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Modelhaus End Of Business Sale

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I was able to pick a bunch of stuff and entered my billing and shipping address but could not "proceed" to paying for my order. Waited a few minutes and was able to pay, although not everything or the quantity selected was available. Should arrive in time for Christmas.


Edited by mikemodeler
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I couldn't resist.........I went back just now and picked up something else I'll need for a future WIP. :D 

Interesting enough what I ordered earlier, when I went back to see if it was listed, it was gone. So I must have got one of the last remaining sets if not the last.

I had no trouble paying though----ordered what I wanted and it took me right to the checkout page with no issue. OK! I think I'm done now! Hmmm..........maybe not!

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I was surprised to see they still had the grille for the '67 Comet Cyclone available. You need this if you want to convert the more accurate AWB funny car body (the eventual fate of the '66-'67 annual tool) back to stock, as the original grille was molded in two pieces with a separate insert for the center, which was not included in the AWB FC kit. The Modelhaus part comes with the center section already added. (I got one on Final Sale Day.) 

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4 hours ago, Bob Ellis said:

Why odd?In their production they probably created spares. I was as surprised as you but there was 20+ pages of parts for sale!

Seemed odd because last summer was supposed to be it,, finished, nada.

BUT, I did get an e-mail explaining the situation. 

All is well.

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Dear Modelhaus Customers,

The website remains open. The website was not used originally to control inventory and when we expected it to do so when the site opened on Aug. 25, there were issues the site could not handle. Most specifically it could not handle the "feeding frenzy" that took place on Aug. 25. On Aug. 25th alone, there were over 1300 orders that were attempted. Even though an attempted order could not be completed (most were not completed), the parts listed in those orders were removed from the inventory. As a result, when all the orders were finally shipped, we realized many parts that were listed as out of stock were actually not out of stock. The inventory has been updated and is accurate at the time this e-mail is sent. Only those parts that are available at this time are listed. We are hoping some of your "wants" can still be fulfilled. We are also hoping that since this e-mail does not list an "opening" time, there will not be a rush all at one time. We will work to keep the site up to date by removing those items that reach the out of stock status.

Some hints follow:

  • There are many bumpers, promo wheels, and hubcaps remaining. Other categories have only a few parts listed.
  • Many entries have only one part remaining. If an item is listed, only put one in your shopping cart. If you need more that one, you can attempt to change the quantity in the shopping cart.
  • Check the shopping cart for messages about availability after each item is put there. Those messages are at the top of the page in reddish brown printing.
  • Modelhaus tires are now available at www.modelhaustires.com.

Don and Carol Holthaus

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Yup! Just got the same email Mike. I got to hand it to them, that was FAST! Now I'll FINALLY get those '64 Falcon taillights I've been looking for forever and a couple '57 Desoto items.

Still tough to see them wrap things up, but it'll happen to all of us at some point. There comes a time when we just have to say 'enough' and retire.

I can say that their inventory of what's left over is shrinking fast. I check in every so often and things I saw listed previously are gone and out the door.

Edited by MrObsessive
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On 11/13/2018 at 11:40 AM, Bob Ellis said:

Why odd?In their production they probably created spares. I was as surprised as you but there was 20+ pages of parts for sale!

Modelhaus had inventory. If you ever went to a show where they were vending, there was always a long line of guys with lists,  and both Don and Carol filling those requests from cabinets.

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Bill  Barrett told me about the "Francis" letter in Scale Auto last week.  I hadn't opened my copy yet, but have since read the letter.  Obviously written by an outsider who knew nothing about Modelhaus, Don and Carol, and the long legacy of quality and service to this hobby.  Like any other business, things do come to an end and they deserve to have a nice retirement.

I understand the business was for sale.  I heard a few different versions, and I respect Don enough that I won't go snooping or ask him for the details.  The end result is that nobody stepped up to the plate with money.  Although this was a world class operation in our small world, I don't believe it was a big money maker for the work involved.  If it was like printing money,  someone would have bought it.

Note that the business of selling resin reproduction parts is not proprietary.  Anyone who wants to create 1,000 molds of  different parts and offer then for sale can do so.  There would be the grand investment in time and materials of creating a mold for each and every small part in their inventory.  Then I ask myself... how many 1968 Chevy hoods,  or 1963 Valiant back bumpers does one sell in a year's time?  Not many. It depends on someone out there needing that specific part.  So there would be a slow to no return on the majority of the molds in inventory.   

Then we come to the why this business was successful.. the slogan for E.R. Squibb Company,  was  "The priceless ingredient in every product is the honor and integrity of its maker."  Nothing holds truer in this case.  The reputation of Modelhaus was  earned with hard and sincere work over many, many years.  That would be the tough act to follow!


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58 minutes ago, Tom Geiger said:

Modelhaus had inventory. If you ever went to a show where they were vending, there was always a long line of guys with lists,  and both Don and Carol filling those requests from cabinets.

Ha! You ain't kiddin' Tom!

It was not unusual at the NNL East or Toledo shows for instance to wait in line a ½ hour or longer to get what you wanted! The last time I saw Don and Carol in person (Toledo 2015), despite it being a smaller show than in years past, there was still a long line.

