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Fujimi 427 Cobra


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Although I pretty much stopped building models a couple months ago I still want to throw a Cobra together once in awhile. This was built stock right out of the box. I wanted something different to add to the collection so I decided to try and build a barn find Cobra that was rode hard and put away wet several years ago. The fact that I screwed up the paint job I was going for had nothing to do with my idea to try and build a barn find. : ) Not to good really but it does stand out in the cabinet if even for the wrong reasons.





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Thank you much fellows. To answer the questions. Paint started as a bright white followed up with a clear that really made a mess. Then I misted on from a distance some spray fabric tan to give it some texture. I followed that with some spray flat O.D. also from a distance. Next I dry brushed some Tamiya Dark Yellow. The cover was made from a piece of paper towel with some diluted white glue brushed over it. When hard I brushed it with the Dark Yellow and followed with dry brushing on some black Detailer. Stains are AK winter grime. And that my friends is how you screw up a model. : )

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Thank guys. I hope to just build a Cobra every couple of months but keep up with my collection. Probably some out there with more than me but have not found them yet. As far as the ride height goes , it looks pretty good to me when just built stock. The kit is pretty nice but to be honest the weak spot is the engine. It is really not too good.

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