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Roll on Yellow Camaro!


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More progress on the Camaro from the last couple of days. Finished the interior, wired the engine and detailed the wheels. While I'm working on the suspension/ride height, I'll show my second attempt at weathering an undercarriage. I think I'm liking it! I hope to get the color coats laid down on Monday or Tuesday.










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Well, it's a yellow Camaro now, lol. Got the color coats on and the first coat of pledge clear. Not quite as pale as I was hoping for, it looked fairly pale in it's bottle, but it'll do. Going to wait a few days before I foil it and add the Z28 decals to the front fenders. Also got the motor installed into the chassis.



Edited by Dragonhawk1066
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It looks very good Craig, I love that yellow color!   Maybe I had been building alone in my basement too long, but I didn't know that Pledge (floor wax or acrylic?) could be used as an overcoat instead of the usual clear coating.   Is it as shiny as the usual clear coat or is there an obvious reason that I obviously don't know about this technique?   Interesting however!

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11 hours ago, AmericanMuscleFan said:

It looks very good Craig, I love that yellow color!   Maybe I had been building alone in my basement too long, but I didn't know that Pledge (floor wax or acrylic?) could be used as an overcoat instead of the usual clear coating.   Is it as shiny as the usual clear coat or is there an obvious reason that I obviously don't know about this technique?   Interesting however!

Thanks Francis! The Pledge/Future is an acrylic that is used mainly over other acrylic/water based paints and does go on glossy. Most of it's use is as a clear coat, but is also used to coat kit glass for a more realistic look and to help eliminate fogging when using harsher glues for installation. There are numerous tutorials, including one in these forums, on it's uses and how to apply it. I try not to overuse it, but in this case having painted the car with Vallejo Model Color, which is an acrylic, I decided to use the pledge/future instead of my Model Master spray can clear just to be safe.

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Made a little more progress this weekend. Got it cleared with pledge/future, foiled it and painted the side marker lights. I just need to paint the cowl area, fender wells, headliner, and tail light panel black and it'll be ready for final assembly. I also need to find some Cibie decals for the driving lights, and make my license plate.




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10 hours ago, Dragonhawk1066 said:

I used Vallejo Model Colors Light Yellow and cleared with pledge/future.. It didn't turn out as pale as I was hoping for, but it still looks pretty close to the movie car.


Nice work, i saw the differences in collors on the interior, nice touch, makes it look real! 

How do you paint with the Vallejo model colors? my closest suplier only have them but i am not used to their products, mostly use Tamiya TS and Zero products.

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12 hours ago, Mattilacken said:

Nice work, i saw the differences in collors on the interior, nice touch, makes it look real! 

Thanks! I'm really happy with the way that turned out.


12 hours ago, Mattilacken said:

How do you paint with the Vallejo model colors? my closest suplier only have them but i am not used to their products, mostly use Tamiya TS and Zero products.

Their Model Colors need to be thinned. I used their thinner and mixed it maybe 60% paint 40% thinner, basically just like other non-airbrush ready paints, until you get the right consistency. It dried flat, as I'm sure most of their Model Colors do, so I cleared with pledge/future. Their Model Air colors are airbrush ready out of the bottle. I bought the Aluminum, but haven't tried it yet.

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Nice work goin on here. this is really looking spot on to the movie car...

I watched this movie resently... I'm baffled by what people back then thought was funny... This style "slapstick" comedy was really popular but slowly faded away by the mid 80's. Filmmakers don't rely on normal situations for audience reactions with today's movies... a good example is "The Hollywood Knights" Total Ridiculousness... Not really entertaining aside from the cars... I'm thinking about Gary Busey in the scene where he uses a bottle because they can't stop for a bathroom... rather than slow down he proceeds to speed up to 120 MPH on a winding country road while passing everything in front of them. Hmmm?

The funniest thing about that shot is the inability to act that scenario out with real authentic actions. ? The car is Awesome though... until it's not, that is... Why they chose to do that scene in the movie is confusing to me. It's still a fun movie to watch for nostalgic reasons... lol

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6 hours ago, disconovaman said:

Nice work goin on here. this is really looking spot on to the movie car...

Thank you! 


6 hours ago, disconovaman said:

I'm baffled by what people back then thought was funny... This style "slapstick" comedy was really popular but slowly faded away by the mid 80's. Filmmakers don't rely on normal situations for audience reactions with today's movies... a good example is "The Hollywood Knights" Total Ridiculousness...

I think it's kind of like an evolution of humor. I think back then we were maybe a little less "sophisticated", and found silly things funny, where now we seem a bit more serious and need more "thoughtful" humor. It seems like we've gone through many different "eras" of humor. Just my thoughts.

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