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Styling Snafus

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I like this one much better than the original precisely because it moves the start of the curve of the fastback roofline forward relative to the rest of the car, and ends up looking lighter and more agile as a result.

I realize the wheelbase and length of the car are both shortened, and the car loses some of its utility as a result, but I think the looks are improved dramatically.

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I like this one much better than the original precisely because it moves the start of the curve of the fastback roofline forward relative to the rest of the car, and ends up looking lighter and more agile as a result.

I realize the wheelbase and length of the car are both shortened, and the car loses some of its utility as a result, but I think the looks are improved dramatically.

I agree. The proportions are starting to come together with this one.

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Just one more for tonight. Once again, committing blasphemy by messing with an icon, but that's why God invented Photoshop. And I do think I improved the original!  :D



Wish I had the money to do this to a real one- that would piss off the purists! Those "eyebrows" always bugged me!

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After going through this whole thread, I'm not impressed with any of the changes you guys have proposed here. No offense but I can tell no one here is a professional stylist. Including myself. I'm almost always impressed with well cars were originally designed, after someone changes them, trying to make them look "better." Rarely does it seem to work.


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After going through this whole thread, I'm not impressed with any of the changes you guys have proposed here. No offense but I can tell no one here is a professional stylist. Including myself. I'm almost always impressed with well cars were originally designed, after someone changes them, trying to make them look "better." Rarely does it seem to work.

It's not necessary to be a "professional stylist" to have a feel for proportion and line, and rather a LOT of cars designed these days look to be put together by committees comprised of the PC number of genders and ethnicities rather than by a group selected for talent.

There always have been and always will be turds of cars designed by "professionals".

Being a "professional" anything simply means you showed up for class, made barely passing grades, and got hired to do the work. It does NOT mean you're particularly GOOD at doing the work. And often, the more "professional stylists" you have working on one design, the more horrible it is.

                                                       Image result for pontiac aztek


Granted, not a lot of restyling attempts are particularly successful, but that's because of a lack of talent and skill on the part of the person doing the re-styling...NOT because of a lack of "professional" certification.  :D



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Onlookers also often don't like GOOD restyling work simply because it's just not what they're used to seeing. Harry's cleanup of the tail of the old Caddy is an example (I LIKE Harry's version) of something being BETTER, but being rejected initially because it's not what we expect.


I never cared for the taillight and rear fender treatment on that particular car from the factory, but it was done during a period when "aircraft elements" were being tacked on to cars where they often had no natural belonging. That rear fender profile is intended to mimic the vertical tail of an airplane. I never thought it looked good, and Harry's re-work looks a LOT better to my eye (as does the cleaner line he's given to the quarter glass), but when I FIRST saw it, it didn't immediately resister how much better it was because it had lost the initial 'Cadillac-ness' my mind was made up for.

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That's an amazing piece of work! What's the story on it?

Sectioned the body,

laid the windshield back,

shortened the back end,

dropped it down over the wheels a bit,

thinned the front and rear bumpers to align with the side trim,

adjusted the background and shadows on the street.

all work done in Paint Shop Pro (great program for anyone that doesn't want to shell out for Adobe Photoshop)

the original photo is in the "What if ?" thread


Edited by blunc
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Sectioned the body,

laid the windshield back,

shortened the back end,

dropped it down over the wheels a bit,

thinned the front and rear bumpers to align with the side trim,

adjusted the background and shadows on the street.

all work done in Paint Shop Pro (great program for anyone that doesn't want to shell out for Adobe Photoshop)

the original photo is in the "What if ?" thread


Thanks! When you said it wasn't Photoshop, I thought it was a REAL car that someone like Troy Trepainer or some other master had actually built.

It looks great! Like a 7/8 scale Galaxie! Thanks for sharing that!

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