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Outrageous shipping charges!!

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Just to show you how some mail order businesses like to ream us on shipping charges, I purchased a Paasche H airbrush with a #5 head online last Saturday, cost me $27.00 for the brush, and $22 for shipping...not bad considering it was delivered yesterday. Now, I didn't realize that Paasche AB's weren't compatible with Badger air hoses, so I went back to the site to order an adapter. A $3 adapter,the cart notified me that shipping would cost $48!! Wow! $180 if i wanted it faster than 5-8 business days. I contacted them and asked if this was correct..couldn't be right, considering the AB's shipping cost was $22 bucks. I was told that it is indeed correct and that "Based on several invoices that we received from Paasche warehouse on shipping our orders to Canada we had to increase the shipping charge to Canada.". OK...Whatever that means. So I logged on to eBay, found the same adapter for $4.49 , with shipping costing me a whopping $7.97!! Delivery is roughly the same.

######...all I need is the part, I don't need it delivered in a gold lined box! Whats with these people, you'd think they have their own courier service!

Ok..I just wanted to share..and vent a little. Has anyone else here ever been expected to pay crazy delivery fees? Getting my purchase quick is nice..but if it means paying 10x the price of what I ordered to have it shipped..I can wait a while on delivery.


Thank you! :)

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it does get crazy out there with shipping charges. sucks really.

i see on ebay that prices fluctuate between sellers and some are in the same country.

i bought some kits with in the US and only 2 out of the 10 or so kits i bought, had the same amount charged on the package as it was on ebay. the rest charged anywhere from 2-10 dollars more. which means they didnt use the shipping method that they claimed would use. example: i tell you it's going to cost $15 to ship priority, well the shipping label says 2.84 regular postage, not priority..now that's BS.

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I hear you, Mike. Seems that there is a real discrepancy with shipping to us Northerners. Costs me $12.41 to ship a kit to the US (cheapest from the post office). Same kit shipping here from the US...just under $6...

Check a few sites online, and see the shipping within the US (FREE) and to Canada ($25) on a $3 item...Trouble is, buying within Canada isn't much better. We can be gouged within our own borders sometimes! My wife was trying to find something online, and she wanted to try to buy from a Canadian supplier. A supplier she found was shipping from Canada to the US cheaper than within Canada! Made no sense! It ended up being significantly less to buy from a US supplier, as the item, and the shipping were less, and the exchange was in our favour for a change!! Boggles the mind, don't it?!?!? ;):)

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I've had a few cases where friends in the frozen north were faced with outragous shipping costs, and I just don't understand it. I had friend on another forum looking for a tow truck bed from the Midnight Cowboy wrecker that lives in Edmonton, and I pointed on out on Ebay and he said the shipping cost was keeping him from buying it. It was $25 to ship to him, where shipping to me here in the states was $6! It was only about another $5 for me to ship the bed to him, and I had almost the same amount in a COMPLETE KIT shipped to me and the bed shipped to him than he would have had in just the shipping on a bed alone!

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one thing about shipping costs on ebay ,there is a reason for it

(not an honoust one but still)

plain and simple: ebay doesnt collect on shipping charges

so lets say they charge 3 % on the sale price

person A sells a kit for 25 dollars plus 5 dollars shipping

he ends up paying ebay 0.75 dollars

person B sells a kit for 5 dollars and chargers 25 dollars

he ends up paying ebay 0.15 dollars

in both cases the seller pays 30 dollars but if the seller CLAIMS to pay more for shipping ends up pocketing more

i know were just talking about 60 cents here but if the person in question sells 100 kits per year were talking a cool 60 dollars

(a DISHONOUST 60 dollars but still)

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one thing about shipping costs on ebay ,there is a reason for it

(not an honoust one but still)

plain and simple: ebay doesnt collect on shipping charges

so lets say they charge 3 % on the sale price

person A sells a kit for 25 dollars plus 5 dollars shipping

he ends up paying ebay 0.75 dollars

person B sells a kit for 5 dollars and chargers 25 dollars

he ends up paying ebay 0.15 dollars

in both cases the seller pays 30 dollars but if the seller CLAIMS to pay more for shipping ends up pocketing more

i know were just talking about 60 cents here but if the person in question sells 100 kits per year were talking a cool 60 dollars

