unfortunately I don't!

A example of how important he was to this site is the lack of civility here since his absence that has kept me away from this site since October. He looked after the fold.... played no favorites and was the traffic cop of the site! He did the best he could to weed out the trolls and trouble makers. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers and give as you can!

Just a thought!

Respectfully Submitted,

James Rasmussen AKA Jimmy "RASS" 

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Perhaps their are a few who can't give as much as others and may feel awkward, Perhaps they can afford say $5, If everyone on this forum and subscribed to the magazine gave just $5 dollars IMO the amount would be much higher.

...this is not a competition, It's about saving a life... If you have the means please give as much as you can!... If we ALL are giving perhaps the total would be much higher.

No amount is too small!...


James Rasmussen AKA Jimmy "RASS" 


Funding appeals for the local NPR stations almost always include challenges from individuals or businesses for other contributors to match. Not at all unusual.

They also remind us that we can almost ALL forego a few lattes, or a dinner out, or a couple of movies, if we value what we're contributing to support.

Personally, I VALUE Harry, and it's worth the price of a few kits to help keep him around and possibly at least partially alleviate some of his anxiety.

But if every user of this board just contributed ONE DOLLAR, that would be a pretty big chunk of change.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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  • 1 month later...

Come on people...PLEASE dig deep and lets get some momentum going here.

For those who may not know the entire story, Harry Pristovnik is a long-time moderator here and a builder of very fine models. He gave of his time for FREE for years to help keep this site going and running smoothly. He also worked tirelessly as editor and doing layout work for the magazine itself.

Not long ago, he was diagnosed with cancer (after having severe night-time pain). He began improving with the radiation treatments, but when he started chemo, it triggered a massive heart attack. He almost died, and since then, he's literally been fighting for his life.

His insurance hasn't been much help, and he can't work to generate income. He's also alone much of the time, and is fighting depression.


This is a man who's given a LOT to the modeling community...and as Tom said, now is the time to show some appreciation.

PLEASE GIVE WHATEVER YOU CAN GIVE. It's easy on any credit card, only takes a few minutes, and it's 100% legit and secure.



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