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What Happened to Big Boyz?

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I would guess that this was done to streamline this website a bit as larger scale models do not tend to feature a lot compared to the majority interest in the usual 1/25 and 1/24 majority scales on here. The Scalemotorcars website appears to be much more orientated to the larger scale builder however.

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We have to balance the desire for granular classification with the need for a site that's sufficiently easy to navigate. There are many ways to classify model cars; type, brand, scale, and probably a few others I haven't thought about. Given that some of them are independent of one another, a complete classification system would be unworkable. We have enough problems with pickup trucks, and don't even start about El Caminos, and Torinos. 

We were agreed that the old system wasn't working as well as we'd like, so Xingu came up with current system. It's definitely better, albeit not perfect. I think eventually we'll define a tag system to capture some of the other characteristics, like scale, and then we can design our own feeds. We're not to where we can do that yet, but we intend to. 

In the case of Big Boyz, we decided that scale was secondary to subject. Mike has been moving topics to the appropriate subject, so the posts are not gone, just reclassified. He recently completed that mammoth task, and I deleted the subform last night. You haven't been able to post there since we completed the reorganization a few months ago. 

We know it isn't perfect, but we do think it's better. Hopefully, you are finding it's better too. The Other Racing category is doing well, and was clearly one of the home runs. We will keep working on making things better. 

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19 hours ago, Bugatti Fan said:

I would guess that this was done to streamline this website a bit as larger scale models do not tend to feature a lot compared to the majority interest in the usual 1/25 and 1/24 majority scales on here. The Scalemotorcars website appears to be much more orientated to the larger scale builder however.

I used to be a moderator on that site some years back....

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21 hours ago, Bugatti Fan said:

The Scalemotorcars website appears to be much more orientated to the larger scale builder however.

I tried a number of  years ago to get involved on that site when I first wanted to build a larger scale. I found that while there are a number of different sections,  it is very slanted toward one in particular.  The other ones have next to no traffic, unfortunately my interests lie in those subjects. So I will adjust to the new streamlined forums here and have fun with my first 1/8 build. ??

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