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After talking to Romell tonight, we thought we would try something different for a little while.

Now when a member creates a new topic, they have the option to close that topic and therefore, they will be the only ones allowed to post any updates or new posts to that topic.

Now why would we want to do this?

Say for instance Joe Blow wants to show off his new Colonel Custard Chrysler Omni race car, but doesn't want to deal with, or listen to, all the snide comments, critics, sarcastic remarks, or other flame war starting responses.

Now, he has the option to close the topic and display his pride and joy.

If anyone starts a new topic or thread, directed at that person's said post/thread, then they will be dealt with, with no warning.

You play by the rules, or you lose your privilege to post here on the forum.

They are real easy rules to follow, a lot of it is common courtesy, and common sense.

If this new option does not work well, it can be turned off.

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Ya know there's an old Richard Jeni (Rest in Peace) bit that went something to the effect that everyone needs a English tails-wearing butler in their closet who could leap out at the last second and yell "MIIIIIIIIIIIIIISTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE" before you do something with disastrous results...

We'll play it as it lies because it's your sandbox, but I don't see how turning this forum into a series of giant vacuum bubble is helpful in the long run... :huh:

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Why would anybody want to post a build and not want feedback? To me it's all part of the learning experience. What if Joe Blow used a really neat part or a new procedure? How are we supposed to find out what that part or procedure is? We'd have to ask in a new topic/thread and get dealt with - with no warning. Doesn't sound good to me.

I guess an option could be to PM the original poster and ask the person to update their post to include additional information.

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I'm new to the forum, If i post my builds i know i would like some constructive feedback, If people can not handle constructive feedback then maybe they should not post there builds, But if people are making snide comments and starting a flame war in a thread and just plain being disrespectful, Then the mods should step in at that point and delete those certain posts and deal with that person. That is one of the many reasons for Mods on a message board. I understand what you are saying though and since it is an option for the person creating the thread to select it can't hurt to try it. Just my 2 cents. keep the change lol.

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I like it.

It's a sad state of affairs when we have to implement such rules... but, they have been earned. There have been so many warnings. Now, a more pro-active approach. It's a shame, and yet I can agree that this is necessary. Let it be a lesson to all.

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It's a good idea in theory, one of those other boards uses it, but I have not seen any member opt to use it.

And I see few here, at least the ones that that often have threads with much of the, ummm... I'll call it "action", NOT using it as they seem to crave the positive feed back. Maybe even revel in the mayhem?

It's when percieved negative feed back is posted that these issued arise. Looking forward to seeing if it works though Gregg.

So if the thread starter chooses to not use this new feature, can we assume they want other members to discuss his/her work? And we can do so without some of the overblown drama? And no, I am not taking it as open season either if they wish to receive replies.

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But it is now a matter of choice!

Whether the poster does not care for criticism or he just wants to post his work without praise it will be his prerogative. I seriously doubt that all will be doing this but it is nice to have a choice!

Especially given what we have seen in the past by a few that tend to get carried away when commenting on a build.

Think! Maybe they don't care one way or the other what people say about their build (I know I don't) maybe they just don't want to see or be the cause of bickering between others!

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Question- can the OP, after recieving one or more replies, then close the thread, halting further responses?

Simple answer, yes. I tried the on off feature after Gregg posted this on one of my WIP threads that is about 10 pages long, and it just toggles the "Topic is locked" and "Reply to this topic" buttons at the top of the screen.

I figure now with that type of knowledge, the "overwheming praise and glory" crowd will probably keep threads open until someone says something they don't like, then they'll lock the topic and go cry to mommy!

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I see this as a matter of choice. If you want to lock your own thread, you can.

If not, you don't have to.

I agree w/ comments that few will choose to lock. But, at least they have that choice.

When it comes to issues of choice, and personal freedom, I am always for it.

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Part of the probv

Part of the problem, though, Jon, as I see it, as that this could pretty easily be used as a tool for mischief and has the potential to create yet more drama. For example ... I open a topic, post a long rant about how badly I think Jon Cole sucks (and I don't think that, BTW; just making a point here ;) ) then lock the topic ... you then have no means by which to respond other than open ANOTHER topic about how badly Ken Hart sucks ... and on and on it goes ...

Besides, as I think someone else already mentioned ... why are you bothering to post in a public forum if you don't want feedback? The whole thing is just seriously nonsensical ...

Well Ken, according to what has been repeated by the powers that be it would most likely be deleted along with the posters account!

Same as those that would send profanity laced PM's!

Edited by Johnny
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Part of the probv

Part of the problem, though, Jon, as I see it, as that this could pretty easily be used as a tool for mischief and has the potential to create yet more drama. For example ... I open a topic, post a long rant about how badly I think Jon Cole sucks (and I don't think that, BTW; just making a point here ;) ) then lock the topic ... you then have no means by which to respond other than open ANOTHER topic about how badly Ken Hart sucks ... and on and on it goes ...

Besides, as I think someone else already mentioned ... why are you bothering to post in a public forum if you don't want feedback? The whole thing is just seriously nonsensical ...

Naaa! I think you're over-thinking it, Ken! But your response is appreciated!

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Once again, good to know that Johnny Holt, P.I., is on the case!

What does 'woth" mean, btw?

It was supposed to be with, I corrected that. Happy? ;)

Sorry it was too hard for you to figure out! :lol:

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Kinda like the little league games where no one keeps score so no one can be a "loser" or a "winner".

Gregg mentioned that "common courtesy" and "common sense" should prevail but sometimes it doesn't and a war ensues. Trying to force people to use either one can be quite the task.

I would think multiple topic posts on the same subject because someone locked theirs would only add to the problem of increased costs for Gregg to host this forum. Maybe this will be the beginning of a "toll road access" process for posting here?

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