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1/12 69 Camaro ProMod


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Greg, what color and brand paint did you use on the valve covers?

Joe, they were sprayed with dark Gunmetal, then topped with Champaign Gold, both from Tamiya rattle cans. :)

It gives them a nice light goldish hue, quite similar to pics I've seen.

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Well, not a lot to add photo wise, but should have that sorted over the weekend. :)

Spent this morning re-making a heap of new decal artwork. (copied and pasted/re-sized in a Word doc.)

I received my new white decal sheets this week, so I sorted my decals into groups which would suit clear or white background....(I hope :lol: )

Printed out 3 sheets and they all look excellent so far.....can't wait to try them. ^_^

Also spent considerable time on the hat again.....

Been mentioned enough times as great advise by many, thought I'd better take it in...................."if it don't look right, re-do it....." :lol:

I had forgotten to add any kind of stem/fixture for the throttle cable.........DOH ! :rolleyes:

Well, one has been quickly fabbed up and glued in place.....Pics tomorrow/evening.................

Also have most of the AN fittings in place for the remainder of the injection plumbing.

Season's Greeting and Best Wishes to everyone, I hope it is truly magical and safe Christmas to all.

Thanks my friends

Greg :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Whilst working my way towards the top (and completion) of the motor, I thought I'd better decide on how I wanted to "connect" it all up...... :wacko:

I finalised a shaft for the butterflies, deciding in the end to file the back half off some 1/16 aluminium tube.

It had started out as filing 3 separate slots to slide the butterflies into, but the tubing gave way on the second slot, so I went with the cheaper alternative. :D

Once I had that decided and done, I turned to the linkage.

Shaped and chiselled from scrap stock, a lever for the top (scoop) and lower (fuel valve) were made.

RB-Motion rod ends and nut, along with some scrap stainless tube make the link.





Well, as the year draws to a close, and having 3 weeks annual leave up from this Friday, I sure hope to get heaps of progress in for you'll during the next few weeks.. B)

Wishing all my good mates here a truly wonderful and safe holiday season, enjoy your families, and build on.....

Merry Christmas guys. ;)


One master piece Brother. B)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, thanks so much Derrick, Bill, Mike, Bart and Rom. :)

Bart, only a non-pictorial update again, I'm sorry.... :( Had a real slump hear lately, with too many off-line things going on.

Couple of weeks ago, we (our area) experienced some of the worst flooding sinse 1974......It got pretty high around my neck of the woods.... :unsure:

And even though our house (closest to the river in our tiny town) was not affected, our whole town was placed on alert, as there were fears a dam may have breached.....

The dam is maybe 20 miles upstream, and we all had to be ready to evacuate, IF the situation got any worse....NOT a nice feeling. :mellow:

My poor old Mum, who still is with me, had never had such a thing happen in her 92 years. She was quite upset at the thought, as you can imagine....

What to pack, what to take, what to leave behind........Thankfully, we were among the lucky ones, as it never happened.

Other areas close by did get evacuated and many lost everything. :(

The worst part of our worry was that the first alert came at night....you have no idea how high the waters are, or how close. NO sleep that night.

They say that possesions can always be replaced......but it would take another 50 years to replace any of my model stuff... :lol: I was prepared to leave it all behind though,

instead just loading the car with clothes, valuables and important documents.....

Anyway, with that behind us, I HAVE worked on the Camaro this week.

Started fabbing up some rear end stuff, getting the 4-link set up, ready to add some bar work to the tail end. Then hopefully finish tidying up the main cage.

Also pulled the belt guard off the blower. It was a degree or 3 off, and the belt was going to rub. :angry: So that is getting modified.

AND, Jim (MicroNitro) is doing me the honour of making some bits....More on that later. ;)

Stay tuned guys......