(a DISHONOUST 60 dollars but still)

starting April 16th Ebay will start collecting on the shipping, which will make prices go up and when that happens, Ebay will be able to collect more. they say they are trying to fix the high shipping charges. i sell on Ebay all the time and this will cause me to quit them. you ask, how that will raise prices? well, with a higher Final Value fee, it means a seller will be actually paying Ebay on the shipping. thus higher product prices and lower shipping prices but, Ebay is making alot more. i am about done with them. been a member since 2002. they are just greedy and want to line the investors pockets :lol:

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starting April 16th Ebay will start collecting on the shipping, which will make prices go up and when that happens, Ebay will be able to collect more. they say they are trying to fix the high shipping charges. i sell on Ebay all the time and this will cause me to quit them. you ask, how that will raise prices? well, with a higher Final Value fee, it means a seller will be actually paying Ebay on the shipping. thus higher product prices and lower shipping prices but, Ebay is making alot more. i am about done with them. been a member since 2002. they are just greedy and want to line the investors pockets :lol:

That makes no sense. The shipping is between the seller and the buyer. Ebay should leave their grubby hands out of that transaction. Ugh... Their empire will fall eventually due to their own greed.

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Ok..I just wanted to share..and vent a little. Has anyone else here ever been expected to pay crazy delivery fees? Getting my purchase quick is nice..but if it means paying 10x the price of what I ordered to have it shipped..I can wait a while on delivery.

Why didn't you buy from a Canadian store?

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I used to buy from eBay all the time. Spent a lot of cash buying kits when I got back into it a few years ago. I stopped because most of the kits that interested me would only ship within the US, and the mint some people wanted for shipping. From time to time, I would purchase something with a high shipping cost because the item was only a few bucks. It was easy to see what they were doing, offering the item dirt cheap and making the difference up on shipping, which I was cool with. Charging $45 to ship an opened, $15 dollar kit though..nah, I'll do without. I was also considering selling a large portion of my ahem collection there as well but from what I've been hearing lately, is that they're no longer Seller friendly. I'll have to check out other options. I might even throw up a web site and list what I have, and ship via Fed Ex which is cheaper than using the post office. I traded kits with someone I bought from on eBay a few years back..Fed Ex charged me 30 something dollar to ship 15 boxed kits to Kentucky...post office would have charged more than $100

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That makes no sense. The shipping is between the seller and the buyer. Ebay should leave their grubby hands out of that transaction. Ugh... Their empire will fall eventually due to their own greed.

What they don't seem to realize is that they aren't the only game in town like they were back in the day...there's competition out there now..rather than increasing fee's to make more $$$, maybe they ought to ease up on them, to attract more sellers. I know I wont be selling my kits there.

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eBay is going to start collecting on shipping charges. They are attempting to close the high shipping, low selling loophole. Are they just greedy and trying to make money for investors? Absolutely. That is the whole point. That's the little thing called capitalism. Like it or not, eBay still has the biggest audience of buyers.

International shipping from US is relatively cheap for First Class International but offers no tracking or insurance. Priority is the next level up and that doubles the shipping cost. I have shipped quite a few kits to Canada and it should be about $7 USD for one kit (about 1 lb 4 oz).

Edited by Coyotehybrids
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Ebay is trying to cut out all the small one off item sellers. They are going more and more corporate and business friendly every time they update something. Heck ebay even said in one of their last corporate statements that they want to cut down on the amount of personal sellers and start just going for businesses. You guys wouldn't believe the discounts businesses get on Ebay and Pay Pal fees.

They are also trying to cut out the cheap items. Ebay doesn't want the 99 cent items posted anymore. Something you guys may not know is that Ebay has been kicking the idea around of not allowing listings for items less than 5 dollars.

Adding fees to shipping is going to do the exact opposite of what Ebay claims it will do. If they really wanted to clamp down on the high shipping fees they would start penalizing sellers who post high fees and do not ship as they say they will. Some sellers offer refunds when shipping is lower than estimated I try to use them. Ebay needs to make shipping refunds mandatory that would cut down on the high shipping rates.

Edited by ra7c7er
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Guys, I have a question on this online auction issue.

As you know, I have had eModelCars going for a few years now, and it has not really caught on.

I want to start an advertising campaign for it, but to do that, it will take some money to fund it.

So, here's the issue.

EMC has always been free, free to list, to post, free pics, to sell, buy, etc.

But, if I have to start paying for the advertising campaign, I'm going to have to start charging a fee.

