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Jared Roach

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My bench. Way too many projects.


I've looked at all the benches in this topic and while there are some really nice set ups, this one tops them all for the view alone. You have a nice big bench and set up but that view is beautiful. I stared at it for a good 5+ mins. Would distract me for sure but i think modelbuilder mark is right, provides a great deal of inspiration.

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Couldn't wait until Saturday... I just finished, mostly, my new paint/tool/supply caddy it has storage for 33 tamiya or Testors bottles of paint and I may add another row on the top step for 11 more. The shelves on the right hold 12 short cans of spray paint with more space available on the top shelf. Don't know what I am going to use that space for yet probably set the parts for the car I am currently working on up there or maybe built cars not sure yet I just set it up now


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I know it's not Saturday, but this is what mine looks like all the time because I don't build there much anymore. Most of my building is at the pooter desk or at work on break.

Although it's a lot more.....full, than this now. you can't see the floor anymore.

Kits in the garage.

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Thanks Charlie!!!!

Hey Steven I like your idea, not sure what it computes out to but I have six bicycles and my wife has two.

I wish my wife was a rider. Until Nick (10 year old son) started riding with me this year,all my riding buddies lived not in my house,LOL! We rode mostl road this year,but by June the 1st,I had 1,300 miles in this year already,and over 700 of em was with the Boy. He's ready,but nervous about "real mtn biking",but when I finish my 29"er SS project next month and when we find a decent trail-condition-day,gunna take a day to head to Blacksburg and ride wth him (Pandapas Pond trail-network,some of my favorite trails. Some of which ae perfect for him to get his feet wet-literally-as some of em aren't very technical but fast and flowy) :)

As for Workbench Saturdays,I actually have a kit on my mini-bench (no really,I'm serious!) inside the house (the new shed's uninsulated,it's winter,so...),no pics yet,but if I don't forget,I 'll soot and post some up before Monday hits :P

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