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Guys, IF you saw where Greg lives, you'd understand his predicament! The guy lives in PARADISE!!!! I've seen pictures of his"hood" and let me tell yaz EVERYONE here would live there! To THINK that you might lose ALL your stuff would scare ME too,Greg. Thank God it all turned out well. Thankfully Mum is ok. My Ma is 89 and she don't move as smoothly as she used to, so I understand your predicament. GLAD it all turned out well! The Camaro is comeing along quite smartly there Bro. I KNOW wat you can do Bro, so jus let 'er RIP!!!! :lol::D;)

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Hey, thanks for the very kind words and wishes George. :) Yeah, was pretty nasty for a while.

Thank you too Dalton. :)

Well, as my luck goes...I had a heap of before and during construction pics of my seat. :)

Downloaded them to my 'puter this arvo, now I can't find them..... :angry: So these will have 'ta do.

This seat started life as a 1/12 Tamiya racing bucket, the old school style found in their Safari rally 240Z.

I chopped the front edge off, and added side boulsters to suit.

It will replicate (kind of) what a few guys are currently using in their ProMods these days...




I have smoothed most of the "seat" area and will hopefully add some carbon decal to it when done.

This is the "jig" I made up, for setting up the rear 4-link. Pretty basic, but it does the job as intended.



Gave the body another tweak over the weekend too.....thought I'd better try and get that done, before I get tempted into ordering a new 1/12 Camaro from Tim. :D

Need to save a few more $$ before that happens anyways..... :(

More as it happens.....and thanks for your support guys.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, thanks so much for keeping the support coming guys, your very kind words sure are encouraging. :)

This is only a quick non-pic update again..... :( though work has continued at a very steady pace.....

Been scratching up some shocks/struts. :)

Jim (MicroNitro) has some in "the works" as we speak, but I will keep those for the next 1/12 (TDR) build. ;)

And after seeing what Rom and Chuck have, a 1/16 may also come in to play at some point...........?? :rolleyes: B) :)

Thanks for hanging in there guys.

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Hey guys, finally...a real update. :)

I had a small package waiting for me when I got home from work yesterday..... :D Micro-Jim (MicroNitro) had made good his word. (insert 2 thumbs up emoticon)

Jim's machine work is impeccable.....very neatly turned, precise parts..As many of you all know already.

Each piece was bagged separately, in a special plastic bag...a nice touch. Brilliant !

I may still hold these for that next build....I think it only fitting that they grace a proper brass chassis build, hey..? B)

I made the coil from solder, it will get a coat of blue paint towards final assembly.



And the fronts as well....


Now that I have a physical 'part' (rear shock) to help with things....I started to get some action happening towards the tail......

The 4-link bars have been cut, glued and assembled.


And attached to the diff centre.....



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With it all pinned in place, it really looks like there's something going on here now. :)

Just a couple of different viewing angles, and one with the axle cones in place too. It don't fit on my jig with the cones in place. Doh ! :angry:




And I made a start on the wishbone.....this is #2 actually....the first attempt crashed and burned. :lol:


Now that the rear is connected, it will be time to start the rear most bar work. With the shocks bolted on, I'll have a workable zone to work within.

Setting up all the rear frame work is going to take time.....I can feel it. :unsure: But I want it to be right, and look correct too......So...........

To be continued. ;)

Thanks for stopping by, hope you'll like how it's coming together.....be it ever so slowly......



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Hey, thanks so much Tyrone, Dave, Derrick, Rick and Scott. :)

Ok, a little more detail regarding the front struts.

As mentioned, I think I'll hold onto Jim's lovely turned pieces for the next build.......So, this is what I have been working on for this one.

Front struts are made up from a couple of size styrene, with an aluminium tube in the very centre. 2 pieces actually, they slide beautifully inside one and other.

The smaller has a counter-sunk screw glued and inserted. This screw stops the whole thing from falling apart. Functional ?? Yes. :)

Also in pic you can see the top cap, cut from styrene and 2 small washers. I cut these from very thin foam, they are the bush cushions for the top mount.


Partially assembled, the top securing nut is also threaded to the centre shaft.


Almost fully assembled, just need to finally sort out the lower mount, plus some steering mounting points.


And test fitting the rear shock. Now that I have the working "height" available, the bar work is not far off.... ;)



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