Now, don't fall off the horse yet.

My thought is this.

eBay charges you a fee for everything you do, including burping.

I am thinking of only one fee, one time, when the item sells.

And it's only a dollar, $1.00

Does that sound reasonable?

Or should I make it a percentage of the final item?

Or, leave it alone?

If I leave it alone, I'm not going to spend the money on ad campaigns, I am not a Rockefeller, I'm just a nice feller, that lives on a rock...


Sorry to take over your thread, but it kind of fits, yes?

k, I pau...

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Guys, I have a question on this online auction issue.

As you know, I have had eModelCars going for a few years now, and it has not really caught on.


Let it die, Gregg. There are so few items listed there, it's not worth visiting for most people IMHO. The lack of fees is nice, and it's well set up, but it's essentially trying to compete with eBay, and that's a losing battle.

I love that you're trying to help people with emodelcars.com, but from a business point of view, it doesn't seem worth the investment.

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Sounds like a responsible charge to me.

Besides people seem to value things more when there is money involved.

Meant reasonable.

Edited by DRG
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Two points.....I can ship cheaper to Canada than some parts of the U.S. I live on one coast and shipping to the other is outrageous. Second point..... if the final value fee decreases to accomodate this change so the honest sellers aren't screwed I'm okay with it. What irks me is eBay sets the shipping costs for some items. I sold a couple of Nintendo DS games and I could only charge half of Priority Mail shipping.

Guess this is why I'm doing more trading than selling.



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Guys, I have a question on this online auction issue.

As you know, I have had eModelCars going for a few years now, and it has not really caught on.

I want to start an advertising campaign for it, but to do that, it will take some money to fund it.

So, here's the issue.

EMC has always been free, free to list, to post, free pics, to sell, buy, etc.

But, if I have to start paying for the advertising campaign, I'm going to have to start charging a fee.

Now, don't fall off the horse yet.

My thought is this.

eBay charges you a fee for everything you do, including burping.

I am thinking of only one fee, one time, when the item sells.

And it's only a dollar, $1.00

Does that sound reasonable?

Or should I make it a percentage of the final item?

Or, leave it alone?

If I leave it alone, I'm not going to spend the money on ad campaigns, I am not a Rockefeller, I'm just a nice feller, that lives on a rock...


Sorry to take over your thread, but it kind of fits, yes?

k, I pau...

Yes, it does fit..and honestly..i think you can get away with charging fee's. As long as it's reasonable and you don't have an eBay 'take the little guy for what we can' attitude, I cant see anyone bitching and screaming "I'm going to do my business on eBay!"

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Guys, I have a question on this online auction issue.

As you know, I have had eModelCars going for a few years now, and it has not really caught on.

I want to start an advertising campaign for it, but to do that, it will take some money to fund it.

So, here's the issue.

EMC has always been free, free to list, to post, free pics, to sell, buy, etc.

But, if I have to start paying for the advertising campaign, I'm going to have to start charging a fee.

Now, don't fall off the horse yet.

My thought is this.

eBay charges you a fee for everything you do, including burping.

I am thinking of only one fee, one time, when the item sells.

And it's only a dollar, $1.00

Does that sound reasonable?

Or should I make it a percentage of the final item?

Or, leave it alone?

If I leave it alone, I'm not going to spend the money on ad campaigns, I am not a Rockefeller, I'm just a nice feller, that lives on a rock...


Sorry to take over your thread, but it kind of fits, yes?

k, I pau...

I have not bought or sold on Emodelcars yet but I plan to for the sole reason of it being free. I don't really think you need to pay for and advertising campain. Just send a few emails to guys that run other boards and see if they will post links or let you put up a post about the site. I am sure the DPMCC guys wouldn't mind and BriansModelCars probably wouldn't either. Their is no reference to the MCM forums on the Emodel site so the other boards wouldn't have to worry about you snipping their members. You might want to try and contact a few dealers and see if they would post some stuff up (you could give out the info at the shows you go to). If you could get just one or two dealers to continuously post up on Emodelcars that would make a huge difference. You need more sellers with new stuff to bring in the buyers and with more transactions being made more sellers will come and bring the buyers with them.

Oh also you should contact places like Crazy Scale Auto and other photobucket based resin, decal, and aftermarket guys. Your site would give them a safer and more secure place sell their items and it would be free for them. It would also allow them to get their products to a larger audience.

Edited by ra7c7er
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