To your point about the viability of buying them out, there's one issue that's not talked about but is a big reality in this hobby. Let's face it, we're not getting any younger and in years to come there would be fewer and fewer buyers of all those model parts. Not too many 20 or 30 somethings are familiar with the cars of the '50's and '60's as we 50 and 60 somethings know them.

I'm not sure that whoever bought their business would ever recoup all of the money invested as what Don and Carol did was esoteric at best, but there was (and still is somewhat) a sizable demographic that's familiar with what they had.

The same can be said of the model companies in general. One can't blame them in being VERY careful about what subject matter they intro/produce. Even then they don't produce in the numbers they once did in the '60's and '70's, as there just aren't as many of us around as there use to be and sadly those numbers will get smaller as the years wear on.

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Well, I tried to get a few needed items.

And a couple of pieces I wouldn't mind having as spares ( Johan 70 GTX grille as example ) might need at some point ,,,, But not MUST haves.


Tried to ck out and most of it vanished from my list .

I tried a few times over the course of a maybe 5 minutes. And kept getting same errors code

I finally gave up and emptied my cart and forgot about it.

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Bill, I tried to get a couple things that I might want down the road just yesterday, but I had the same thing happen. I checked off an item, would try to add it to the shopping cart and I would either get a message saying that the item is no longer available, or it would take me back to the page with nothing showing in the cart. I do believe at this point except for some very esoteric items, the good stuff is all gone and I'm glad I ordered what I really wanted when I did.

Carol has since sent me an email telling me the items have shipped and are on their way. :) 

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On 11/17/2018 at 9:28 AM, Tom Geiger said:


I understand the business was for sale.  I heard a few different versions, and I respect Don enough that I won't go snooping or ask him for the details.  The end result is that nobody stepped up to the plate with money.  Although this was a world class operation in our small world, I don't believe it was a big money maker for the work involved.  If it was like printing money,  someone would have bought it. 

The thing lost on some people is that this business was built over years. Don and Carol added parts and kits that were needed by us modelers but I can't imagine the profit margin was very big. I doubt they were willing to piecemeal the company in a sale, maybe no one considered asking.

Then we come to the why this business was successful.. the slogan for E.R. Squibb Company,  was  "The priceless ingredient in every product is the honor and integrity of its maker."  Nothing holds truer in this case.  The reputation of Modelhaus was  earned with hard and sincere work over many, many years.  That would be the tough act to follow!

They certainly built a solid reputation and one that we tend to hold other resin casters to and that applies to customer service and casting quality. That alone may have scared some people from buying the company.



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  • 3 weeks later...


I, like I am sure many others, got this email yesterday. I looked over what is left and didn't find any thing I haven't already bought and stored away.


For those of you who didn't, Don and Carol are going to great extremes to make sure if there is anyone still in need, they are making a great deal on what is left.




Dear Customers,

One last push to clear the remaining stock of parts. All orders placed in Dec. will receive a 50% discount on merchandise figured at the time the order is billed. The site will close for good on Dec. 15.

IT IS ESSENTIAL to follow these instructions when filling your shopping cart:

  • On the original page where the parts are listed, only check the part and add it to the cart. DO NOT adjust the quantity you wish to order from this page.
  • Click "Add Checked to Cart" each time you check an item.
  • In the shopping cart, adjust the quantity you wish to order one part at a time, clicking on the "Update Cart" button each time.
  • Please check to make sure you have correctly typed in your name, address, credit card number, expiration date, and security code.

Following these four steps will allow you to place the order. If any item is not managed correctly, the order will not be placed for any of the items. If your billing name and address do not match that on file with your credit card provider, the order will not be placed. If your card number, expiration, or security number are typed incorrectly, the order will not be placed.

As orders are placed, we will attempt to keep up with updating the site to remove parts that are sold out. As of the sending of this e-mail, all parts listed are available. Many parts have only one left in stock.

We wish all our customers a Blessed Christmas Season and a healthy and happy 2019!. Thank you for your loyal business these many years.

Don and Carol Holthaus

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  • 2 months later...
On ‎11‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 5:37 PM, vamach1 said:

Classless comment by Francis in that other magazine saying they should have sold the company.  That is a personal decision and none of his business.

They tried selling the outfit, but there were no takers.  For a brief time, they tried to get their kids to take over, but that ended in failure. 

After thirty years and thousands of dollars, I began to see the effects of the hours and years of what must have become back-breaking work, taking a toll on their love for the hobby.  Both Don and Carol became testy in their communications.  They refused to acknowledge compliments.  They made excuses and shifted blame for parts that were defective.  Occasionally I accepted wrong parts just to avoid a confrontation.  A very large check I had sent was never cashed and vanished without a trace.  I never heard anyone whimper about the constant price increases.  

Then they announced they were shutting down, and would not be accepting orders after December of 2016.  But the coupe de' grace came when they suddenly shut down in June, without so much as a whisper.  It was a cruel blow to the hobby that supported the Holthaus's throughout the many years they were in business.  If there had been any goodwill left in the business, it's sure been snuffed out now. 

But above all, thank you both, Carol and Don, for all the wonderful products and ideas you provided hundreds of hobbyists throughout those lean years.  I hope you are doing well, the stresses behind you, and you can enjoy your retirement now.  I'm sure you have earned it.

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