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Miller 122 Rear Dr Junior Eight Special

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19 hours ago, Pierre Rivard said:

Daniel, why don't you go first?

I don't think I want any of that, Pierre!😂

19 hours ago, absmiami said:

For the doctor?

or the patient?


I don't think I'd want to be in Dustin Hoffman's shoes, at that point! Marathon Man. I just remember my Mom talking about how she cringed, when she saw that scene.

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Prepping the bonnett for paint required some xtra steps - i had left some tool marks on the underside of the bonnett - so some additional sanding is needed to get a smooth surface - which was then air brush painted with  Zero aluminum  …







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Airbrushed some Model Master Japanese Navy green enamel - the shade of green is perfect for the dark green on the Junior 8 Special - but i got that dreaded fish eye finish - 


air pressure too high?

not enough thinner ?

too much thinner?

voodoo ??


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The engine in the Junior 8 Spl was restored with acorn nuts topping the cam covers - RB Motion makes .025 inchers - thats what these are - concession to scale - these are in fact overscale but im using them - Bentley does machine some smaller hardware - don’t know if he could make these as small as .020 - that would be nearly scale accurate … the plug wire is .011 - darn close to scale correct …




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Nice to have the .011 wire - the .013s that Detail Master has sold for years are great - but im not sure that i could squeeze 8 of those into the plug wire tube ….  Most Millers ran these Bosch magnetos - although their installation varied from owner to owner - team to team …




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