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Returning to the Hobby

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During this time of semi-quarantine (other members of the household are at-risk, due to existing health issues and age), I decided to do something about the stacks of model kits that remain in my basement storage.  I haven't actually built anything in at least 20 years and when my first wife passed away 5 years ago, I sold off a number of kits and gave away my parts box (darn it X 3). 

I primarily kept 1990s reissues of 1960s kits that could be converted to period NASCAR GN and Sportsman cars (middle-1960s to early-1970s.  Due to the long layoff, I am doing quite a bit of planning in order to "get it right".  Glue choices have changed, paint choices have changed, and the hobby shops I used to visit are gone.  So getting headers and GN dirt-track tires (for one or two projects) will be a challenge.

(I have an errand to run.  I plan to be back later.)

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My goodness!  How time passes.  In September 2019, my 2nd wife was in a car accident (not her fault), which indirectly caused her to need a knee replacement (just before the Pandemic), I had to give up my substitute teaching job, ...  I just got off track in regards to model building.  

If Husky1943 is still around, in the 1960s and 1970s, NASCAR Sportsman cars were what later became Busch Series and then XFINITY.  In the 1967 Sportsman race, which was my first auto race, the body styles ranged from 1955 - 1964.  (That was the only time I got to see the 1955 - 1957 Chevies and Fords.)

On another thread, perhaps I can drop a few scanned photographic slides from the 1967 and 1969 NASCAR Sportsman races I attended at Lakewood Fairgrounds Speedway, in Atlanta.  The photos might provide some ideas to others.

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