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A custom Bonneville VW fuel delivery truck serving the dry lakes racers...

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Over the years, I've built many lakesters, all members of my FLAT EARTH SOCIETY.

But, I realized that this fleet needed trackside refueling, so, why not deliver, even if the flats become soaked, as they are once in a while?

I started with a gluebomb junk bin Baja Beast VW van (heavily modified) and a Revell Patton 1/72 tank undercarriage (also modified). Front wheels & tires, horns, extinguisher and door handles from my parts box. Inverted bumpers. I saved the windshield with polishing, Future dip and inner black-out.

All the rest scratchbuilt: rear platform, gas tank, gaz nozzles & hoses & meters, roof light, rear stops & licence plate, etc. Various Craftsmart acrylics, weathered with the spray-net method, Testor's satin clear + Vallejo light rust wash, Molotow chrome. And countless Meng "nuts and bolts", fully rusted. 

Long live the salt!

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2 hours ago, misterNNL said:

Great inspiration project Claude. Lots of unique touches throughout plus the salty distressed finsh. Top shelf model from Top Shapes skunk works secret shop somewhere in the desert!

Hi Tom!

Happy you like it.

Now, if only my "secret shop" could, indeed, be in the Arizona desert. Alas, I'm in the middle of a snow desert, in the Great White North. The upside is it leaves me more time at the bench in the winter!


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13 hours ago, happy grumpy said:

What a cool looking contraption you came up with. You certainly have a knack to build very interesting subjects, this one is no exception. I like the tracks idea. 👍

Salut Mario!

I always try to find an different angle. But truth be told, I was inspired by a fellow modeler whose work I saw in a magazine. He put tracks under a stock medium blue VW platform "pick-up", and threw a tarp over the rear compartment.

But what I needed was a fuel truck, so, here we are!


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15 hours ago, alexis said:

Great save for a forgotten Glue-Bomb. I hope somebody can cross post this over at the Showrod Rally. Tom Daniels still drops in once in a while, and I know that he would be pleased to see this.

Fantastic Build, Sir!

Thank you Alan!

Since I did not have the box nor the instructions, I could not be certain if it was a  Tom Daniel design. But I take your word for it. Besides, most Monogram's original designs were his, so...


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